big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1204: Qin Mo was fooled!

Chapter 1204: Qin Mo was fooled!
Seeing Qin Xiangru admitting his mistake so straightforwardly, Li Shilong was furious and snorted: "You must be punished, please explain clearly first!"

Qin Mo said: "Father, the coins are made with my silver, not the money supervisor's materials!"

Li Shilong frowned, "Isn't it the material of Supervisor Qian?"

"Yes, I was short of money two days ago. Didn't you and Laoba give me silver? I just wanted to mint coins." Qin Mo explained.

"You are short of money, so you mint coins?" Li Shilong stepped forward and kicked him, "Damn it, you two, father and son, actually decided to make official coins.

Do you want to die if you use public tools for private use? "

Gao Shilian also smiled bitterly, not knowing what this ancestor was up to.

"What kind of official weapon is it for private use? Father, you have wronged us!" Qin Mo said aggrievedly, covering his buttocks: "My father said that Daqian's coins are too complicated to settle and carry.

It was not conducive to development, so I asked if there was anything I could do.

Besides, we are not stupid. If we really want to mint coins, how can we come to the money prison? Isn’t it better to mint coins at home? "

Hearing this, Li Shilong looked at Yang Kaiping from the corner of his eye and made a gesture. Gao Shilian picked up the big and small heads on the ground and handed them to Li Shilong.

These gold and silver coins are quite valuable to buy and are very beautifully made.

The coin is Hunyuan, with a dragon pattern on the side and a portrait of the father and son on the front, which looks particularly majestic.

On the back of the gold coin is engraved the Wude gold coin, and on the back of the silver coin is the Longjing silver dollar.

There are even small prints to mark the time.

Also printed with the Daqianlong flag.

These complex elements blend together without conflicting.

As soon as he got his hands on it, Li Shilong fell in love with this coin.

"Tell me why the coins are cast like this." Li Shilong said with a cold face.

"Father, it's too hot and noisy in here, let's go out and talk!" Qin Mo said.

Li Shilong quietly left the workshop and entered the Shaofu Prison. The supervisors from other prisons also heard about it and stood guard outside the door, not daring to go in.

"Tell me why you minted coins without permission!" Li Shilong said.

"Father, I am here for my father's birthday next year, and I am also preparing to give you a surprise.

Second, as my son-in-law just said, it is to unify the currency market and severely crack down on the harm caused by private coinage to the market.

This was to save the court from losses. "

"Then why do you want to print the portraits of the Supreme Emperor and me on the coins without authorization?" Li Shilong said: "Do you want me to be laughed at by everyone?"

"My son-in-law has no such intention." Qin Mo said: "Father, the territory of Daqian is so large that many people will never have the opportunity to come to Daqian in their lifetime.

Naturally, I couldn't pay homage to my father and old man.

But if the portraits of the father, the old man, and the mother are printed on the coins.

Then everyone in Daqian can look up to their father.

Not only will they not laugh at you, but they will make everyone feel grateful.

And it can also allow future generations to remember the great achievements of their father and the old man! "

Li Shilong's expression softened a lot after this flattery, but Qin Xiangru felt something was wrong.

There is a problem, isn’t it a mistake?
If Qin Mo continues to explain like this, it will become a success.

He coughed a few times, but Qin Mo seemed unaware and continued: "Father, isn't this a good thing?
My father also wanted to give you a surprise, but he couldn't use the materials from the imperial court, so he borrowed the money for the sake of his father and to satisfy my father. "

"You bastard, what are you talking about?"

Qin Xiangru was furious, "I didn't!"

"Father, please stop pretending. Now that Emperor Father knows, this surprise cannot be given." Qin Mo sighed: "Let's just explain."

"You, you, you" Qin Xiangru slapped his thigh, he was fooled by this brat! "Xiangru, is this what Jingyun said?"

"Your Majesty, minister, minister." Qin Xiangru was about to cry, "I didn't think so much!"

"I understand." Yang Kaiping also said that the reason why Qin Xiangru minted coins was for his fiftieth birthday.

It seems so.

Thinking of this, Li Shilong was not so angry anymore. Instead, he felt that it was too reckless for Yang Kaiping to come and make a report without investigating clearly.

Qin Mo's money was collected together by everyone, and he also had a share in it.

No wonder Qin Mo asked for so much money, it turned out to be a surprise for him.

He said that no matter how stupid the Qin family's father and son were, they would never be able to use a public weapon for private use in such an upright manner.

Feeling Li Shilong's displeased gaze, Yang Kaiping shrank his neck, and his back was soaked with cold sweat.

Damn it, you fucking used your own materials, you told me earlier.

Isn't this tricking him?

Legend has it that in the past two days, there were rumors in the capital that Qin Mo was borrowing money from everywhere, probably just for this matter.

Oops, this is good, you shot yourself in the foot!
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I think I can use you and the Supreme Emperor."

Li Shilong waved his hand and interrupted Yang Kaiping, "This coin is good and very exquisite, but I don't know how much profit it will make?"

"I'll report it to my father, and I'll get [-]% of the profit!"

"So high?" Li Shilong frowned. His profit from Longjing Tongbao was only [-]%.

In fact, he had ordered the furnace to be opened before when the court was short of money. At that time, the profit was more than doubled.

At first, he was quite happy, thinking that the court was rich.

But what followed was a large amount of private coinage. These money dealers minted a large amount of coins for profit, so that money could not buy anything at all.

Instead, a lot of money was poured in.

Later, Li Shilong quickly stopped and redesigned to maintain the gross profit between [-]% and [-]%, and then stopped.

After that, Li Shilong rarely opened the furnace.

Either the imperial court really couldn't get rid of the pot, so it started minting coins.

“Well, because of the new technology, the fire consumption is reduced, and the new alloy formula is used, which reduces the cost.

Moreover, the technology we use to mint coins is not available to private individuals, and it would be difficult for them to imitate it.

When the time comes, put the money in the bank and let them exchange it for inferior coins, and we will recycle and smelt it.

Then gradually abolish the use of old coins, and within a few years, the currency system will be completely unified.During this period, it will bring no less than several million taels of income to Daqian every year.

Now that Daqian's business is developed, the demand for coins will be greater and greater in the future. The existing currency system is not enough to support the development of Daqian.

Innovative currency is imminent! "

In fact, casting money is a sure profit. For example, if you cast a thousand coins and the cost is [-], then the profit will be [-].

The reason why Li Shilong got away with it before was because the aristocratic family was behind it.

They control the minting of coins with one hand and purchase with the other, making money on both ends.

Therefore, the imperial court loses at least one million taels every year, and the profits are worse than the losses.

Li Shilong nodded. This coin is indeed exquisite. It is not cheap to imitate. If they want to make money, they must increase the cost.

As long as the cost is increased, the court will always make a profit.

(End of this chapter)

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