big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1231 Kill me!

Chapter 1231 Kill me!

"Come on, if you don't be a good person in life, it's hard to be a good ghost after death." Qin Mo said lightly: "My master is from the Ziwei Star Sect, and I am the new leader. In other words, I am the Celestial Master of this generation.

When the time comes, I will make it impossible for you to become a ghost and still dare to trouble me.

Do you deserve it? "

This sentence is too sad.

He couldn't handle Qin Mo as a human being, and even less as a ghost since he was the head of the Ziweixing Sect.

Li Zhi's mentality completely exploded.

Is this guy born to defeat him?

"Also, Yao Guangzhi died a long time ago, and you still expect him to save you?" Qin Mo said: "Then you are probably overthinking.

Do you know how he died?
He stuffed a grenade into his mouth, and then his head exploded to pieces. He was really cruel. "

Li Zhi looked at Qin Mo in disbelief, "No, the great monk will not die. He is so smart, how could he die so easily?"

"Believe it or not." Qin Mo said: "You said you have a big head, pretend to be crazy and are rebellious. Don't you feel comfortable being your prince honestly?
Your eldest brother has already gone to sea. Wouldn’t you like it when the time comes and you go directly overseas to become an emperor?

Anyway, the result is the same, you have to do something.

I wasted a lot of time in Lingnan! "

Li Zhi doesn’t regret it?
He actually regrets it too!

"If it weren't for you, I would have won long ago, and this world would have been mine!" Li Zhi was extremely angry.

He made several preparations, but Qin Mo chopped them all to pieces.

Hidden and bright threads were all uprooted by him.

He even wondered if Qin Mo had known that he was not crazy and secretly sent someone to monitor him.

"You win a der!" Qin Mo asked Xiao Gao to get another stone pier, sat on it, crossed his legs and said: "When you are doing trouble, don't you think about why you are playing so smoothly? You are playing so well The sets are all the leftover rubbish from the old man’s play.

Do you know why you can live so long?
It's because of your merits.

At least you have brought down all the twelve valves in Jiangnan.

Not only that, but you have also deceived most of the powerful people in the north.

Otherwise, can father spare you? "

This matter was actually Qin Mo's fault, almost planned by him.

"You mean, my father has been using me from the beginning?"

"Smart, but unfortunately, you understood too late!" Qin Mo continued to deflect hatred to avoid telling the truth when asked later.

Li Zhi was devastated. It turned out that everything he did was done under the eyes of his father.

It's all a conspiracy!
Fortunately, he still thought that he was extremely smart, but he failed only because he met Qin Mo.

Was the outcome determined from the beginning?
Great monk, you misunderstood me!

Li Zhi's mouth was full of bitterness.

No wonder he always felt like he was being tricked later.

Not only did they clean up the remnants of the previous dynasty, but they also wiped out the twelve clans in the south of the Yangtze River and those clans in the north that held great power and commanded a lot of troops.

Kill four birds with one stone.

He is the last stupid bird!
Thinking of this, all the strength in his body was drained, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

The great monk died, and his last thoughts were gone.

Now I drank poisonous wine again.

Even my own hatred seems to be misplaced.

The reason why the father didn't kill him was because he felt guilty, right?
He knew he was faking it, but he still used him to accomplish this.

It means that he already knew that his eldest brother did not stab himself.

He laughed.

That smile was tragic in the extreme. "It's a waste of time for me, Li Zhi, who thought he was smart all his life, but he didn't expect that he would be mistaken for being smart." Li Zhi felt that he was too stupid.

Father is too cruel.

Inexplicably, he couldn't bear to see Qin Mo coming.

"You killed me, I don't blame you." Li Zhi looked at Qin Mo and said.

"It is said that when a person is about to die, his words are good. Let me ask you, who is the Mother of Buddha? You are not Maitreya Buddha. Maitreya is a great monk, so are you the Mother of Buddha?"

At first Qin Mo thought Li Zhi was Maitreya Buddha, because both his body shape and his identity must be him.

But when Yao Guangzhi came out later, he felt something was wrong.

The great monk is actually more suitable to be this Maitreya Buddha.

It should be impossible for Li Zhi to rebel against his own father as an anti-teacher.

That is undoubtedly shooting yourself in the foot.

Even if he does succeed, it will be difficult for these believers to turn around.

There is no end to the killing. After all, the original intention is different, and changing the core doctrine will cause big trouble.

So Qin Mo thought about it and denied that Li Zhi was Maitreya Buddha.

Li Zhi couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "I am indeed not Maitreya Buddha, how could I be Maitreya Buddha?
I am the Crown Prince, the King of Thailand, and I am fighting against the Qing Dynasty. I am trying to trace my origins. How can I be the leader of the rebels?

White Lotus teaches me that I am indeed the mastermind behind this.

I put the great monk in the public eye, and outsiders called him the Black Buddha, but he was actually Maitreya Buddha.

Of course, I am the mastermind behind the scenes. You are right to say that I am Maitreya.

But I won't admit it. "

Speaking of this, he felt a little proud, as if his trick had deceived everyone for so long, which was great.

"So the Buddha Mother is also you?"

Li Zhi shook his head, "It's not me, it's really not me. You never know who that person is, and you can't possibly guess the true identity of the Buddha Mother.

And let me tell you, the Buddha Mother is by your side! "

Qin Mo's heart pounded, "Right next to me? Who?"

"I'm going to die, do you think I will tell you?" Li Zhi sneered: "Qin Mo, I still hate you, we could have been good friends, but you ruined everything.

You pushed Lao Ba up with one hand, but I tell you, Lao Ba is not enough to become a great person, and you will definitely suffer the consequences in the future.

The Buddha Mother is by your side, and I curse you to a bad death.

I want you to be threatened by the Buddha Mother every day. You may think that I am deceiving you, but I tell you that the Buddha Mother is a real person.

Even the black Buddha doesn't know who the Buddha Mother is.

As long as you dare to relax, Mother Buddha will send you on your way. "

"You want to scare me. If the Buddha Mother exists, she will definitely come back to save you!"

Qin Mo looked at him, "If the Buddha Mother you are talking about is Xiao Yurou, then you are wrong, she is also dead!"

"Xiao Yurou? She is not the Buddha's mother!" Li Zhi sneered: "Xiao Yurou is not qualified to be the Buddha's mother, and do you think I am stupid?

I, Li Zhi, am rebellious, but I will not dig Da Qian's grave. "

After saying this, he remained silent and waited for death to come.

Qin Mo looked at him and said, "You won't die, there's no poison in the drink!"

"Really, but I want to die!" Li Zhi now has all hope gone. Living is just suffering. It's better to die.

Seeing Qin Mo's uncomfortable look, he felt very happy.

It seemed that at this moment, he finally grasped Qin Mo's weakness.

"Qin Mo, I can tell you who the Buddha Mother is. I only have one condition, kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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