big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1222 Fishing

Chapter 1222 Fishing
Qin Mo knew that she had been kept in isolation for the past two years.

But he was not sure whether the woman was indulging in lust, so he said: "Come with me for a walk, and come back when you feel tired.

I won't stop you. "

As he said that, he took her hand and pulled her across the threshold.

At that moment, Zhao Manyun felt that the world suddenly became noisy.

There was a lot of people outside, but the streets and houses seemed fresher than a few years ago.

You can see tall buildings rising from the distance.

Qin Mo came to his favorite teahouse. The best seat in this teahouse will always be his.

In the middle is a zigzag-shaped patio.

Open the window and you can see the scenery outside on the left. If you lower your head slightly on the right, you can see the storyteller sitting on the stage, telling stories vividly.

Zhao Manyun took off her veil and sat here, feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

At this time, a voice came from the audience, "Masters, yesterday we talked about the White Lotus Sect's uprising and the fool's prince-in-law rushed to Lingnan.

Today, let’s talk about it: the traitor injured the four wise kings, and the king of Yue moved three thousand miles away to fight! "

"it is good!"

The guests in the teahouse applauded.

Although various folk novels are emerging now, the most popular ones are still those written by Qin Mo.

Whether it's Da Qian's Journey to the West, Zhou Qian's Heroes, Legend of Swords and Fairies, or Shushan, all of them have spread throughout the country.

In the opera house, there are also dramas arranged from novels, which are performed chapter by chapter according to the chapters of the novel.

When Da Gan's Journey to the West reached its final chapter, it was placed in the Royal Library Square.

For a time, the square was packed and the streets of the capital were deserted.

In addition, there is "Da Qian Han Son-in-law" written by Li Yuan. Although it is not as good as Qin Mo's, it is mainly bold.

Write some things in the palace very carefully.

The court, the emperor, and even the harem were all involved.

This greatly stimulated the people's senses, so much so that the popularity of Da Gan Han Son-in-law, which is still being serialized, continues to rise.

"By the way, the White Lotus Cult thieves raided Prince Tai's Mansion."

While Zhao Manyun was serving Qin Mo's meal, she secretly listened to the storyteller telling stories.

Although there are some exaggerations in this book, Zhao Manyun also knows that Li Zhi is really dead.

"Who wrote this novel and arranged it for nobles and nobles who are not afraid of death?" Zhao Manyun couldn't help but ask.

"This author is amazing. He is the ancestor of Tianhuang nobles." Qin Mo smiled.


Qin Mo pointed to the sky.


"Emperor Lao Tzu!"

"The Supreme Emperor?"

Zhao Manyun's face was full of surprise.


Zhao Manyun smiled bitterly, the world has really changed, but also, except for those few, who would dare to write such a thing so straightforwardly.

It's good to die.

Once it's over, there's nothing left to worry about.

"It's just that this book is full of praise for you."

"Nonsense, I am the protagonist of this book. If they don't praise me, then who will?" Qin Mo took a bite of the bun and said with satisfaction.

Zhao Manyun shook her head, thinking that if she could have seduced Qin Mo back then, maybe Daqian's empire would have been overturned long ago.

However, these things are no longer important to her now.

"You don't eat?"

"I'm full!" "That's all."

"I have to control my diet, otherwise I will gain weight easily." She is already 27, and in two years she will become sallow, and it will be difficult for Qin Mo to like her.

When she was at her most beautiful, Qin Mo could just endure it. When she got older, she would become even less attractive.

So facing Qin Mo, she felt inferior in her heart.

"Sure enough, women are the same no matter what time." Qin Mo put down his chopsticks, "Look at you, your waist is so thin that it almost breaks.

Must supplement nutrition! "

The beauty in Daqian's women's eyes, as well as the beauty in men, is not like that in Qin Mo's world.

The A4 waist and vest line are all too weak.

Gao Yao quietly closed the windows on both sides, took out some ice cubes from the ice bin on the side, and added some warm water.

The three of them went downstairs only after they had finished their breakfast.

The veil covered the blush on Zhao Manyun's pretty face.

When I went out, the sun shone and it became white and glowing again.

The cloak of tender green lotus leaves wrapped her in it, as if she were a budding flower.

Qin Mo smacked his tongue, what a beautiful scenery. Thinking about how he ruined the beautiful scenery just now, he felt ashamed.

But what came up instead was dark pleasure again.

Thinking of this, he suddenly took off the veil from Zhao Manyun's face.

Zhao Manyun looked panicked and quickly covered her face, "Why did you take off my veil?"

"Look around, no matter how many men, women, old or young, or the daughters of rich families, how many are wearing veils?"

Qin Mo said: "Times have changed, and the practice of veiling has become outdated.

If you do this, it will be easier for us to attract attention.

I know you only want me to see it, but if I take such a beautiful woman on the street, why shouldn't I show it off? "

As Qin Mo spoke, he raised his eyebrows, which made Zhao Manyun laugh.

But then she thought again and felt her face was a little tight. She didn't know whether it was because she had taken off the veil and her smooth skin was in contact with the cold air, or because of the cold air just now.

However, what she cared about was not that people could see her, but that she was afraid of being smelled.

Qin Mo's playful smile made her angry and shy, but his words made her feel happy.

With all these complicated emotions flowing, I just felt like I was eating him up.

This man can really mess with people.

When he fucks you, he makes you want to stop, and afterwards you are shy and angry, but you feel sweet at the same time.

I can't hate him, I can't kill him, I can't kill him, I just squeezed him out completely, and I'm branded with Qin's mark from the inside out.

I'm afraid I won't be able to clean it up in the rest of my life.

Thinking of this, she tightened her collar again and covered her neck tightly, for fear of 'revealing her secrets'.

She lowered her head and followed Qin Mo.

That absolutely beautiful appearance attracted the attention of many eyes as she followed Qin Mo.

Some people saw her thoughtful and seemed to remember her identity.

But some people just think she is beautiful and want to take advantage of her.

The past pursuit was no longer there, but it made her feel that times had changed, and the pursuit and praise were nothing but moonlight in the water and flowers in the mirror.

After shopping until noon, Qin Mo took her to Haidilao again.

When she was waiting for her convenience, Qin Mo asked, "Did you find anything at the six gates?"

"No." Gao Yao shook his head and said: "Maybe it was too short a time, and now there are many outsiders in the capital, and the number has almost doubled in the past few years.

Moreover, those who can go to the opera house are all wealthy, and ordinary people rarely see such things.

How about we spread the news quietly and see if we can catch the fish behind this? "

(End of this chapter)

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