big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1225 Miss Fang is qualified!

Chapter 1225 Miss Fang is qualified!

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

Not to mention that these Jinzhiyuye had to condescend themselves to dress her up.

Each of them has a noble status, but they all have a sister.

This feeling of being valued is really good.

"Wow, it turns out that my sister looks so beautiful with makeup!" Li Yulan looked at Fang Shu in the mirror, who was both heroic and charming, and praised: "She deserves to be a heroine."

Fang Shuan was a little embarrassed. She was more beautiful today than she was on the grassland.

These jewelry, clothes, and shoes all suit her very well.

It can be seen that they are careful.

"Thank you, thank you princess!"

"Still calling you princess?" Li Yulan pretended to be displeased and said, "Sister, you think we are weak and can't accompany your husband on the battlefield, so she looks down on us?"

"No, no, no." Fang Chun waved his hands repeatedly, "How could I look down on you."

"That means she doesn't want to be sisters with us." Li Yushu sighed.

"No, no, no, I, I" Fang Chun gritted his teeth, "Sister!"

"Hey, that's right!" Li Yulan smiled and nodded, "From now on, we are a family, there is no need to be so open-minded."

"The correction fee will be paid when you return home. Then I will ask Mr. Lang to give you a big red envelope!"

"Yes, yes, what do you like? My husband will definitely give you an industry!" Li Lizhen said: "Anyway, it is very easy to earn two to three hundred thousand taels of silver a year. You can control this money yourself."

Although Qin Mo was a little carefree, he was very kind to them.

Even Churui and the others have their own small business, earning over one hundred thousand taels of silver a year, just like playing around.

In addition, Li Yulan also gives them monthly money ranging from ten thousand taels to several thousand taels.

There's simply no way to use up all the money.

"I, I don't want anything." Fang Shun was not interested in money. For her, it was enough.

"That's not okay, it's necessary. This is our family's practice." Li Yulan said, "Sisters, am I right?"

"Yes!" All the girls said in unison.

"Thank you!" Fang Xuan's eyes were a little moist.

After putting on makeup, clothes, and jewelry, Fang Chuan's graceful and elegant demeanor suddenly appeared.

All the girls applauded, and even among them, Fang Chun stood out.

"go home!"

Li Yulan and others left Qintian Prison with Fang Shun in their arms.

"Please sister (sister) get on the sedan chair."

The girls said again.

"Sister, there's no need to get in the sedan. I'll ride with you!" Fang Chun felt that it was too ostentatious. This red sedan was too festive.

Li Yulan said: "All the women in our family have ridden in sedan chairs. You must get on the sedan chair today!" "What about the sedan bearers?"

"You don't have to worry about this, just go up." Li Yushu smiled and opened the sedan door, "Please, Sister Fang!"

Fang Chuan bit her lip and stopped pushing away, otherwise it would be pretentious.

She sat in the sedan, and then Li Yushu locked the door.

"Sisters, take off your clothes!"

Li Yulan smiled and took off her coat.

All girls learn from each other.

Then ten people lifted the sedan chair.

When Fang Shu in the sedan saw this scene, his heart was completely softened.

"Sisters, why are you doing this?"

No wonder Li Yushu wanted to lock the sedan door.

It was because he was afraid that she would get out of the sedan chair.

No wonder this sedan chair is smaller, that's why.

"Sisters, work hard and carry Sister Fang home in one go, so that everyone in the capital can see her.

Our sister Fang was also carried back by ten of us in ten sedans! "

"it is good!"

All the girls said in unison.Except for Chu Rui, Shuang'er and Sugako Sugako, everyone else is completely untouched and pampered.

At this moment, the sedan chair was lifted up.


The sedan stabilized while shaking.


The accompanying servants quickly set off firecrackers.

Everyone in the Qintian Prison was trapped.

Good boy, three princesses, two princesses, a daughter of the duke, and a queen will carry the sedan chair for Fang Xuan.

Is this a big case?
I’ve seen people in the royal palace take concubines to their husbands, but I’ve never seen people carry them home in person.

At this time, a look in the dark dimmed.

Is this the attitude of people from Qin Mansion to Fang Chun?
But he was a thousand times, ten thousand times better to her than Qin Mo!
Although she didn't block Qin Mo's sword, she still opened her fingers for him and walked away from the gate of hell.

She took a deep breath and suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with pursuing freedom like Fang Chun.

When she found Zhao Manyun, she also went to find herself.

At this time, the ten women carried the sedan chair, entered Chang'an Street, and passed the most prosperous area in the entire capital.

Moreover, we still set off firecrackers all the way.

This situation attracted countless people to stop.

After the people at Liumen knew about it, they even put up a human wall to prevent these people from getting hurt.

Xu Que wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Be nice.

The people here are all the governor's women.

He couldn't bear any injury.

When the common people knew that the people carrying the sedan were princesses and the person in the sedan was Fang Xuan, they were all stunned.

Oh my God.

The princess carries someone's sedan chair?

Don't say you haven't heard of it, nor have you read it in history books.

"My sister, Chunxi, has accompanied my husband on the battlefield several times to protect my husband and me. I have sacrificed myself for others, first for everyone, and then for our family.

If she doesn't want a wedding or a reward, then we sisters will carry her into the Qin Mansion in a large sedan chair.

Sisters, tell me, are we doing the right thing? "

The other nine girls were all dripping with sweat. When they heard Li Yulan's words, they quickly shouted: "Yes!"

Li Yulan looked at everyone again, "Everyone, is our sister Chunhua qualified?"

Everyone looked at each other with admiration in their hearts.

Not to mention whether the daughters-in-law of the Qin family were deviant or not, they were willing to put down their identities for the sake of their husbands and use ten large sedan chairs to carry Fang Xuan back.

It is enough to show their virtuousness.

Fang Chun's suggestion of Qin Mo blocking an arrow has long been written down in the book by the Supreme Emperor.

Who doesn’t admire this Taoist heroine?

This is someone similar to the heroine.

For his lover, he sacrificed his life and death for his righteousness. Who wouldn’t give a thumbs up when mentioning Fang Shuan?
Especially the women in the capital admired Fang Shun's loyalty and bravery.

"Qualified! Miss Fang is qualified!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

Immediately afterwards, countless people echoed: "Miss Fang, you are qualified!"

"Miss Fang, you are a real heroine. Just like the heroine, she is a good daughter of Da Gan!"

"Brothers and sisters, let us clear the way for Miss Fang!"

The road that was originally a bit messy suddenly became a smooth road.

As the sedan passed by them, someone shouted: "Miss Fang, you are a worthy woman!"

Fang Shuan in the sedan chair had already burst into tears.

She had never thought of this. She did these things just for the passion in Qin Mohe's heart.

"Everyone, everyone, I, Fang Chunxi, deserve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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