big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1208 It’s all taught by my brother-in-law’s teacher!

Chapter 1208 It’s all taught by my brother-in-law’s teacher!

Seeing Li Shilong's anger, Li Xuan not only did not admit his mistake, but instead said dissatisfiedly: "Father, I finally thought of a feasible way to use an internal combustion engine. It would be better for you to call someone over in a hurry, even if you don't come.

The result is great, but the inspiration is gone. I have been working on this for several months! "

He was no longer interested in steam engines, and all his attention was on the internal combustion engine and the car painted by Qin Mo.

Including the electricity Qin Mo mentioned, those are the goals he intends to conquer.

However, now that Qin Liao is conquering electricity, he doesn't have much time to deal with internal combustion engines.

So he volunteered and took over the project.

"Do you know how much money has been invested in this project? From last year to this year, a total of 120 million taels of silver.

Do you know how stressed I was? I just held my breath and wanted to give my brother-in-law a surprise.

My brother-in-law teacher once said.

99% of hard work plus 1% of talent can achieve the future, and sometimes 1% of talent is better than 99% of hard work.

Who knows when I’ll next be inspired?
If not, then all the more than 100 million taels of silver in the early stage will be in vain, do you know? "

The more Li Xuan talked, the more excited he became, but Li Shilong didn't know how to answer the question.

"You, you, do you blame me again?"

"Father, I don't blame you, I'm just explaining the facts clearly. If nothing happens in the future, don't come to me.

If I have any breakthrough, I will definitely come to you.

Don't bother me with those political matters.

That's not what I was born to do.

I'm not interested either.

You can just let the mynah do this kind of suffering.

He is more suitable for this.

I can't.

With this time for intrigues, I might as well take more time to sleep and rest, delaying my research and development of internal combustion engines and revolutionizing the world. How big a sin is that?
Will being an emperor give me a sense of accomplishment while doing research with me?

You see, Dean Qin Liao and I made a steam engine. What was the result?

All walks of life have changed.

If I build the internal combustion engine, it is no exaggeration to say that it will completely replace the war horse, and from then on Daqian will enter the industrial revolution society.

Don't ask about industrial revolution and society. It's very troublesome for me to explain. How about we stop talking here today? "

Li Shilong's face turned blue and white.

This bastard is really good.

Teach him to do things.

In the side hall, everyone looked at Qin Mo in unison.

Qin Mo said embarrassedly: "Old man, I have neglected to discipline this child. Although he has some research results, he is too impatient.

I'll try to reason with him later, and I won't! "

Li Yuan waved his hand, "Sixteen is still good, but he is too selfless in his research. However, what he did, like Fifteen, was for the country and the people.

In this way, he can be considered a formal entry.

Because I understand, I am obsessed with it. I don’t know how many times better than those who talk empty talk.

He knew that the research effort was too much, so he became anxious.

Inspiration is interrupted, so he becomes angry and anxious.

This is also human nature. "

Li Yuan stroked his beard and was very satisfied with Sixteen, "Didn't you say that hard work will make a country prosperous, but empty talk will harm the country?

This kid is practicing this sentence personally. "

Those who support the new law can’t help but nod.

Ji Zhisheng on the side also sighed secretly.On this point, the Ji family's theory is still not as good as the new one.

For those who are new to learning, their words and deeds will bear fruit.

Be kind.

In just a few years, it has swept the world and become the favorite theory of young people.

What do young people represent?
"You, you, you, do you think so little of you?" Li Shilong was furious. The Emperor Ninth Five Supremes, when it came to Li Xuan's mouth, he was like a god of plague, avoiding him.

"I don't know about others. Anyway, I don't want to be an emperor. The dogs would shake their heads!!!" Li Xuan said bluntly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Qin Mo smiled awkwardly and quickly drank tea to cover up his inner panic.

Damn it, it works.

I just thought about this in my mind, but I actually said it out loud.

And he said it in front of Lao Liu.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Damn it, won't Lao Liu take the blame for this on him when the time comes?

At this time, Li Shilong's breathtaking laughter came from the main hall, "Haha, even a dog doesn't want to be the emperor? But he was taken over by you and me, right?"

Li Xuan felt a chill on his back and took three steps back. Knowing that he had said the wrong thing, he gritted his teeth and said hurriedly: "My brother-in-law teacher said, father, if you want to blame, you can blame my brother-in-law teacher."

He was so smart that he passed the blame to Qin Mo. When the time came for his father to go find him to settle the score, he perfectly dodged the disaster.

"Oh, it turns out it was that bitch who told you!" With a look from Li Shilong, the warrior guarding the door closed the door of Tai Chi Palace directly.

Li Xuan stepped back repeatedly, "Father, I won't let you do this. I'm really not interested in this, so just let me go!"

Li Shilong held the belt in his hand, wrapped it twice, and then straightened it, making a 'snap' sound, "Sixteen, come to Father, Father will show you something good!"

Li Xuan was confused, "Father, my brother-in-law taught me this. If you want to hit my brother-in-law, it has nothing to do with me."

Qin Mo's face turned green.

He is truly a good apprentice and student of his.

Learned all his essence.

"Of course I will go find him, get over here!"

Li Shilong had someone catch Li Xuan, and then beat him with his father's belt. Li Xuan screamed, "Oh, my mother-in-law."

After Li Shilong was tired of smoking, he said: "Okay, you are the one who said that the emperor is not worthy of being a dog. Don't regret it in the future!"

"If you don't regret it, whoever regrets it is the bastard!"

Wang Gui gritted his teeth, he was shot even while lying down!
It must have been taught by that bitch Qin Mo.

When he thought of this, he was so angry that his teeth itched.

Li Shilong snorted coldly, "Get out."

Li Xuan cupped his hands and limped out of Tai Chi Palace.

It was an unreasonable disaster. Who did he offend just by doing a study?
So bullying!
My brother-in-law's teacher must have made a mistake again recently, so my father deliberately called him over to get a good beating.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Forget it, it's not like you're getting beaten for someone else.

Li Xuan sighed and left the palace.

At this time, the screen in the side hall was removed, and Li Yuan slowly walked towards the main hall, followed by a group of people.

Li Shilong hurriedly came down to help Li Yuan, "Father, did you hear this in the side hall? These two useless things are just mud and cannot be supported on the wall!"

"I heard it, did you all hear it clearly?" Li Yuan asked everyone.

Everyone had strange expressions, and Qin Mo shouted: "I heard it, the fifteenth prince and the sixteenth prince have extraordinary knowledge, serve the country and the people, and are willing to devote themselves to scientific research. It is a great blessing!"

(End of this chapter)

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