big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1215 It’s a pity that this is Daqian’s dream!

Chapter 1215 It’s a pity that this is Daqian’s dream!

"Mr. Qin, wait a moment!"

Dalu Dongzan hurriedly chased after him, but there were so many people at the station that the man disappeared for a while.

He couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, "Quick, go find that gentleman, I want to invite him to tea!"

The entourage quickly dispatched and soon found the man at the bus stop at the exit.

However, by the time Dalun Dongzan arrived, the man had already boarded the bus.

"Are you stupid? Why don't you call him?"

Da Lun Dongzan couldn't help but curse, and then called a private carriage nearby, "Go, hurry up and catch up with the carriage in front."

The private carriage is not big, but it is very luxuriously decorated. Although it is much more expensive than the bus, the service is very good.

The carriage finally stopped at the terminal.

The man got out of the car, and so did Da Lun Dongzan.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Qin!"

Dalun Dongzan stopped the man a second before he walked into the school gate.

The man looked back at him, "Why are you following me?"

Dalun Dongzan ran over, took a look at the school, and said, "Mr. Qin, are you from Qinzhuang School?"

"Well, we have classes here." The man nodded, "No one else is allowed in here, so I won't entertain you!"

"Mr. Qin, can you leave me your address? I'd like to treat you to tea later!"

"No need, I don't have what you want here." The man cupped his hands, "I have something else to do, so I won't accompany you!"

The man walked into the school. Dalu Dongzan wanted to go in, but was stopped by the guard at the door, "Stop, the school is an important place, no idlers are allowed in!"

Dalun Dongzan took a look and saw that there were at least ten guns pointed at them in the surrounding area.

He hurriedly said: "May I ask who the gentleman who came in just now is? I am the envoy from Nanfang. This time I came to Daqian mainly to learn Daqian culture.

As he said this, he took out his ID card in Daqian, which was issued by the six gates.

When the guard heard that it was the envoy from Nanfang, he was also stunned. He took the guide and took a look, and said quickly: "The gentleman just now is none other than the mountain chief of our Qinzhuang Academy, Qin Wei."

"Qin Wei, one of the three heroes of the Qin family?"

Dongzan was stunned for a moment. He could meet the genius of the Qin clan on a steam locomotive?
The three heroes of the Qin family are recognized throughout the world, and he has heard of them in Nanfan.

However, this year some people included Qin Hei among them and called him the Four Elites of the Qin Family.

Needless to say, Qin Mo is the founder of the new school. He has many titles and is also the leader of the Qin clan.

But, as one of the three heroes of the Qin family, Qin Wei travels so low-key?

"Then I'll wait here!"

Dalun Dongzan said.

"Prime Minister, according to the rules, except for students' parents and college employees, no one else can approach the school for fifty steps. If you don't listen to the advice, we have the authority to kill them." The leading guard said with his hands.

"You're not even allowed to get close?"

"Because these students are my hope for Daqian, Your Majesty has issued a decree and please ask the Prime Minister to move!"

"You did it on purpose, out of Chi Guoguo's contempt!" The entourage was furious.

"shut up!"

Dalun Dongzan angrily rebuked his followers, but he did not think it was contempt. On the contrary, he very much approved of Daqian's approach.

These students are learning the most advanced knowledge.

It is no exaggeration to say that once they complete their studies, each one of them will be a talent.

Why doesn't Daqian take it seriously?

If it were him, he might take it more seriously than Daqian.

"Let's retreat fifty steps away!" Dalun Dongzan smiled and said to the guards: "We are waiting outside, sorry for the trouble, General!"

After saying that, he led everyone to wait in the pavilion fifty steps away.

This also happens to be a bus stop.

"Prime Minister, let me tell you, they just look down on us!" "It's just a shabby academy, what's so great about it!"

"What do you know?" Dalun Dongzan said seriously: "Didn't you realize that these guards have all been on the battlefield?

That strong murderous aura, they must be elite soldiers from hundreds of battles, but they are guarding here at this time, what does it mean?
It shows that Daqian attaches great importance to these children.

Qinzhuang College teaches new learning, and new learning is the key to the prosperity of Daqian. "

He also spent a lot of money to buy a complete set of Qin Mo's new books, and he was fascinated by them.

The general outline is novel, divided into categories, covering people's livelihood, miscellaneous but not confusing, and very proficient.

Each subject is enough for one person to study deeply for a lifetime!
Qin Mo was very stingy and it was impossible to ask him for advice. He still hated it in his heart.

But Qin Wei is a pure teacher, so it doesn't matter.

"I'm warning you, if you meet any scholars from the Qin family in the future, you will be treated with respect from this university."

The attendants were scolded so much that they dared not say a word.

And Dalun Dongzan also waited here until the sun set and the students were out of school.

The college bell rang, and the originally loud sound of reading suddenly became chaotic.

Then, hundreds of guards quickly ran over and stood on both sides of the road, opening a passage for the children.

Buses and carriages have been waiting here for a long time, and some are private cars.

Immediately afterwards, some small students were seen walking out.

And Qin Wei was standing at the door.

The children were brought out by their teachers.

"Teacher Cheng, thank you for your hard work!" Qin Wei thanked the teachers and thanked them for their hard work throughout the day!

"It's not hard work, that's all I want!" The teacher returned the favor.

Then when the children behind him passed by Qin Wei, they all bowed slightly and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Master Qin!"

Some furry babies talk in a milky voice, which is indescribably cute.

"You guys have had a hard day studying!" Qin Wei stroked their heads.

"It's not hard!"

The children shouted in unison, their voices were not loud, but they were particularly powerful.

The guards also had smiles on their faces.

Even though the sun sets in the west, they always feel that there is an invisible sun rising slowly.

Even their murderous aura and sharp edges have been somewhat smoothed out by these cute children.

The children were brought into the carriage by their teachers, who had to escort them home safely.

Seeing this scene, Dalun Dongzan was deeply shocked.

No wonder Daqian has been the center of the world and the birthplace of culture for thousands of years.

He understood it before, but he didn't understand it. Now the thread in his heart has been touched.

"I go to school and am never late every day. I love learning and working. When I grow up, I want to make contributions to the people."

At this moment, the childish singing of the children sounded.

In an instant, goosebumps all over Dongzan's body stood up.

How strong should the next generation be if they are raised in this way?
What he had seen before was a powerful military front.

What we see now is an unstoppable trend.

It was like a torrent, destroying them completely.

This is what he has been pursuing in his dreams.

Even more perfect than the scene in his dream.

“It turns out that dreams can really come true!
It's a pity that this is a dream! "

(End of this chapter)

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