big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1203 Prepare to harvest leeks!

Chapter 1203 Prepare to harvest leeks!

When Yang Kaiping, the young eunuch of the Shaofu Supervisor, saw Qin Xiangru summoning hundreds of workers to make molds, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, "Qin Shaofu ordered, are you making molds to open a furnace to make new money?"

Qin Xiangru had long known that he would ask this question, so he said: "Next year will be His Majesty's fiftieth birthday, and I plan to mint new coins next year to congratulate His Majesty.

First get a mold and make a batch of sample money to show to Your Majesty. If it is feasible, we will start the furnace next year! "

Yang Kaiping slapped his thigh, "Look at me, I forgot about this."

Generally, on the tenth birthday of an emperor, coins would be minted to commemorate this grand day.

Moreover, this kind of coins are generally of good quality and of high value.

As expected of Qin Xiangru, his thoughts were right.

He leaned over and looked at the style diagram, and was stunned, "Is this new money?"


Yang Kaiping looked at the pattern carefully and said, "This is not a portrait of the Supreme Emperor and His Majesty. Do you plan to put the Two Saints on the coin?"

Qin Xiangru was a little tired of explaining, "Is there any problem?"

"If someone throws coins around, will it be disrespectful to the Two Saints?" Yang Kaiping said: "And this is money. If the Two Saints are combined with something that smells like copper, something big will happen."

He looked a little frightened. He didn't expect Qin Xiangru to be so bold.

This is a taboo thing.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand!" Qin Xiangru waved his hand, but felt a little happy in his heart, and suddenly understood Qin Mo's painstaking efforts.

Not only Yang Kaiping said this, but also the craftsmen were a little afraid when they saw the style drawings.

This is a good opportunity to make a mistake.

Minting is nothing to him. A few years ago, who didn't mint coins privately and fuse silver ingots and gold?

The silver ingots and gold bars in his family's treasury were gathering dust there.

"Order Qin Shaofu, think twice, if you want to mint coins as a commemoration, then that's it.

But if you open a furnace to mint coins, that would be a crime of disrespect! "Yang Kaiping advised: "There are thousands of people in the Shaofu Prison, but they all have young families."

"Whatever the crime is, I will take it upon myself. If you are afraid, just leave it alone." Qin Xiangru now firmly decided on the idea of ​​forging new money.

When Yang Kaiping saw that Qin Xiangru did not listen to the advice, he had no choice. He was a county king and a 24-year-old hero.

He Yang Kaiping is nothing.

But his ability to serve as a young prisoner also earned His Majesty's trust.

However, it is better not to have conflicts if you can afford them.

After all, Qin Xiangru is his boss, and it is never good for subordinates to overpower superiors.

Thinking of this, he decided to persuade Qin Xiangru.

The idea of ​​congratulating the emperor is good, but there are many examples of good intentions leading to bad things.

After two days of persuasion, Qin Xiangru finally gave up on him.

An angry Yang Kaiping flicked his sleeves and hurriedly entered the palace.

At this time, Li Shilong was reading the memorial sent by the Ministry of Revenue. It was already November. Unexpectedly, the Ministry of Revenue settled this year's grain tax and commercial tax nearly two months faster than in previous years.

And at a glance.

"This Gongsun Wuji really has a brush." ​​Looking at the numbers on the memorial, Li Shilong was in a good mood.

Just when he was about to call the heads of the Sixth Department to have a small meeting, Yang Kaiping came over. After the ceremony, Li Shilong looked at him and said, "You are not in Shaofu Prison, why are you here?"

"Your Majesty, I have my own report!" Yang Kaiping handed over his hand and told the story aggrievedly.

Li Shilong frowned when he heard this, "You said that Qin Xiangru printed both my portrait and the portrait of the Supreme Emperor on coins?"

"Yes, not only that, but also the Queen and Princess Jing'an!" Yang Kaiping said: "I have been admonished by the ministers for a long time, but it is difficult to persuade Qin Shaofu's order.

If this coin is fired, it will definitely make the already complicated coin market even more chaotic.

Your Majesty, please take a closer look! "

What kind of trouble is this Qin Xiangru?Daqian Tongbao is not called Daqian Tongbao, it is called Datou or Xiaotou. How unpleasant it sounds.

How can anyone put his own portrait on coins?

Doesn't this tarnish his glorious image?
Seeing Yang Kaiping's sad and angry look, Li Shilong stood up and said, "Let's go to the Young Mansion Prison to see what kind of thing Qin Xiangru is doing!"

Soon, Li Shilong came to Qian Jian, the Shaofu Jian.

It's very hot here.

After a large amount of silver was purified, it was mixed with other materials in proportion. The silver liquid fell into the mold, and then a steam engine was used to press it, and a complete coin was produced.

Qin Mo's 8801 million taels of silver (and copper coins) were all melted down at this moment.

With the help of steam engines, coins were minted very quickly.

Qin Mo held a Li Xiaotou in his hand and blew on it.

The silver dollar buzzed, "It's done!"

Qin Xiangru looked at the extremely exquisite coins and said, "This coin will definitely defeat the Great Zhou Tongbao."

"Of course!" Qin Mo said: "In future development, currencies must be unified, otherwise it will be inconvenient for development."

In fact, compared to Li Datou and Li Xiaotou, those small amounts of currency are the main force.

However, it is too difficult to carve.

Empress Gongsun and Princess Jing'an are better. The miniature sculptures of 24 heroes must be made with the help of a magnifying glass.

Even the master with the best carving skills in the Shaofu Prison would take more than ten days to complete.

Round, made of copper plated with silver.

The angles are about the same, with zinc and nickel added.

Qin Mo did the math, one Li Xiaotou, the profit was 50%.

As for Li Datou, the profit is about the same.

It’s not that Qin Mo won’t add tin, that way the profit will be higher.

The result is severe inflation.

Official casting is not as good as private casting, the materials have shrunk, and the people are not stupid.

Take the Han Dynasty in another world as an example. Every time the finances were tight, large amounts of money and small money were minted in large quantities.

Taking five baht as an example, the profit remains at about 20%.

As for Wang Mang Liuquan, the highest profit is 400%+. I wonder if you are afraid.

The one produced under the supervision of Emperor Suzong of the Tang Dynasty was a fifty-fold round of Qianyuan coins, with a profit of 800%+.

With such high profits, who wouldn’t be greedy?
Those people don't risk beheading their heads to mint coins like crazy?

They don't want 800% profit, but only 600%, which is enough to be more attractive than Guanchu.

The reason why the profit of Qinmo coinage is high is that the fire consumption is reduced, coupled with technological progress, the production is exquisite and it is very difficult for private individuals to imitate.

Moreover, the proportion of coin materials is also kept confidential.

Compared with the miscellaneous coins on the market, the new coins are much better.

It's not that easy to defend against them.

Qin Mo wanted to force them to take out the gold and silver hidden in the ground.

Otherwise, just wait to be harvested.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn't help laughing.

At this moment, Li Shilong arrived.

Looking at the mountains of coins in front of the father and son, Li Shilong suppressed his anger and said: "Qin Xiangru, you are so brave, you actually minted coins privately, have you ever asked me for my opinion?
And you, Qin Mo, who asked you to come to such an important place as Qian Jian? What on earth do you two, father and son, want to do? "

Qin Xiangru glanced at Yang Kaiping, understood everything, and said quickly: "Your Majesty, I know that I was wrong, and I beg your Majesty to punish me!"

(End of this chapter)

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