big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1210 Loyalty and Foolishness!

Chapter 1210 Loyalty and Foolishness!
Lao Liu has been living in poverty for so many years, why?
Don’t you just want your descendants to straighten their backs?

Li Shilong was just as Qin Mo said. Although he was satisfied with Li Yue's answer, he still lacked a bit of domineering.

Huang Luo is nothing.

The reason why she was possessed was not because Gao Li was killed by Liu Chenghu.

It was a helpless choice, and anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

Now that the case has been investigated, we can just get started.

But the plan he mentioned was probably his own idea.

When you are an emperor, you still have to take the overall situation into consideration.

Li Yue caught the disappointment in Li Shilong's eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.

Did you say it wrong?
"It's a solution that has the best of both worlds. Let me ask you, who are you going to pledge your virtues to?"

"This" Li Yue said: "Father, please make the decision!"

"Hmph, you know how to play Cuju, and you kicked the ball back to me with one kick. You came up with the method yourself, and you let me do it?
I didn't learn any other skills from following Qin Mo, but I learned a lot about pushing! "Li Shilong snorted.

Li Yue smiled awkwardly.

Qin Mo in the side hall looked unconvinced, "You just know how to pull me over."

"This kind of virtue is not a good thing. Ordinary people can't stand it." Li Shilong said: "It's not good to promise it to anyone!"

"My son, I didn't think about it." Li Yue didn't expect that his own method still failed to reveal Li Shilong's heart.

"It's just a woman. Too many calculations will lead to failure. There are some things that you don't need to take action yourself." Li Shilong reminded again.

Li Yue said with a look of shame: "My son, I would like to accept the teachings of my father!"

Yes, it would not sound good if he, a powerful prince, plotted against the queen of a small country.

A superior person needs to know how to make good use of others. Sometimes he just needs to let the rumors out, and the subordinates will figure it out.

Some things can be said from the servant's mouth, but not from his mouth.

So the best answer should be that six doors have been authorized and given full responsibility.

There is no need to say the following words.

Seeing that Li Yue knew where he was wrong, Li Shilong nodded. That's what he was good at. He knew his mistakes and could correct them.

Although it lacks some of the aura of overlord, what is not innate can only be developed in the future.

"It's been a while since I returned to Beijing, and I haven't had a chat with you alone. You've done a good job in supervising the country these days. Tell me, what reward do you want?" Li Shilong asked.

Li Yue said quickly: "My father asked his sons to supervise the country, which is already a sign of trust. He does not seek merit, but seeks no faults. Without the help of Shi 56 and the help of all the courtiers, we would not be here today.

If you want a reward, it would be better to reward 56 and all the ministers.

Furthermore, how can I reward my sons and ministers for doing things for my own family?
Therefore, I don’t want anything, because this is my duty! "

Li Shilong had a smile on his lips, but it quickly faded away, "Ten 56 is indeed gifted. Fifteen knows farming and can help farmers increase their income.

He has a kind-hearted and calm temperament. He can bend down to the fields and mingle with the farmers, but he can also hide his identity and become brothers with ordinary people and students.

He can also assist in political affairs, so he is my right-hand man.

Sixteen, there is a great gain in studying things to achieve knowledge.

Steam locomotives and steam ships are important weapons of the country.

He could stand the loneliness and concentrated on his research. Like Shi Fifteen, he mingled with the masses and was worthy of being called the wise king of Daqian. "

Hearing Li Shilong's praise of his two brothers, Li Yue also nodded and said with emotion: "What I learned in the fifteenth and sixteenth years corresponds to the words on the stone tablet in front of the Royal Library.

He is not as good as a son or minister! "

"Then who do you think is more suitable to take over my class?" Li Shilong asked deliberately.

Li Yue's head was buzzing and he was confused for a moment.

Everyone in the side hall took a breath.

Good guy.

Murder is heartbreaking.

Qin Mo was speechless.

This old man is too cruel.Isn't this a stab at Li Yue's heart?
Although Li Yue didn't have any great talents or strategies, he was diligent and conscientious. Everyone subconsciously thought that Li Yue was the one who took the top position.

Even if he was not in the main hall, he could still imagine that the expression on Li Yue's face at this time must be wonderful.

This test is too harsh.

Not easy to answer.

He was afraid that Li Yue's head would twitch and he would be unable to react and say something he shouldn't have said.

That's really all the work was wasted.

Li Yuan was calm, drinking tea and holding Qin Moxin's Water Margin in his hand, reading it with gusto.

Gongsun Wuji immediately understood what Li Shilong meant.

This was to see if Li Yue could tolerate others.

What is Li Shilong most afraid of?
Naturally, there is fratricide.

At this time, Li Yue took a deep breath and calmed down.

He first asked himself if he had done something wrong.

But if I think about it carefully, there is no such thing.

Or is it that he is too powerful and that his father feels threatened?
should be.

Li Yue pondered for a moment and then said: "Fifteen is honest, cares about the people, knows farming, knows the sufferings of the people, and has a kind heart.

Sixteenth person is clever and can change the destiny of the country through studying things. He also has a delicate heart, has no airs and can listen to advice.

The two younger brothers are both suitable to be their father's successors.

No matter which one the father chooses, the sons and ministers are willing to assist them and make Daqian better. "

"You are not convinced."

"No, I am humble." Li Yue said with a bitter smile: "In terms of stability, I am not as good as my eldest brother, and in terms of intelligence, I am not as good as my fourth brother.

In terms of honesty, he is not as good as fifteen, and in terms of cleverness, he is not as good as sixteen.

People with mediocre qualifications like Erchen need to work harder than them to even the distance with them.

Idiots say that talent is something you are born with. If you have it, you have it. If you don’t have it, you don’t have it.

The two younger brothers are both capable people, but I am not as good as them.

Therefore, Erchen was convinced.

There is a saying in the new law, and those who are virtuous and talented will live in it.

Erchen thinks that he is not enough. "

Li Yue said these words sincerely, and Li Shilong was also moved by his words.

He stood up, walked to Li Yue, and looked at this Bazi whom he had never been optimistic about.

"The most valuable thing about people is self-awareness. You are very good. You know your own shortcomings and can face them calmly."

What Li Shilong fears most is the occurrence of fratricide.

Li Yue's answer made him very satisfied.

"Although you are not as calm as Cheng Qian, you must know that since childhood, I have regarded him as my successor.

But what happened?
In terms of intelligence, you are not as good as Qiming, but he is the one I love the most. But what is the result?

56. [-]. Taught by famous teachers, honest and clever.

But what I heard from them was your favor.

You are loyal and you are naive.

I watched it all the way. "

Li Yue's step-by-step journey from an unfavored, even marginalized prince to where he is now, doesn't it just illustrate his ability?
Li Xin is the prince, and he provides the team.

Li Zhi is favored and is the second son, so he must have fans.

But Li Yue had nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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