Chapter 1213
Qin Mo took Su Bimojie straight to the second mansion.

It wasn't until noon that Gao Yao brought the food, and Subi Mojie said lazily: "Where is my son?"

"You're fine at home." Qin Mo stretched, "Miss your son?"

"Of course!" Subi Mojie thought about her little pony, "How could you be so hard-hearted and not even give me a letter?"

"Isn't this too busy?" Qin Mo said, "How long do you plan to stay this time?"

"When to put it on, when to leave." Subi Mojie said.

"Too harsh?"

"Su Bi must have someone to inherit, right? Since a son can't inherit, he can only have two more children!" Su Bi Mojie said: "I don't care how many women you have, but I don't want to share one with them either. you.

When I come, you are mine, you must be mine, no one can take it away! "

"That's overbearing!"

"Don't you just like my energy?" Subi Mojie raised her head, "right, Your Majesty?"

"No, I'm numb!"

Qin Mo took a breath and said, "I can't bear to hear you call me that!"

"Did you call me the wrong servant? Are you not the king?" Subi Mojie blinked innocently.

Gao Yao couldn't listen anymore and coughed dryly, "Master, if you don't eat, the food will get cold."

"Yes, eat first!"

Qin Mo said: "Xiao Gao, go get the gift!"

"You also prepared a gift for me?" Subi Mojie asked in surprise.

"Yes, you will definitely like it after watching it!"

Qin Mohe smiled evilly, and when Xiao Gao got the box, Subi Mojie opened it happily, and her face turned red when she saw the things inside.

"Yeah, you"

"This is a treasure chest." Qin Mo said: "It is made in proportion, one to one. It will be useful when you go back in the future!"

"I knew you didn't have good intentions!" Although Su Bimojie was enthusiastic and unrestrained, she blushed at Qin Mo's gift.

"You will know my painstaking efforts soon!"

Qin Mo picked up the ginseng soup and drank it.

At this time, in the palace, Li Shilong held a banquet in honor of Dong Zan.

He glanced at it and frowned, "Where is Jingyun? Where did he go?"

Li Yue smiled bitterly and said, "Father, Jingyun picked up Subi Mojie and went home."

"Bullshit, that Subi Mojie is the envoy, and he actually brought her home and didn't even come to the banquet!" Li Shilong was very angry, but after thinking about it, it didn't matter whether Subi Mojie came or not.

"Where are you going to call him?"

"Forget it, don't call him." Li Shilong waved his hand.

Later, Li Shilong hosted a banquet for Da Lun Dongzan and other envoys. After the banquet, he called Da Lun Dongzan to the sun room for tea.

This sunroom was specially built for him by Qin Mo. In winter, he could read, write, drink tea, and review memorials in it. It was warm and comfortable.

It happened that the sun was shining brightly today, and the group of people sat inside, all sweating from the heat.

"Dalu Dongzan, the last time you had tea with me was probably five years ago, right?" Li Shilong said.

"Your Majesty has a good memory." Da Lun Dongzan nodded.

"How about Shuangan being in Nanfan?"

"Everything is fine with Zanpu. Please rest assured, Your Majesty." Da Lundong praised: "This time when I came to Daqian, Zanpu prepared some birthday gifts for Your Majesty, and I sincerely thank Your Majesty for bringing prosperity to Nanfan!"

"One family does not speak the same language as the other." Li Shilong was in a very good mood, "The potato harvest was a bumper harvest in Tulum Moraine. No one in Nanpan should have been hungry last year, right?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for giving Nanfan food and clothing." Dalun Dongzan said from the bottom of his heart: "Since last year, the people of Nanfan have been freed from hunger.

Not only that, Daqian's doctor also brought the most advanced medical skills and top-notch medicines.

All things praise your taste. "

"That's good." Li Shilong said: "As long as we get rid of poverty and hunger, we will have the foundation for a prosperous age.

If we can make medical treatment affordable for the people and have a way forward, we can continue to be strong.

I know you are a talented person, so if you come here this time, don’t go back to Nanfan.Stay in Daqian and serve. "


Dongzan hesitated in his speech. Five years ago, Li Shilong wanted to keep him, but he decisively refused.

I would rather die than become an official.

But now, if he refuses again, he will be ignorant.

Moreover, the call for Nanfan to return to Gansu is getting louder and louder.

It is almost a consensus between the two countries.

He thought for a moment and then said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but I am still an official of Nanfan.

Even if you want to be appointed as an official, you still need Zamp's approval! "

"You're right. I didn't think it through well. Let's do this. I'll write to Shuang'an tomorrow and you can stay here with peace of mind."

Li Shilong said: "The imperial court has opened a new government office called Nanfan Duwei Mansion to take charge of Nanfan's return to Daqian.

We have the right to intervene in future legislation and other related matters. "

Dong Zan smiled bitterly, now he is so straightforward?
"Your Majesty, where do we start from Nanfan and return to Qian?"

"Isn't it?" Li Shilong said: "I heard that the people in Nanfan want to join Daqian, am I wrong?

Or is it that Shuangan made a mistake when he wrote to me? "

In the past, Li Shilong was secretive in his speech, but now after Bei Nu was destroyed, he is acting unscrupulously.

But there is no way, Qiuci belongs to Daqian, Tuguhun belongs to Daqian, and Supi belongs to Daqian.

Nibala, the Celestial Elephant Kingdom, is also a big boss.

Now Gao Li has also been unified by Dagan, and everywhere he looks he is Dagan.

"It's not a bad thing to go back to the south." Li Yue said with a smile: "The war is over. From now on, the two countries will communicate with each other and there will no longer be any barriers!"

"The war is over? Not necessarily?" Da Lundong praised: "Yi Zhixie is attacking the countries in the Western Region.

I heard that Yi Zhixie sent 5 people to assist the New North Slaves. How can your Majesty tolerate such a treacherous person? "

"Of course not, isn't he attacking Yuezhi and Dashi?

Not long ago, envoys from Yuezhi and Dashi came to ask for help.

But it was beyond our reach in the past, so I asked the men from Gaiguo County to come from the Tianxiang Kingdom, and finally garrisoned troops in Dashi.

At critical moments, we will provide help to both countries. "Li Shilong said lightly.

Dongzan was stunned for a moment.

Did Dagan garrison troops in Dashi?

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

It stands to reason that Daqian is already invincible.

The Northwest slaves lost [-] elites and their strength was greatly reduced, making them even less likely to be Daqian's opponents.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops from Qiuci and Tuyuhun.

Isn't it easy to hit Yizhixie?
But so far, there is no news about Daqian.

Very strange.

He felt strange when he arrived.

I even feel that the war in Daqian has been intensive in the past two years and the finances are tight.

But after thinking about it, it seems impossible.

As prosperous as he was, he also helped Nanfan donate money to the Lizhi Road, and even exempted him from domestic corvee.

This is not like having no money.

Instead, he was extremely arrogant.

But now, he figured it out.

The reason why Daqian didn't move against Yizhixie was because Yizhixie hadn't captured Yuezhi and Dashi yet!
What Li Shilong wants is not the slaves of the northwest, but the entire Western Region countries!

(End of this chapter)

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