big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1230: Being a human is no good, being a ghost is even worse!

Chapter 1230: Being a human is no good, being a ghost is even worse!
Qin Mo didn't hear this sentence clearly and couldn't analyze it.

But seeing him so excited, it's probably not a good thing to say.

"Don't be so excited, I know you miss me." Qin Mo put the wine glass to his mouth, "Would you like a glass of wine to warm yourself up?"

Li Zhi stared at Qin Mo with hatred, this is him, this is him!

All his sufferings are due to Him.

If it hadn't been for Qin Mo, he would have been the emperor by now.

Then he should be in the Tai Chi Palace at this time, rich all over the world, awake to hold the power of the world, drunk and lying on the knees of beautiful women.

Instead of being like a dog now.

No, he is worse than a dog now.

At least the dog can still walk freely. He is now guarding the home every day, and no one is looking after him.

The two young eunuchs sent by Wang Gui took pleasure in humiliating him every day.

But I was afraid that he would die.

He could only pretend to be crazy to avoid some pain.

Every day he hopes that the wise monk will save him.

But each year passed.

He didn't wait.

Just when he was desperate, the words he had been waiting for came to his ears.

But when he took a closer look, it was Qin Mo.

That feeling of disparity was like ants gnawing at his heart, eating away at his sanity bit by bit.

The huge pain made him want to hit his head to death.

It's a pity that he can't move now, he's as ugly as a ghost, and he can't even speak clearly.

Not to mention being full and hungry, he often only had one meal in two days, and all he ate were cold dishes and leftovers.

If he falls ill, a doctor will come to treat him.

Dead and unable to die, living and suffering.

The inner pain and hatred increases day by day.

Sometimes I dream about being in that position, killing Qin Mo over and over again, and bullying his wife over and over again.

But the pain after waking up from the dream made him feel particularly empty.

But now, Qin Mo really appeared in front of him.

He was still as dark and as strong as before.

He speaks in a careless and careless manner, which makes people want to beat him up.

But the anger and hatred in his heart were filled with fear.

"Are you here to kill me?" Li Zhi shook his head, "No, don't kill me, I'm already like this, let me live."

Qin Mo saw him howling and couldn't understand a word, so he didn't say a word, so he let him scold him.

He took a sip of wine to himself.

"Qin Mo, spare my life, I don't want to die!"

Because of fear, his whole body was shaking, and big tears flowed from his small eyes.

This time, Qin Mo was confused.

"Why are you crying?" Qin Mo was confused.

"Do not kill me."

He listened carefully for a while, then suddenly realized, and then said with a straight face: "You guessed it right, I am here to kill you. I saw this wine, this roast chicken and cold dishes, I am here to practice it for you.

I know you are here. Why am I here now? Of course it is to take your life! "

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Li Zhi was so frightened that he wet his pants for a while.

"Who wants to kill me? Is it my father?

It's definitely not Father, then it's Lao Ba. Has Lao Ba already come up?
I knew that when he came up, he would definitely kill me. "

Li Zhi said tremblingly.

The reason why he dared to scold Li Shilong, ridicule him, and ridicule him was that he was sure that Li Shilong would not kill him.

But Li Yue was different.They are just brothers, not the same father and mother.

In the past, he looked down on Lao Ba and made Lao Ba suffer some hardships.

It makes sense that he wants to kill himself.

"I'm already like this, why do you still want to kill me? Qin Mo, please help me beg for mercy and spare my life. I have a treasure house with millions of taels of silver hidden in it.

Spare my life and I will tell you the location of the treasure house."

Qin Mo was annoyed by his whining, "Speak slowly, you are like this, I don't even know what you said."

"Master, he begged you for mercy. He said he had a treasure house with millions of taels of silver, and he gave it all to you!" Gao Yao said.

"Damn it, can you even hear this?"

Gao nodded, "My godfather has asked me to learn lip reading since I was a child!"

"You still have such advanced skills?" Qin Mo was surprised. Gao Yao was so powerful, able to fight, loyal, and had various skills. He was a gold medal follower.

If such a person is placed in the palace, he will definitely be able to grow into an internal minister in the future.

It's a pity that if you follow him, you will only be a prince and eunuch in the end of your life.

Wronged him.

"Tell me the location of the treasure first." Qin Mo said with a straight face: "Don't try to lie to me, otherwise, I guarantee that your life will be worse than death!"

"The treasure is under the lake pavilion in Tianxiangyuan. Just drain the lake water and dig it up." Li Zhi said: "There are probably more than 400 million taels of silver in it, and there are also some land deeds."

Qin Mo clicked his tongue, "You are so good, you still have a back-up plan. These more than 400 million taels of silver are the capital for your comeback, right?"

Li Zhi was very embarrassed.

This is indeed what he left behind.

Cunning Rabbit Sanku, no matter what, he is also a noble man from Tianhuang, and many people give him money.

"Here, drink the wine." Qin Mo put the wine to his mouth.

Li Zhi pursed his lips and did not dare to drink at all.

Qin Mo took a sip, "Damn, I'm so damn afraid of death, drink it!"

Li Zhi was a little hesitant. When he saw Qin Mo drinking it, he thought it was not poisonous wine, and he was afraid of angering Qin Mo, so he could only drink.

The spicy wine flowed into the stomach, and a burst of heat went straight to the sky.

He had not tasted such good wine for several years.

Just as he was sighing, Qin Mo spit out the wine in his mouth.

What do you mean?
Li Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then his soul flew out of the sky, "Qin Mo, you thief, you actually tricked me again!"

Hearing this, Qin Mo couldn't stop laughing.

This damn fat guy is so fun to tease.

"Come, eat chicken!" Qin Mo pulled off a big chicken drumstick and put it into Li Zhi's mouth.

Li Zhi was choked and coughed.

He glared at Qin Mo fiercely.

"Stop staring and eat quickly. This is your last meal. Do you want to starve to death?" Qin Mo chuckled.

Li Zhi wanted to eat the meat raw, but he had already drank the wine. If he didn't eat, he would really starve to death.

So he ate the chicken legs with big mouthfuls.

He was still cursing Qin Mo in his heart.

But as I ate, I realized that the chicken legs were so delicious.

It's been a long time since I've eaten something so delicious. Last time, Li Yue came over and brought him some food.

Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

He, Li Zhiying, was brilliant all his life, but in the end he was defeated by a fool and suffered humiliation.

He chewed the chicken drumsticks with big mouthfuls, and then said: "Qin Mo, I accept my fate, we have also met each other, you can find a better place for me to bury it.

Otherwise, I will curse you for the rest of your life. Even if I turn into a ghost, I will not make it easy for you! "

Qin Mo wiped the oil on his hands and said, "If you are not good as a human being, how can you stand up as a ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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