big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1221 I will only show you to one person in this life!

Chapter 1221 I will only show it to you in this life!

"Oh? What do you say?" Qin Mo's voice became softer, and he stroked the mutton-fat jade-like skin with his big rough hands, "Don't be nervous, Li Zhi is dead. You can just go out and ask someone tomorrow. knew."

"You won't lie to me with this kind of thing." Zhao Manyun said.

"Smart!" Qin Mo scratched her nose.

Zhao Manyun said: "I learned art at the age of eight, stood out at the age of 13, and became famous at the age of 15. Although I grew up in Tianxiangyuan, do you know who opened Tianxiangyuan?"

"Li Zhi."

"How old is Li Zhicai? Tianxiangyuan has been established for more than 20 years. How old was he when Tianxiangyuan existed?" Zhao Manyun said: "It is Gongsun Wuji, and Tianxiangyuan is the property of the Gongsun family.

I don’t know why, but it became Li Zhi’s industry.

Because I am a pillar and a cash cow, I know more.

Li Zhi liked me and used sweet words to seduce me and asked me to work hard to earn money for him to win over the courtiers.

You also know what happened next. He gave me to you and secretly asked me to send him a letter.

but you."

She looked at Qin Mo and said with a wry smile: "You don't play according to the routine at all. I have seen countless men, but I have never seen you like this."

Qin Mo smiled and said nothing. He also turned a blind eye to the matter of sending the letter. He originally thought that he could control Li Zhi through Zhao Manyun and gain an upper hand in the subsequent battle for position.

As a result, Li Xin sent the strongest assist, which directly ruined Li Zhi's promising future.

However, he did not expect that Tianxiang Courtyard would actually be Gongsun Wuji's property.

This old dog hid deep enough and started hedging his bets so early.

But the problem is not big, now it is just a review after the fact.

From what Zhao Manyun said, she should have other identities.

"So, you were arranged by Gongsun Wuji to trap Li Zhi?"

"That's it."

Zhao Manyun nodded, "It's just that Gongsun Wuji never shows up. He always lets people pass on the news!"

"This is in line with Gongsun Laogou's temper." Qin Mo said.

"Is there still your family in this world?" Qin Mo asked.

Zhao Manyun said sadly: "They have died long ago."

"Do you know who the enemy is?"

Zhao Manyun shook his head, "But I have an aunt who sent me to Tianxiang Courtyard. There has been no news for so many years!"

Here, she lied. Since Xiao Yurou has already acknowledged Daqian's rule, what's the use of saying more?

She is just a hidden person, a hidden person that no one knows about.

Everyone who knew her was dead.

Then let’s part ways and never see each other again for the rest of our lives.

She lives her life as her concubine.

"What's your aunt's name?"

"It's been too long, I can't remember." Zhao Manyun said with some pain.

She has lived in pain and hatred for more than 20 years.

She is an Avenger, but she has never been herself.

The person who taught her hatred at the beginning has now given up her hatred.

What an irony.

Xiao Gao didn't know that her casual words directly led Zhao Manyun astray.

"Think about it slowly." Qin Mo said: "From now on, just be yourself, be my exclusive little singer, sing, dance and act for me alone, how about that?"

"it is good!"

Zhao Manyun nodded without hesitation, "What if one day I get old and look bad, and I can no longer sing or dance?"

After all, she is older than Qin Mo.

"Then be my exclusive old singer!" Qin Mo didn't completely believe what she said. A person who has been acting for a lifetime will definitely retain something.

"it is good!"

Zhao Manyun nodded heavily.

At this moment, she felt relieved.Easier than ever.

"I, Zhao Manyun, swear that I will only be your little singer in this life."

Early the next morning, Zhao Manyun got up early and cut out the white scarf with plum blossoms printed on it.

She sat in front of the dressing table and dressed herself up in a particularly dignified manner. She only used a little rouge to make her complexion look better.

Her hair became like a woman's.

She likes herself like this.

It doesn’t take a little bit of red lips for thousands of people to taste it.

There is no need to mediate with multiple forces and engage in intrigues.

She is really tired.

However, she now has a sore back and it hurts to walk.

But she looked radiant in the mirror.

The wintersweet in the yard is in full bloom.

That was the new life of plum blossoms, and it was also hers.

At this time, Qin Mo slapped her on the bed, and she endured the discomfort and walked over.

She chatted with Qin Mo for a long time last night, and seemed to want to finish all the words she had missed in the past few years.

"Mr. Lang, do you want to get up?"

She got on the fire bed and knelt down next to Qin Mo so that Qin Mo could rest on her lap.

"What time is it?"

Qin Mo closed his eyes and rested his head on her lap out of habit.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of delicate jade hands gently rubbed her temples, making Qin Mo hum in comfort.

"It's the end of Chenshi!" Zhao Manyun said: "Breakfast has been prepared in the kitchen. Do you want to get up or eat on the kang?

"Let's go out to eat!" Qin Mo stretched out. It was already around nine o'clock in the morning, and there was no point in sleeping anymore. "I'll take you to the capital today to see how it has changed in the past few years!"

Gao Yao came over to help Qin Mo change his clothes. Zhao Manyun couldn't help even if he wanted to, so he could only squeeze out the toothpaste for Qin Mo and fetch hot water.

After getting dressed, Qin Mo didn't even have to leave the hot bed. Gao Yao was holding the spittoon, and Zhao Manyun brought the toothbrush to his mouth, and then carefully brushed his teeth.

He just needs to rinse his mouth.

Washing your face is also hands-free.

If Qin Mo wanted to, he wouldn't even have to use the toilet.

There is no way, in this era, the rich and powerful people are so happy!

But that was too perverted and he couldn't stand it.

After scrubbing Qin Mo's face clean, Zhao Manyun smeared the facial ointment on his palms, and then carefully spread it on Qin Mo's cheeks and hands.

Women are more careful when doing this kind of thing.

Qin Mo was very emotional. Looking at Zhao Manyun's dignified appearance, he felt quite accomplished.

"Go, go out!"

Qin Mo strode out of the room, but after walking for a while he felt something was wrong. Zhao Manyun followed suit, so he immediately realized and slowed down.

Zhao Manyun blushed and immediately put on the veil.

"What's the purpose of veiling?"

"It's easy to be seen. If someone recognizes it, trouble will inevitably occur." Zhao Manyun walked to Qin Mo's side and said with a smile: "From now on, I will only show you!"

Zhao Manyun is indeed very beautiful. Even with Qin Mo's high vision, he can't find any fault with her.

Her words hit home Qin Mo's overbearing possessiveness and the man's selfishness.

Men all like women to be in the living room and in the kitchen, but they all like to dominate the good things themselves.

"Yes, I have consciousness!" Qin Mo was in a good mood!
Zhao Manyun held his hand, but when she walked to the door, she was a little scared.

"What's wrong?" Qin Mo saw that she still couldn't take a step forward.

Zhao Manyun let go of Qin Mo and took three steps back, "Otherwise, I'd better not go out. This world is no longer what I know.

I will watch over you and wait for you at home, so that you won’t get lost in the crowd again! "

(End of this chapter)

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