big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1200 The domineering Queen Gongsun!

Chapter 1200 The domineering Queen Gongsun!
Qin Mo rarely makes money now, and it's up to the two sisters Li Yulan to take care of it.

He only knew a rough number.

Anyway, he has more money than Lao Liu.

The more you use, the more you earn.

He made a fortune from just a few battles to destroy the country.

In addition, when Li Xin came back from the sea, he would always leave a few ships of treasures for him. It was annoying to see such things as money.

However, Li Yue still has good intentions, and his support is not in vain.

I used to take it from him, but now I actually know how to give him money.

This account has been developed.

Qin Mo felt like he had reached the top of the list by playing a krypton gold mobile game.

Just as he was about to go back and lie down to rest for a while, Gao Shilian came again.

"Uncle, why are you here? Did my father call me again?"

"No, I've brought you something." Gao Shilian took his hand and said in a slightly complaining tone: "I heard that you have no money, you kid, why didn't you tell your uncle?
My uncle has no sons, and you are just a nephew. Why do you need so much money? Even if I give it all to you, I will be happy. "

"You're not here to give me money, are you?" Qin Mo scratched his head, "Who spread the word?"

"You still want to hide what you said in the palace from me?" Gao Shilian said: "I tell you, what you said today when you took the eighth prince, my people heard it, and Wang Gui's people also heard it. .

As a result, he turned around and told His Majesty. "

He told what happened, and Qin Mo snorted: "This bastard is really vindictive. He actually said that I encouraged him to spend money squandering money."

"How could your majesty believe him?" Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Although he didn't say anything bad about you, your majesty wouldn't be able to understand that little trick?
Your Majesty's money, the King of Yue's money, all come from you.

This time he shot himself in the foot.

No, His Majesty knew that you were out of money, so he asked me to bring over 100 million taels of silver from the treasury. You can use it first. If it’s not enough, my uncle still has 80 million taels. I’ll bring it over to you later! "

"Damn it, the iron rooster actually plucked his hair!" Qin Mo was extremely surprised. The iron rooster had always only plucked other people's hair, but today he actually plucked his own hair.

Gao Shilian smiled bitterly, but thinking about it, Qin Mo was not exaggerating.

Li Shilong was a man of great talent and strategy, but he was too afraid of hard times before, so he seemed a bit miserly.

I just like to pluck wool.

"Come on, take these cars to the backyard and move quickly." Gao Shilian summoned people from the Qin Mansion.

"Uncle, I am really not short of money."

"You kid, are you being polite to uncle?" Gao Shilian said: "Uncle will send you the money later. Use this money first. If it's not enough, uncle will think of a way!"
As for Wang Gui, watch out. If he dares to bully my child, I will kill him without a burial place! "

After saying that, Gao Shilian left, and Qin Mo couldn't catch up.

What are these things.

Qin Mo patted his mouth and said, "Let you talk nonsense, now it's okay, there is no place to put the money."

After thinking about it, I must lose this money quickly.

But how can we spend this money quickly and reasonably?


Nowadays, the roads are wide and flat. In the suburbs of the capital, there are roads connecting roads. In some villages, even the paths in the fields are roads.

do charity?
It is indeed a method, but his reputation is big enough.

Don't give yourself the reputation of being the boss again, it will annoy you to death.

What to do.

Big head!
Just when Qin Mo was worried, Xiao Liuzi ran over again, "Young Master, Emperor, Emperor."

"What's pornographic?" "The Queen is here!"

"Huh? Where is it?"

"It's right outside our door!"

Qin Mo slapped his thigh and ran out quickly, "Mother, why are you here?"

"Get in the carriage and talk!"

Queen Gongsun waved, "Don't disturb other people. I'll leave after saying a few words to you."

Qin Mo nodded and got on the carriage, where not only Queen Gongsun was sitting, but also Concubine Li and Liu Ruyu.

"Wei Chen has met Empress Li and Princess Yue!" Qin Mo quickly handed over his hand.

"They are all members of our family, so there is no need to be so polite," Li Fei said with a smile.

Liu Ruyu also avoided it, not daring to be greeted by Qin Mo.

"Sit down." Empress Gongsun took Qin Mo's hand and said, "Mother asks you, are you short of money?"

Qin Mo smiled bitterly, "Mother, I, I am not short of money. Lao Ba and my father just sent me money, that's enough!
I really didn’t lie to you, and it’s not that I’m embarrassed to ask you for money! "

"I know everything you said to Lao Ba in the palace. You taught me the right lesson. It's useless for him to ask for so much silver.

All efforts should be devoted to people's livelihood. "Empress Gongsun said: "Now that he is suddenly being held up by everyone, he has not fully adapted to it for a while, and it is inevitable that he will be in a trance.

It just means that you are there to remind him and let him know what he should and shouldn't do.

This is very good.

When the king returns, his mother has asked Feng Jin to warn him and give him a hundred slaps.

In this tone, the Queen Mother will do it for you.

These dogs, after barking for two days, dare to bare their teeth at their masters. "

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, "Queen Mother, you."

He was really surprised that Empress Gongsun, who had never interfered in such matters, actually made an exception for him.

"You dare to bully my son-in-law, he is not qualified enough!"

Empress Gongsun said domineeringly: "My mother-in-law and Lao Ba's mother-in-law are here today. Let me tell you clearly, don't say that Li Yue is not the emperor now, even if he really becomes the emperor in the future, if he makes a fool of himself or makes a mistake , you also scolded me severely.

Privately, even if you two brothers fight, Li Fei and I will not interfere. "

Li Fei also nodded, "Jingyun, I don't believe in others, but I believe in you."

They were both children who grew up under her nose. She and Li Yue were able to be where they are today, but it was all thanks to Qin Mo.

Liu Ruyu also said: "Brother Qin, don't worry, I will definitely support you."

"Mother, empress, sisters, you, you" Qin Mo was really moved.

Unexpectedly, Queen Gongsun would personally bring them over to express her stance on such a trivial matter.

This feeling of being taken seriously and treated as one of our own is really great.

"Most of the Queen Mother's money was invested in the association, but she also saved some private money, so the Queen Mother, Li Fei, Ruyu and the others pooled their money together and collected 50 taels, which was sent over later.

If that's not enough, go to the palace and find your mother, who will ask your father for it.

I dare not say too much, but a few hundred thousand taels is still no problem. "

Qin Mo didn't know what to say, but his eyes were a little red and his nose was a little sore, "Thank you, Mother, I, I really don't lack money. You should give this money to those who need it more!"

"You have been busy with state affairs in the past few years, and my mother is also busy with the association. I rarely see you, but seeing you rarely does not mean that I don't miss you.

Remember, if you are bullied, come to the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother will support you! "

(End of this chapter)

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