big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1214 Qin people are not proud!

Chapter 1214 Qin people are not proud!
When Dongzan thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "I dare to ask your majesty, but you want to use the sword to kill people, so as to take over the entire Western Region countries?"

Li Shilong smiled and said: "I never said that dealing with Yizhixie also requires careful consideration.

Yizhixie's attack on Yuezhi and Dashi weakened his own strength, even if he really conquered these two countries.

But Yuezhi and Dashi both have their own beliefs, and this belief will inevitably make Yizhixie suffer the consequences.

When Yizhixie is defeated, it will be time for Daqian to take advantage of the victory and pursue him. "

He put everything in front of Dalun Dongzan.

An upright conspiracy.

Da Lun Dong Zan smiled bitterly.

That's true.

What a brilliant idea.

Yi Zhixie sent troops to Beinu, which had completely offended Da Gan.

The strength of Daqian's military force is invincible in the world.

Yi Zhixie must be punished.

But it just passed without any movement.

This was a good thing for Yi Zhixie, as it gave him enough time to attack the two countries.

If you don't fight, you will lose.

When Dagan sends troops, Yuezhi and Dashi will add insult to injury, and they will be attacked from three sides.

Da Gan's lack of movement puts more pressure on Yizhi.

If Da Qian ruled the countries in the Western Regions, he would not even dare to think about it.

"Your Majesty is wise and resourceful, I admire you!"

Li Shilong said with a smile: "Wander around the capital more, see more, play more, and tell me your answer before leaving the capital."

"Yes!" Da Lun Dongzan stood up, "That little minister will leave first!"

"Lao Ba, send him off!"

"It's a shame for me." Da Lun Dongzan said he didn't dare and left the sun room.

This time when he left the palace, there was no one from Honglu Temple behind him, and no one from the Six Gates followed him step by step.

There is freedom.

"Prime Minister, do the people of Dagan trust us so much?" A person who visited Dagan a few years ago asked: "A few years ago, they guarded us as much as they guarded thieves."

"There is no need to do that anymore." Da Lun Dongzan shook his head, "This is Da Qian's courage, the emperor has the power to swallow up mountains and rivers.

After all, he is the first heavenly khan in history. "

The capital has become much more prosperous than before.

He saw the roaring Victory, the huge steel monster, passing in front of him with white smoke.

There was no horse pulling it ahead, so it started running on its own.

Dalun Dongzan took them on the steam locomotive. This train was bound for Xiao Qinzhuang.

The new and old Qinzhuang are combined into one, but the area is too large, so it is divided into old Qinzhuang and small Qinzhuang.

Dongzan had already seen the prosperity of the capital, and he wanted to see Qinzhuang even more.

This place is called the Peach Blossom Land by the world.

All advanced things come from this.

The new school is also here.

Everything here is closely related to Qin Mo.

"He's running, he's really running. Great God, how long is Da Ganren's head? He can actually make this steel monster run!" A follower couldn't help shouting excitedly.

When the surrounding passengers saw this, not only did they not show disdain or ridicule, but they showed kind smiles.

A man who looked to be nearly 30 years old smiled and said: "This is a steam locomotive, which was built by the great sage Qin Liao of the Qin family and the sixteenth prince.

The principle is actually very simple, which is to convert the energy of steam into mechanical work.However, although the principle is simple, it is not easy to make such a big thing.

When I rode it for the first time, I was also shocked. "

Listening to the man's eloquent words, Dalu Dongzan quickly invited the man to sit over, "Sir, do you know much about steam locomotives?"

When the man saw that they were wearing Hufu, he did not look down upon them. Instead, he smiled and sat over. "The industrial newspaper has detailed information about the principles of steam locomotives. I have the habit of reading the newspaper on weekdays."

As he said that, the man took out the Industrial Newspaper from the bag he carried with him, "From what I see in your clothes, you must be businessmen from Nanfang, right?

Is this your first time in Beijing?
You may understand Da Gan characters, but if you don’t, I can excerpt important fragments and read them to you! "

"Yes, I'm from Nanfan. It's my first time in the capital. I can understand Da Gan characters." Da Lun Dongzan said with a smile.

The man handed over the industrial newspaper.

Da Lun Dongzan was fascinated by this sight. After a long time, he closed the newspaper and said with complicated eyes: "This steam locomotive is an important weapon of the country. If you publish these things in the newspaper so openly, are you not afraid of being copied by others? "

"Hahaha, who can learn to walk?" The man said with a smile: "Even if you learn to walk, you are one of our own. They published this in the newspaper, so they are not afraid of them learning to walk.

On the contrary, it encourages them.

To progress in gewu, there must be competition. There are many masters among the people. If they can keep up, this will be a good thing for Daqian.

And even if you know the principle, it is still extremely difficult to make a qualified steam locomotive.

Some materials are secret formulas.

However, there are always geniuses in this world, and as long as their interest is aroused, more and more people will become involved.

It seems like a loss, but in fact more and more people are pushing this steam locomotive to a higher position. "

"is it?"

Da Lun Dongzan was a little confused. Such good stuff was published openly in the newspaper.

"I have learned a lesson." Da Lun Dongzan came back to his senses and looked at the man with short hair in front of him, "May I ask your surname, sir."

"Miangui's surname is Qin."

"The same surname as the Qin Emperor's Consort?"

Everyone around looked at him with envy. There were not many people with a noble surname, and Qin was one of them.

"I heard in Nanfan that His Majesty said that the surname Qin is superior to others and can avoid being expensive. Why is it that Sir, he is 'exempted from being expensive'?"

"That is a reward from His Majesty, not a source of arrogance for the Qin people. The Qin people have done some practical things for the people, but it is not enough.

To be recognized by the people is because everyone praises it.

However, the Qin people have their own rules and regulations. They must not get carried away or be arrogant because of favors. They must uphold their original aspirations and continue to serve the country and the people.

No amount of rewards can be worth the kind words from thousands of Dawn people! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the carriage stood in awe.

Everyone praised one after another: "The Qin people are very upright and upright, which is really admirable!"

"If it weren't for Qin's Prince Consort, how could we have lived such a magical life."

"Now that the world is at peace, the Qin people are indispensable!"

Facing the praise of everyone.

The man stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for your compliments. The Qin clan is not doing well enough, so I still ask you to supervise it!"

Dong Zan couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

Amazing, really amazing.

It is truly remarkable that a country has changed because of one clan.

However, he also realized that the man in front of him had an unusual status within the Qin clan.

I was about to ask, but the car arrived at the stop.

The man cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Everyone, this is the farewell. See you again when we are destined!"

(End of this chapter)

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