big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1201 Xiuying, I was wronged!

Chapter 1201 Xiuying, I was wronged!

Queen Gongsun left, and not long after, several carriages came over.

Qin Mo looked at the 50 taels of silver and sighed.

It's over, it's over, there's another 50 taels.

But the worries were not over yet. Dou Yiai, Chai Rong, Prince Heng's Mansion, Prince Chengjun's Mansion, Du Mansion, Cheng Mansion, and Xu Mansion all sent people over one after another.

"Fool, all my money was given to me to support my wife. There are 30 taels here. You use it first. I will go to those prodigal women to ask for the money and I will send it to you later."

This is Dou Yiai.

"Brother Qin, here is 30 taels. You also know the situation of my family. Most of the money was used by my father to support those people." Chai Rong said, "I will borrow more and send it to you later." !”

"Captain Prince Consort, my prince has sent us 40 taels of silver. If you don't say a word, please send it later!"

"Captain Prince Consort, the Du Mansion has little money. This is the money I have saved over the years. It is only ten thousand taels. Please accept it." These were the words of the steward of the Du Mansion.

"Captain Qin's Consort, my third young master knows that you are in urgent need of money, so he has collected 20 taels. You can use it first. If you don't have enough, let him go to the real estate sales shop." This is a person from the Xu Mansion.

After this group of people left, people from the Qin Merchant Association came over with 100 million taels of silver. They didn't say anything. They just said that 100 million taels was not enough. They would send another 100 million taels later.

No need to pay it back, just use it.

Qin Mo didn't even have a chance to talk.

This is not a big deal.

Qin Xianggui also came, bringing more than a dozen carriages, "Jingyun, here are 300 million taels of silver, money collected by the entire Qin clan.

There are as many as there are.

If you don't have enough, we are thinking of ways to raise 500 million taels.

The big deal is that if we sell some shops and houses, it will be a minor problem.

You are a person who does great things.

We Qin people don’t have much ability, just unity.

Even if you are poor or miserable, it doesn't matter, I just can't hold you back! "

At this moment, Qin Youde reminded: "Dad, there is still a development fund in the clan that can be misappropriated!"

"Oh, that's right, the clan also has a development fund of 200 million taels. How about we round up a round number of 500 million taels and make it 800 million taels together? It would be nice to talk about it!" Qin Xianggui said.

"Patriarch, no need, hurry up and take this money back, I'm not short of money." This time Qin Mo said nothing.

Qin Xianggui's face flushed with excitement, "Jingyun, do you think I, the patriarch, am useless because I haven't collected more money?
I know that pulling in 300 million is just a drop in the bucket compared to your investment in the Qin clan.

Give me a little more time, and I'll collect 1000 million taels for you.

Anyway, our Qin people used to suffer a lot haha.

Now I have no worries about food and drink, I have a house, a car, and land, and my life is hundreds of times better than before.

The worst case scenario is to tighten my belt and live a compact life for two years.

Three days, give me three days, I promise to deliver it to you! "

Qin Xianggui gritted his teeth and was extremely emotional. He was afraid that Qin Mo wouldn't let him go, so he left the carriage and ran away.

"Hey, wait a minute, why don't you drive away?"

"No, there's a bus and carriage ahead, it's just as fast!" Qin Xianggui's echo was heard in the distance.

Qin Mo went crazy, he had another 300 million taels too much.

Adding one piece to this is a total of 8801 million taels of silver.

How should he use it?
There’s simply no way to use it up!
"Make you talk too much!"

Qin Mo walked into the house and couldn't help but patted his mouth. Qin Xiuying happened to come over. Seeing this scene, she ran over and took his hand, "Child, tell me what happened.

Is it because your father is stuck and refuses to give you money again?

If you don't have any money, tell your aunt, why would you slap yourself in the mouth?

The money in our house is almost stinking.

Don't worry, when your father comes back from the palace, I will definitely teach him a lesson. "

After Qin Xiangru named 24 meritorious officials, Li Shilong gave him a new job and went to the Shaofu to supervise him.In charge of the five departments of Zhongshang, Zuoshang, Youshang, Weaving and Dyeing, and Smelting, as well as various smelting, coin making, and mutual market supervision.

This young governor has a heavy responsibility and must be trusted by his confidants.

In particular, casting money, also known as money supervision, is the top priority.

It is under the jurisdiction of the local government and the imperial court.

But in the capital, Li Shilong was directly under the jurisdiction.

And it is from the third level, which is only half a level lower than the six ministers.

Therefore, Qin Xiangru was very busy during this period. He had to go on duty before dawn every day, and there were too many trivial matters.

There was no time to care about Qin Mo.

"Aunt, it has nothing to do with my father."

"Don't excuse him, he just went to serve as a young man's supervisor. He felt uncomfortable, so he deliberately picked on you." Qin Xiuying said angrily: "You are still angry with your son at this age.

It doesn't matter if the family has no money, but it is still so harsh if the family has money.

How embarrassing is it for you to borrow money from others? "

Seeing Qin Mo excusing Qin Xiangru, she became even more angry, "Don't worry, I'll wait for my aunt's good news!"

After saying that, Qin Xiuying left.

Qin Mo scratched his head. Did Lao Qin go to prison in the Young Mansion?
How could he not know about this.

Lao Liu is such a thief. He took Lao Qin from the Price Bureau to the Shaofu Prison. This is a fat position.

Anyone who joins the industry and doesn't earn 10 taels a year is considered incompetent.

In the past, it was a position controlled by aristocratic families.

He still remembered that he had settled accounts for the imperial court in the past few years, and among them, the Shaofu Superintendent had a big blame.

Minting has always been profitable, but in the hands of aristocratic families, they suffered losses.

As a result, in the past few years of the Great Qian Dynasty, there have been very few coin mints. Most of the coins circulating on the market are large coins from the Northern Zhou Dynasty, and even large coins from the dynasties before the Northern Zhou Dynasty are in use.

Very mixed.

Daqian Tongbao is actually not that much.

"Okay, how about minting coins?"

Qin Mo touched his chin and said that minting coins was the right of the imperial court, but Lao Qin was the supervisor of the Young Mansion.

It's definitely okay to ask him to help.

Moreover, the money earned by then can be distributed proportionally at most.

He learned from it painfully that in the future, if Qin said he didn't have a woman, he couldn't say he didn't have money.

If you send a woman here, the worst thing you can do is your waist will be strained.

Saying you have no money is really ten times more uncomfortable than having your waist hurt!
That day, Prime Minister Qin was on duty and did not want to stay in the Yamen for a moment.

It's all Qin Mo's fault. He makes great achievements every day. He is already old and still has to shoulder important responsibilities.

I was planning to go home for a drink and scratch my elbow, but as soon as I got home, I was called over by Qin Xiuying.

"Xiuying, why did you call me here?"

Qin Xiuying didn't say anything and threw a washboard directly in front of him.

"Why is this?"

"You still have the nerve to ask me why?" Qin Xiuying said angrily: "Did you beat Mo'er again? Qin Xiangru, you are really good. If you are so unwilling to hold office, go find the emperor.

What's wrong with bullying children?
It's in the nest, right?
You see, you have wronged your child.

Our Mo'er needs face the most. Just because of you, he actually asked someone to borrow money in a low voice!
Is there a biological father like you? "

Qin Xiangru's head was buzzing, "Xiuying, I was wronged. When did I beat that bastard?"

(End of this chapter)

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