big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1229 Qin Mo, you lied to me again!

Chapter 1229 Qin Mo, you lied to me again!

The last day of Longjing’s 13th year.

Qin Mo got up early.

Under the leadership of Qin Xiangru, the whole family first went to the ancestral hall to worship their ancestors, and then went home to worship.

The entire capital city is full of vitality.

The six doors spread the news, but there was still no movement.

Qin Mo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Either these people were really scared and would never dare to come out again.

Or be killed by him.

Just let Xu Que monitor him.

"Dad, I'm going to my master's place!" Qin Mo said.

"Bring something, don't be empty-handed. You have begged all the disciples who were closed down to go home, and you still go to other people's houses to eat and drink empty-handed every day, just to save face!" Qin Xiangru said.

"I know dad."

Qin Mo asked Xiao Liuzi to prepare a carriage of gifts. He first went to the Imperial Tomb of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and chatted with Gangzi for a while, "Master, aunt, why don't you come to my house to celebrate the New Year this year? It will be great for everyone to be lively."

"No, just the two of us will do it." Yuan Tiangang waved his hand, "Unless your family dares to place the tombs of two emperors."

Qin Mo laughed dryly, isn't that a joke?

Although he is also regarded as Emperor Yang's son-in-law, wouldn't he feel uncomfortable placing the former emperor's spiritual tablet in his own home?
Don't make mistakes of principle.

"We appreciate your filial piety. Your master and I prefer purity to the excitement!" Xiao Xuanji smiled and came to Qin Mo's rescue.

Not to mention that Xiao Yurou was still there, and it was not appropriate for a princess from the former dynasty to go to the current county official's house to celebrate the New Year.

"Okay, master, aunt, I'm going back first, and I'll come over early to give you two New Year's greetings!"

Qin Mogong cupped his hands and left.

Xiao Yurou came out of the house and looked at Qin Mo's figure with a melancholy expression.

Xiao Xuanji had no feelings for Ah Lian, and his illegitimate daughter could not be brought to the forefront, but he just felt a little pitiful for her.

Looking back and thinking about it, I think Qin Mo did the right thing.

If it were her enemy, she wouldn't hold back.

"He designed a sky lantern and wanted to trick me into going out!" Xiao Yurou thought of the scene she saw that night, and her heart felt like a knife.

Yuan Tiangang sighed, "You want to save her, that's right. He protects his family, that's right."

"Then who was wrong?" Xiao Yurou asked with red eyes.

"It's the world that's wrong!"

"Thinking on the bright side, maybe she is still alive, and she has not really hurt Qin Mo. Qin Mo may not kill her!"

"Auntie, you don't understand how cruel a cruel person is."

"Then how about I capture him and let you kill him?" Yuan Tiangang said.

"Kill, kill."

"Okay, then I'll call him over now!"

Yuan Tiangang raised his feet and walked away.

"Wait a minute, master!"

"what happened again?"

"For those who are celebrating the New Year, spare his life first and wait until the New Year is over!" Xiao Yurou sniffed and said.

Xiao Xuanji stepped forward and hugged her, caressing her empty sleeves and hair, "You keep cutting, and the hair is still messy. Idiot, you have such a hard life!"

After Qin Mo left the Imperial Tomb of Northern Zhou Dynasty, he went directly to the Imperial Tomb of Daqian.

On New Year's Eve, the incense here is very prosperous.

Prince Jian and Yuan Ji were also posthumously granted titles by Li Shilong.

And judging from Li Shilong's intention, he wanted to select an heir from within the clan to adopt their names.

It’s just that it hasn’t been brought up yet.

If he really does this, then Li Shilong's infamy will be even lighter.

Although they seek fame and reputation, there are really not many emperors who can achieve this level.The struggle for throne among the Tian family has been cruel since ancient times.

Foreign students from Oara can still regain their position after returning to the DPRK. Who can say that it is not cruel.

Qin Mo got off the carriage, carrying a jar of fine wine, a roast chicken, and several cold dishes in his hand.

The gold and silver are fine and soft, and the brocade clothes and silk are not included.

It’s useless to bring it, it’s just to create something for others.

He came to the low house with mottled red paint on the courtyard door. Half of the courtyard door was ajar, and the other half seemed to be unable to close, like a dislocated jaw that could not be closed from ear to ear.

The trees in the yard were dead, and three or two crows were sitting on them, calling.

A fat man with dull eyes sits in a wheelchair.

His feet were exposed, and his fat legs were red from the cold and covered with frostbite.

Before he even got close, a stench came from his body.

"Xiao Gao, you are here, don't come over." Qin Mo stopped Gao Yao from getting closer, fearing that the smell would reach him.

Gao Yao shook his head and insisted on following Qin Mo closely, his hand on the handle of the knife.

At this critical moment, we cannot relax.

His eyes scanned the surroundings and he was very energetic!

If Li Zhi was pretending to be crazy before, then Li Zhi now is probably really crazy.

If not crazy, then almost.

Lao Ba came here to see him last year. It is said that he was still conscious at that time.

But now he was wandering in front of Li Zhi without any expression.

Logically speaking, he is the person Li Zhi hates the most.

Qin Mo brought a stone pier over and didn't mind the smell of him. He placed the wine jar and roasted chicken on the stone pier, took out two cups and filled them up.

"Fourth, old friend came over and didn't say a word? Oh, I forgot, you have no tongue and can't speak."

Qin Mo came into his sight, "Fourth, look at me, Qin Mo, your brother-in-law, brother-in-law, and enemy!"

But Li Zhi's expression still didn't change.

"Master, is he really crazy?" Fang Chun asked.

"No, for a ruthless person like him, it is absolutely impossible for him to become truly crazy if he fails to achieve his goal.

Have you seen Mad Men?I've seen it! "Qin Mo has been to the lunatic asylum and knows what those people are like.

"Then why doesn't his expression change?"

"Protect yourself!"

Qin Mo thought for a moment and said, "The White Lotus Sect has become a problem in the northwest!"

A glimmer of light flashed in Li Zhi's eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

"That's enough." Qin Mo touched his chin, "Yao Guangxiao asked me to come and save you!"

After hearing this, Li Zhi's dead fish eyes gradually regained their shape, and his fat face gained some expression.

His tiny eyes began to move, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He was saying something vaguely. After carefully identifying it, Qin Mo guessed the general meaning, "Great, I have finally waited for this day!"

But when Li Zhi saw Qin Mo's appearance clearly, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning!

Qin Mo, how could it be Qin Mo?

The dead fish's eyes were full of shock.

The smile on his rotten face was frozen, looking ferocious and terrifying.

Wang Gui had scratched his face to pieces. Although it was healed now, the scars were all crisscrossed and it was impossible to see his original appearance clearly.

"Fourth, is that okay? Your acting skills are as good as ever!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "Why, my old friend came over to see you, and he was so excited that he didn't know what to say?
Don't get too excited, drink some wine to calm down! "

Li Zhi was so excited that his whole body was trembling. His eyes were full of hatred. He used all his strength to yell out a vague sentence from his throat, "Qin Mo, thief, you lied to me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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