big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1224 Please come!

Chapter 1224 Please come!
Why is he so cruel?

He's killed them all, doesn't he think it's enough?

Xiao Yurou looked at the people on the stage and wanted to leave immediately, but if she left now, would it look too abnormal?

There are applauding people all around.

Especially the men were fascinated by it.

She held back her discomfort and anger and listened to the entire performance before leaving.

When she returned to Qintian Prison, she was completely devastated.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Shun asked when he saw that she was unconscious.

Xiao Yurou shook her head and said nothing, not intending to tell her about this.

Fang Shun only has Qin Mo in her heart, and she will never agree to anything that puts Qin Mo in danger.

For Qin Mo, she would risk her life.

"Are you going to see Tianxin again?"


Xiao Yurou shook her head, forced a smile and said, "The child is doing well. It's not good for me to disturb him."

Just when Fang Shun was looking for her to have a good chat, an official from Qintian Prison stood at the door and shouted: "Miss Fang Shun, Princess Jingyang, Princess Yonghe, Princess Xiuling, Princess Qinghe, Princess Jinhe. Come here. visit!"

Fang Xuan frowned, and Xiao Yurou's heart skipped a beat. Are all Qin Mo's wives here?

"I went first."

After Xiao Yurou finished speaking, he walked towards the backyard.

Fang Shun walked out and saw Li Yulan and a group of women waiting in the yard outside.

"Daughters of the people meet you princesses and princesses," Fang Shu said.

Li Yulan hurried over and took her hand, "Sister Fang, we are out."

She was a little embarrassed when Li Yulan held her hand.

"Is there something the princess wants to do with me?"

"Our sisters came here mainly to thank you in person for saving Lang Jun regardless of their own lives.

I originally wanted to go to the Imperial Tomb to find you, but you left again later.

The Chinese New Year is about to come, and there are too many things in the house. We finished handling all the things before coming here. "

Fang Chun said: "He is also my man. It is only natural that I save him. There is no need to do this!"

"Miss Fang, you are two years older than me, so I will call you sister." Li Yushu stepped forward and said: "Since you have held a wedding in the grassland, you are our own.

In addition to thanking you for coming this time, we also prepared a gift for you! "

"Gift?" Fang Shun was very surprised.

"We know that you have an elegant temperament and don't like to join in the fun, so we have never bothered you." Li Yushu said: "But in the hearts of our sisters, you are one of our own."

With that said, Chai Sitian and the other girls came over and saluted her: "Thank you, sister, for protecting your husband."

Even Li Yushu and Li Yulan also saluted.

Fang Shun was a little at a loss and said quickly: "Ah, what are you doing? Get up quickly."

Li Lizhen said: "This is what my sister deserves. We went to the palace to beg our father to hold another wedding for our sister.

My father has already approved it, and my father has specially appointed my sister as the protector of the state religion! "

Protector of the state religion?

This status is not low.

She was surprised and moved, but mostly at a loss.

"How can there be two marriages for one marriage?" Fang Chun said quickly: "In my heart, the wedding on the grassland is already the best wedding in my heart.

Holding one in the capital would be superfluous.

As for the guardian of the state religion, I would like to ask Princess Lingxiu to thank Your Majesty on behalf of the daughter of the people.The folk girl Xian Yun Yehe cannot afford this status.

Nor do they want to be bound by official positions. "

Li Yulan sighed secretly, this was a commoner girl, and she had no intention of calling them sisters.

"There is no distinction between sisters, we are equal." Li Yulan reminded: "Why don't we rank them according to age.

I am the oldest, and you must be 26 years old this year, which is a bit older than the other sisters. Except for me, everyone else calls you sister. How about you calling them sister? "

After the words fell, Li Yushu took the lead and said: "Sister Fang!"

Afterwards, Li Lizhen and others put aside their status as princesses and willingly called Fang Chun sister!
"Sister, since you don't want to have another wedding, then don't do it. Everyone in the world knows that you are from our Qin family.

There is no one in our Qin family who doesn’t admire him.

The patriarch of the Qin clan has already written you into the family tree and opened a new one.

Come home with us to celebrate the New Year. Li Yulan said: "If Mr. Lang knew that you were going back to celebrate the New Year, he would definitely be very happy." "

"Yes, Sister Fang, Brother Qin really cares about you and talks about you every day!" Chai Sitian said. In fact, Qin Mo never mentioned other women in front of them.

I said this just to make Fang Chun happy.

"Sister Fang, Qin Tian Jian is deserted and the Qin Mansion is lively. We are here and we don't know about that stinky thing yet." Li Yushu said: "But my father-in-law and aunt know it. They are also waiting for you at home. They say they want to respect you in person." You have a glass of wine.

However, we are juniors, why should we ask our elders to toast us?

Am I right! "

"Sister Fang, come home with us. If you don't go back during the Chinese New Year, our family will not be complete." Li Jingya directly held her hand and used her coquettish skills to the limit, "If you don't go back, you idiot My brother will definitely sigh a lot tonight."

"You guys, you are planning such a big battle just to ask me to go back to the Qin Mansion with you?"

"We were all brought in in a sedan with eight carriages. No matter how bad it was, it was still a four-person sedan." Li Yulan was talking about Chu Rui and the others.

Although they usually treat each other like sisters, this rule cannot be violated.

The wife must write three books and six etiquettes, marry the matchmaker, and carry her through the door in eight sedans.

The concubine can only go through the back door, and usually two people carry her.

In order to take care of them, Qin Mo specially changed it into a four-person sedan.

"You and Lang Jun are worshiping, but we are not here, so we came here today to take you home."

Li Yulan took her hand and said, "There are gifts we prepared outside. Do you want to go out and take a look?"

"what gift?"

"You'll know after you go and see it." Li Jingya pushed her outside, "Go ahead and go!"

Li Xue also took advantage of the situation and took her other arm, one pushing and the other pulling.

The crowd gathered around her and walked out.

Then he saw a large sedan chair parked outside the gate of Qintian Prison.

This sedan chair is not too big, but it is very new.

"The sedan chair?"

"Yes!" At this time, Li Yushu said: "Sisters, quickly take out all the gifts we have prepared and put makeup on the bride!"

Li Yulan waved, and the servant quickly fetched a set of the latest jewelry.

Li Yushu prepared a set of rouge and gouache.

Others wear either clothes or shoes, from head to toe, nothing alike.

Ten women surrounded Fang Shu, dressing her up carefully.

Fang Chun rarely puts on makeup. Although she is embarrassed, she feels warm inside.

She originally thought that she would be looked down upon.

But she didn't expect that Li Yulan and others would prepare such an elaborate gift for her!
(End of this chapter)

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