big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1227 Senior sister, you are so beautiful

Chapter 1227 Senior sister, you are so beautiful
Fang Shun still wanted to refuse, but Li Yulan on the side reminded: "When a bride comes to your door, you can't refuse the kindness of your elders. This is a blessing!"

Hearing this, Fang Shun could only nod, "Thank you, father-in-law!"

Immediately, Fang Shun took the tea again and toasted Qin Xiuying, "Auntie, drink tea!"

Qin Xiuying also nodded repeatedly, "Okay, good boy, I was worried to death when I received the letter."

"I am lucky!" Fang Shun said with a smile.

"You are such a good kid." Qin Xiuying quickly pulled her up, "If Mo'er bullies you in the future, tell your aunt and she will definitely support you!"

"Thank you, Auntie!"

Fang Shun turned out to have only one relative, Yuan Tiangang.

There is Qin Mo behind.

Now I have this big family of relatives.

This feeling is really good.

At this time, Qin Mo was at the second residence.

"It seems that this plan doesn't work, and we still can't catch the fish." Qin Mo touched his chin, feeling a little irritated.

Like a beautiful snake, Subi Mojie wrapped herself around, holding the fruit in her mouth, and put it into Qin Mo's mouth, "What kind of fish are you fishing for? Fish for me!"

With the beauty in his arms, Qin Mo had no thoughts at the moment, "Don't interrupt my train of thought."

Subi Mojie snorted and immediately lay on Qin Mo's lap. She also knew that when a man was thinking, he shouldn't interrupt her easily.

"Xiao Gao, what do you think of lighting up the sky lanterns?"

"Is it possible to trick those people into taking the bait?"

“Spread some rumors first, and those people might take risks to rescue you.

If they don't rescue him, it means they have seen through the plot, or there really is no hidden mouse. "

"Then I'll inform Xu Que later!" Gao Yao said.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi ran over in a hurry, stood at the door and said, "Young Master, I want to ask you when you will come home."

"If you don't go home today, you'll go back tomorrow." Qin Mo said.

"No, the father-in-law said that if you don't go home today, he will come and arrest you personally."

"It's Chinese New Year, what's wrong with Old Qin?" Qin Mo curled his lips, "Didn't the imperial court already have the annual holiday?"

"I said I have something important to ask you to go back and discuss." Xiao Liuzi said.

"Okay, okay, can't I go back?" Qin Mo stood up helplessly, "Are you going home with me or here?"

"Forget it, after I go back, you won't have anything to do with me anymore." She touched her belly, "I have a feeling that I should have been hit.

I still rest quietly and wait for it to land! "

"Then I'll be back."

Lao Qin is so anxious to have someone rush him, maybe there really is something important.

Therefore, he did not delay, got into the carriage and left.

Entering the Qin Mansion, you can see lights and colorful decorations everywhere, and the biogas lamps illuminate the entire Qin Mansion clearly.

"Yes, there is a Chinese New Year atmosphere." The Chinese New Year atmosphere in Daqian is very strong. Regardless of whether you have money or not, there are various gatherings in the first three days of the New Year.

Very lively.

"Butler, where is my father?"

"The prince is in the study."


Qin Mo pushed open the study room and saw Qin Xiangru holding an elbow in one hand and reading a book in the other.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

"Want to come back?"

Qin Xiangru snorted, "I thought you didn't want a home anymore!"

"I'm busy, I have to supervise the construction of railways, and now I have to take care of the issuance of new coins." Qin Mo said: "This batch of new coins is of good quality, but it's just too trendy, and many people still don't care about it. Adapt to it, for fear that there will be tricks!”

"I'm telling you, that's more than 800 million taels of silver. If you waste it, I'll beat you to death!"

"Don't worry, Dad, you won't lose anything."

"Okay, go away, don't go anywhere at home these two days, it's Chinese New Year, what's it like not being at home?

The queen is good, but there are also princesses and queens in the family, so don’t favor one over the other! "Lao Qin reminded.

"I know, Dad." Qin Mo sighed. He now has to spare half an hour every day to exercise. Otherwise, he is really afraid that he will not be able to cope with it.Especially the unicorn arm, you must practice it.

Combined with the treasure chest, it can definitely kill everyone.

It just so happens that the Chinese New Year is coming soon, so you can reward yourself.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo hummed a tune and walked towards the backyard.

"Third sister, are you playing mahjong again?" When he opened the door of the chess and card room, he saw that all the women in the family were busy.

There were three tables for mahjong.

"I'm willing to come back. I thought you were going to celebrate the New Year in that mansion." Li Yulan said while grabbing the cards.

"No way, let's sleep in Datongbu tonight!" Qin Mo smiled and looked at his wives.

After experiencing his baptism and the passage of time, the ladies became more and more beautiful.

"My aunt is still here, so I'm not ashamed." Li Yushu said.

"That's right, I thought I was a piece of cake!" Li Jingya pretended to be disgusted.

"You can go to bed by yourself tonight, we have decided to fight until the early morning." Qin Xiuying said.

Since the biogas lamp was installed at home, there have been more entertainment activities at night.

I used to light candles and play mahjong, but I always felt like something was wrong.

Now the biogas lamp is bright, so you can play mahjong without any trouble.

Sometimes, Qin Xiangru would play two games of billiards before going to bed.

"Are you serious?"

"How can we have a day off?" Li Lizhen said, "We have to stay up all night, take a bath early tomorrow morning, sleep all day, and play mahjong until New Year's Eve!"

"So cruel!"

Qin Mo took a breath and sat beside him for half an hour. Seeing that they were fighting more and more energetically, he ignored him.

Qin Mo sighed, "Sure enough, women are all the same. They don't cherish it once they get it!"

The girls all kicked him out.

Qin Mo regretted coming back. If he had known better, he would have helped Subi Mojie land, so he wouldn't have been left alone in the empty room.

Back in the yard, Qin Mo opened the door and saw a beautiful girl sitting beside the bed.

Qin Mo rubbed his eyes and took a closer look, "Holy shit, senior sister, why are you here?"

Fang Chun said: "You're not welcome? Then I'll leave?"

"do not!"

Qin Mo was overjoyed and hugged her, "Good senior sister, good senior sister, I miss you so much."

He finally understood why Li Yulan was so anxious to kick him out.

It turns out that there is a lovely wife hiding in the house.

"Is this the surprise you guys discussed together?" Qin Mo pulled her and kissed her again and again.

"You don't know yet?"

"What do you know?" Qin Mo was a little confused.

"Don't you know what happened during the day today?"

"I haven't gone out all day." Qin Mo was too tired last night and slept until the afternoon.

Then Subi Mojie pulled him and played the game of landing battle.

"No wonder."

"Did something happen?" Qin Mo asked.

Fang Shun didn't hide it from him and told him about Li Yulan and the others' visit.

"Damn it, is this happening?"

Qin Mo looked confused, but immediately felt indescribable gratitude in his heart.

"Otherwise, why would I be here?"

Fang Shuan smiled, her pretty face reflected by the red candle, looking indescribably charming.

Qin Mo swallowed his saliva and said, "Senior sister, you are so beautiful today!"

(End of this chapter)

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