big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1212 Li Yue is the one who gets into trouble!

Chapter 1212 Li Yue is the one who gets into trouble!
Seeing the sexy bag Qin Mo was wearing, Li Yue was speechless, "I went to find you a few days ago, where did you go?"

"Let's go out and play!" Qin Mo said.

"Then you didn't read the note I left for you?" Li Yue said.


"Damn, it's so hard for me to have a drink with you now." Li Yue said a little disappointed: "Do you know how uncomfortable I was two days ago?"

Qin Mo sighed, this piece of shit was really over the top.

But yes, if he were Li Yue, his heart would be cold if he heard Li Shilong say this out of the blue.

The emperor's heart is unpredictable, and Li Yue is not a very smart person, so it is normal for him to be hard to see through for a while.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Qin Mo asked after entering the carriage.

Li Yue sighed: "Idiot, I can't help you, I, I... I'm so useless!"

"Why are you so sorry to me?"

"I'm ashamed of you."

Li Yue, with a face full of shame, briefly described what happened in the past two days, "Tell me, does my father have any objections to me?

He must want to establish fifteen and sixteen, right? "

There is no one with this top-notch brain circuit.

"Do you really think so? Then you are invincible. Let's learn from Li Xin and go to sea as soon as possible!"

"You think so too, don't you?"


Qin Mo scolded: "You can't think about it. If my father really thinks so, can you still supervise the country?

If you have no ambition, just a few words will shake you.

You didn't make a mistake! "

"But Queen Deshan is dead!" Li Yue said with complicated eyes: "News came from the six doors that Queen Deshan was assassinated to death last night.

The murderer is a remnant of Wanji!
My previous plans were completely rejected by my father.

He must have thought that I was too indecisive and that I was not good enough. "

Qin Mo looked at Li Yue with helplessness. In fact, Li Yue was more like a representative of the general public.

This also has something to do with the fact that he was not favored since childhood.

When encountering setbacks, it is easy to become discouraged and autistic.

In fact, there is no problem for Li Shilong to take over this matter.

He knew about Queen Deshan's death before Li Yue.

Li Shilong took decisive action and eradicated the root of the crime without staining the sin.

Putting the blame on Wanji's remnants, what else can those Huangluo people do besides resent Wanji?
"Is there a possibility that my father is teaching you how to deal with this matter?" Qin Mo slapped him with his backhand, "You said you are afraid of something, what is Huang Luo?
Let alone Huang Luo, who in the world can make Da Gan bow his head?

who are you?
The Eighth Prince of Daqian, if one day you go up, you will be the Supreme.

Those bullies, life and death are in your hands, aren't they?
Old man, how many years have your father and emperor bowed their heads?
Now that your generation has become independent, you are still submissive. If it were me, I would be angry too.

As long as you don't do anything wrong, what's the point of being a bit domineering? "

Li Yue received a slap and felt like he had a sudden enlightenment.

"Yes, idiot, you are right!"

Li Yue nodded, "It's because I'm too weak-willed and worry too much about gains and losses. Especially at this juncture, I have insomnia every night and can't sleep.

I always feel that that location is very close to me, but at the same time I feel very far away. "

"Who doesn't?" Qin Mo said, "It's just that some people don't show it."

In fact, Li Yue did quite well. Except in front of him and to outsiders, he was calm and composed, without any emotional fluctuations.

Happiness and anger cannot be expressed in color, isn't that so?
Human beings are such a combination of contradictions.

"Just be yourself. Even if you really don't have a chance, you still have to do what a prince should do. Do you understand?"

"I understand, I never had it, so why lose it?" Li Yue suddenly understood, and there was a smile on his face, "Idiot, it's great to have you here."

"Nonsense, if I don't help you, who can I help?" Qin Mo hooked his shoulder, "It's not easy for us along the way. We have walked through hell and crawled through the dead, what else can stump us?
Many people fell at the finish line.

Peace of mind.

If that doesn't work, let's go overseas, where there are still large areas of uninhabited land. At worst, we can start our own business, right? "

"you're right!"

Li Yue's mentality has calmed down a lot, no matter when, where, or what difficulties.

As long as Qin Mo is here, it doesn't matter to him if the sky falls.

Because he will definitely be with you.

Soon, the car arrived outside the city.

The reception officer of Honglu Temple has already received the person.

After getting out of the car, Qin Mo ran over quickly.

"Captain Prince Consort of Qin." Da Lun Dongzan raised his hand when he saw Qin Mo.

When Qin Mo passed by him, he patted his shoulder and said it was over. Then he picked up Subi Mojie and said, "Little Ye Ye, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came?"

"What a surprise for you!" This time she followed Dalun Dongzan to Daqian as an envoy, and there were a thousand people.

Seeing Qin Mo's surprised face, she couldn't help but be happy.

"Let's go, get in the car and go home!" Qin Mo pulled her onto the carriage.

"Fool, where are you going?"

"I'll take my wife home first, and you have a good chat with Da Lun Dongzan." After saying that, Qin Mo left.

Li Yue was helpless. He walked up to Da Lun Dongzan and said, "Long wait!"

Dalun Dongzan looked at Qin Mo's carriage disappearing from sight and said: "Qin's Prince Consort is still as unrestrained and unrestrained as before!"

"He has this temper, and he will never change it for the rest of his life." As he said that, Li Yue also smiled bitterly.

"This is his uniqueness!" Da Lun Dongzan knew very well that Li Shilong sent Li Yue to pick him up and took him very seriously.


Li Yue made a gesture.

After getting on the carriage, Li Yue said: "It's been a long journey, it's been a long journey. Thank you for your hard work!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Yue is so polite." Dalun Dongzan said with a smile: "Zanpu sent this minister here, firstly, to celebrate the 50th Christmas of His Majesty Emperor Daqian, and secondly, to present the little prince to His Majesty.

Third, I would like to congratulate His Majesty on the victory of his personal expedition.

Fourth, I want to ask Your Majesty how to deal with the Northwest slaves! "

"It's hard to tell in the car. Let's go to Beijing first. My father has already hosted a banquet in the palace."

Along the way, the two chatted happily, and soon they arrived in the capital. Looking at the prosperous Kyoto, Dongzan only felt that things in the world were unpredictable.

A few years ago, everyone was still fighting to the death.

After a few years, we became like a family.

From the south to Qian, there is no obstruction.

Daqian also gave Nanfan the greatest goodwill.

The most intuitive thing is Lizhi Road. I don’t know how smooth it is along this way.

He does that, right?
Dongzan thought of his poor son.

If he wasn't so strong, maybe he wouldn't have to die.

He has no answer.

Maybe it's right to follow the general trend.

At least there is no killing or oppression among Dagan people.

Instead, he tried his best to help Nan Fan escape from difficulties and become rich and powerful.

Thinking of this, there were tears in Dalun Dongzan's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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