big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1228 The dead wood is in spring again!

Chapter 1228 The dead wood is in spring again!

Qin Mo was very emotional.

It feels good to have a good wife at home.

Originally, this year, Fang Shun was not here, and Subi Mojie was unwilling to come over. He still felt a little uncomfortable.

But now, the unhappiness in my heart had long since disappeared.

"I'm only beautiful today?"

"No, no, in my heart, senior sister has always been beautiful."

Qin Mo couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear with joy.

Fang Shuan rolled her eyes at him, "You are the only one who speaks well!"

"My mouth is sweet!"

Hearing this, Fang Shun's face turned red again, thinking of Qin Mo's weird tricks.

"Why are you smiling so bad? Are you thinking of some bad tricks to torment me?"

"How can it be."

Qin Mo walked over in two or two steps, blew out his hand, and hugged her, "Senior sister, last time I was with the master, I couldn't help but not let go.

Now don't worry, there is no one else in this yard except you and me. "

"Isn't that stinky eunuch here?"

"this one"

Qin Mo said: "Xiao Gao is like my right and left hands, I'm used to it."

Fang Shun grabbed his ears and was so embarrassed, "Why, you still want your left and right hands to help?"

Qin Mo took a breath and said, "I have a treasure chest. I don't need his help. At most, let him push it at the critical moment!"

"You stinky thing, you also said that you have to shame people to death, right?"

Fang Shun bit Qin Mo's shoulder.

But Qin Mo was wearing thick clothes, and this bite not only did not hurt Qin Mo, but instead instantly ignited Qin Mo's heart.

"Now, you attack me first. It's reasonable for me to defend myself, right?"

"You are not allowed to defend yourself. His Majesty has decreed that I will take charge of you. You must listen to me from now on. Of course, you must also listen to my sister and sister.

You are a blessing to have so many good women on your own, so don’t cherish it! "

"That big brother is not angry?" Qin Mo touched his chin.

"No, His Majesty originally wanted to make me a protector of the state religion, but I didn't accept it. In the afternoon, Duke Gao came to announce the decree, saying that he would make me a first-class lady and let me discipline you according to the decree!"

"Hey, Madam of the First Grade, what a high imperial title!" Qin Mo laughed evilly, "I have never been suppressed by a Madam of the First Grade."

Fang Shun even laughed angrily, "The princess is not a first-class one? The queen is not a first-class one?"

"A princess is a princess, a queen is a queen, and there is a difference between a first-class lady and a first-class lady." Qin Mo whispered in her ear: "Xiao Mo is a servant. On this day, a first-class lady asked Xiao Mo to go to her room."

"You, you, you, I knew you had bad intentions!"

Fang Shun was very angry, but Qin Mo was telling stories in her ears, and all the energy in her body seemed to be drained away.

"Madam, Xiao Mo is here"

There is a saying that the spring night is short and the sun is high, and Xiao Mo will not go to court from now on.

At first, Fang Chun was a little embarrassed to tell the story, but seeing Qin Mo's excited look, she gave it up.

I really shamed the wintersweet in the corner and the tall man in the corner.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo wanted to stay in bed, but Fang Shun grabbed his ears and got up, "What does it look like for a grown man to stay in bed every day? You are now the leader of the Ziweixing Sect. Master has handed over the Taoism to you, no? Please carry it forward, at least you need to know our mission, right?"

"Sister, don't hold on, I'm getting up!"

Being grabbed by Fang Shun, Qin Mo had to get up obediently.Hitting Ha Qie, he ran around in the house, looking at someone who didn't like this, saying a few words about that, and making the Qin Mansion go crazy.

Li Yulan and the others didn't really stay up all night yesterday. They went back to the room to sleep at midnight.

Qin Mo got up early enough, but Li Yulan and the others got up even earlier than Qin Mo.

"Butler, where are the third sisters and the children?"

Qin Mo walked around and saw no one.

"The third princess got up before dawn. Today is the [-]th of the Lunar New Year. She ordered a lot of things yesterday. She said she was going to Qinzhuang early in the morning to pay New Year's greetings to the clan elders and give them gifts, and to see the widowers and their children.

This was originally a matter for the father-in-law, but the third princess said that the prince was getting older and it was too cold today, so he was not allowed to go out to get cold.

He also said that the young men in the family are gradually growing up and need to know the inheritance of etiquette so that they know what it means to respect the elderly and love the young.

You can't rely on your own status to be arrogant! "When talking about this matter, the housekeeper was also convinced.

Since the third princess married into the Qin Mansion, she has no airs at all.

She never went back to the Princess Mansion. She just took care of things in the Qin Mansion. She took the sisters and called the one who managed the Qin Mansion the best.

The favor exchanges are even more complete.

Anyone who talks about the third princess will give a thumbs up.

The monthly salary of the elderly in the house is getting higher and higher year by year, and there is no year-end bonus at the end of the year.

It is said that the elderly in the mansion after the age of 60 do not need to work. If they have no children, the Qin mansion will support them until they grow old.

If you have children, you can enter Qinzhuang to receive the best education. After you come out, you will directly arrange a job.

Who is not grateful?

People outside are all trying to get into the Qin Mansion with their heads sharpened, but the servants of the Qin Mansion are passed down from generation to generation, so they have no chance at all.

These were all discussed together by all the young ladies.

The prince and the second lady don't have to worry about this at all.

Qin Mo couldn't help but nod.

What a good wife.

His vision is really right.

The women in the house were not ranked in order, but as the eldest lady, Li Yulan was in charge of everything, and everyone was convinced.

Li Yushu has a high status, but she is not very willing to deal with such things. She has been pampered since she was a child and has no idea about money.

With this time, she was more willing to pester Qin Mo.

Li Lizhen has an indifferent temperament, so she doesn't even care about these things.

"It's to let those boys know what it means to respect teachers and respect morality." Qin Mo thought for a while and felt that life is just a reincarnation.

The images of my family in my memory gradually faded away. Although I still missed them, they no longer felt as uncomfortable as before.

People always look forward.

He hoped it was a dream, but was afraid it was a dream.

People are so greedy.

How can you be willing to give up something you have acquired so easily?
Qin Mo looked at the crooked-necked tree in the yard, which seemed to be stronger than before, and couldn't help but be curious, "Wasn't that tree dying before?"

"Oh, I asked people to catch insects and fertilize it. After strengthening it, the old tree turned into a dead tree.

Now the young men like to climb this tree! "The housekeeper said proudly, as if he had done something great, "This is the treasure tree of our Qin Mansion, we must let it live well! "

Qin Mo patted the butler on the shoulder, "Well done, I hope my grandson can also climb this tree!"

The housekeeper suddenly felt that the burden on his shoulders was heavier again. He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, young master. Even if I can't wait until that day, my son, my son's son, will definitely take good care of this old tree." !”

(End of this chapter)

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