big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1209 The final test!

Chapter 1209 The final test!

Everyone had toothache, Qin Mo was so shameless.

Shi 56 are all his students. He must have taught Shi 56 like this to pave the way for Li Yue.

Now let’s talk about serving the country and the people.

It’s almost like you have to build a memorial arch when you become a sister.

But there is no way, Li Shilong did something like this today, it is already obvious.

Just to push Li Yue up.

Li Daoyuan stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the fifteenth and sixteenth princes have great ambitions, which is really admirable.

As the fifteenth prince said, having enough food and clothing is an achievement that Da Qian achieved with great difficulty.

But now there is also a bottom line, and someone has to guard this bottom line.

The sixteenth prince was gifted with extraordinary talents. He showed superhuman talents in the way of studying things to achieve knowledge, which was a great blessing for him.

The steam engine is already incredible. I really don’t know how amazing it will be after the internal combustion engine comes out. "

Qin Mo sighed, it was not that easy to get an internal combustion engine.

It's okay to ask him to draw a simple steam engine, but for an internal combustion engine, he needs to burn incense and worship Buddha.

But sixteen is still young, not even close to the crown.

The future holds infinite possibilities.

Qin Mo felt that his dream of using one hand to pull the law and touch the big white leg could be realized by Shiliu.

Du Jingming also said: "Your Majesty, the two princes are unwilling to go further, which shows that they do not have this ambition.

The same rice can feed hundreds of people. As everyone discussed before the new law was reformed, some people can be good kings, but they may not be good emperors.

Regardless of whether the two princes are talents, they must be adults.

Now, the two of them have already achieved their own glory on their own paths, so why force it on them?

If you try to force the seedlings to grow, the results may not be satisfactory.

Moreover, when the three brothers were supervising the country, they also had a deep brotherly love, and everyone saw this.

It is rare for brothers to be humble.

Your Majesty should be happy.

I would also like to congratulate Your Majesty for cultivating two wise kings for Daqian! "

Otherwise, he is the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and it seems that he is not flattering, but in fact he is praising Li Shilong in a roundabout way.

It only took away the trace of sullenness in Li Shilong's heart.

"Hey." Li Shilong shook his head helplessly, "Father, please go to the side hall again. The old man will be here in a while. I still have something to ask him.

Let's all listen together to see if Lao Ba has made any progress! "


Everyone was very happy. As long as Li Yue didn't say anything wrong, this matter would be a sure thing.

Everyone returned to the side hall again, and not long after, Li Yue arrived.

He was at home with his wife and children. Queen Deshan had maliciously spread rumors about Liu Ruyu, and he found a way to catch the person who caused the trouble.

Just cut it down.

If you dare to slander Liu Ruyu, the Huangluojin clan is completely doomed.

He was planning to go to Qin Mo to see how to kill Queen Deshan and vent her anger on Liu Ruyu.

Unexpectedly, someone came to the palace.

He didn't know what his father wanted him to do now.

Entering the Tai Chi Palace, Li Yue bowed down and said, "My son, I will see my father."

Li Shilong was holding a book in his hand, looking presentable, "Here you come? Gao Shilian, give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Yue sat upright, with his back straight.

"The person who spread the rumors has been caught?" "Father, I have already brought them to justice and handed them over to the people from the six gates for interrogation."

"Who is the chief ambassador?"

"Queen Huang Luo!" Li Yue said solemnly: "This woman is very scheming and wants to establish a career. The people of Huang Luo are worthless in her eyes. All she cares about is her own glory and wealth!"

"What should you do?" Li Shilong asked.

Li Yue's heart tightened. He hadn't figured out how to deal with this matter yet. He didn't expect that his father called him here for this matter.

If he said he hadn't thought about it, he definitely couldn't do it.

Then there aren't many choices.

Or take the opportunity to warn Queen Huang Luo to extract more benefits.

Or, take the opportunity to get rid of Queen Huang Luo as a warning to others!

The former is too scheming and timid, while the latter is too murderous.

There are pros and cons.

But in front of his father, he definitely couldn't think for too long. He just pondered for a while and replied: "This woman has a deep mind. If her wish is granted, I'm afraid she will feel that she is playing with her son. .

If you marry into a family, it will definitely be difficult to maintain harmony in the family.

She goes to great lengths for her own gain and should be severely punished.

It's not impossible to take the opportunity to kill her, but doing so will inevitably make those subordinate subjects feel sad and feel that I have no capacity to do so.

It will be even more difficult to carry out the work of Jihe and Shidan in the future.

Queen Huang Luo also calculated this point accurately and did this.

Therefore, Erchen felt that she should be warned severely and her wings should be clipped so that she could not stand alone.

Marry her elsewhere.

It not only shows that I am fair and tolerant in dealing with things, but I can also take advantage of the opportunity to knock Queen Huang Luo and eliminate potential dangerous factors! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the side hall couldn't help but nod.

"Yes, I am both strict and gentle, taking the overall situation into consideration, but not letting the subordinate ministers think that I can be bullied!" Li Daoyuan praised.

"This method is very good. The Princess of Yue must not be humiliated and her reputation must not be destroyed. She must be severely punished!" Gongsun Wuji said.

"Everyone says there is a good way, but who will marry such a scheming woman?" Qin Mo asked back: "Isn't that harmful to others? If this woman has any evil intentions, wouldn't it be? Disaster?

Can't keep it! "

Cutting weeds but not rooting them out, they grow again when the spring breeze blows. Most people can't live with this kind of woman.

Just like Zhou Mingyue, this kind of people are not satisfied with the status quo.

And her identity is here, if she marries someone else, she must be the official one.

"Qin Mo, you have to think about it carefully. What I am saying is that she is also Queen Huangluo. Moreover, she destroyed Wanji and took the lead in conquering it. She still deserves credit." Yu Boshi said: "Your Majesty, Ji He, Shi Dan If you have an idea, you must do it well.

The method of the King of Yue can be regarded as the best of both worlds. "

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, Lao Yu, let your Majesty marry Queen Deshan into your family later!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Why, don't you dare?"

"Let's just talk about it, what does it have to do with me?" Uncle Yu puffed his beard angrily and glared.

"You know a basket, isn't it Jihe, Shidan? When Nanfan returns to Qiang, a ceremony will be held. See if they dare to talk nonsense." Qin Mo snorted: "In front of the inducement, there are also threats. Words, our body was shaken, these two little Karami, why don't you bow before you surrender?

If that doesn't work, let the military ministers go over for friendly visits and exchanges.

Some things don't necessarily require our intervention.

Military Minister is a very good candidate! "

Everyone was speechless for a moment, but when they thought about it carefully, what Qin Mo said really made sense.

In fact, Li Yue's answer was correct, but he still didn't understand Li Shilong. He didn't understand at all how arrogant Lao Liu was now!

(End of this chapter)

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