big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1232 It’s definitely not her? !

Chapter 1232 It’s definitely not her? !

Qin Mo was confused.

Sure enough, if you have a weakness, it is easy for others to take advantage of you.

"Kill you, just live well. If you don't tell me, I will not only let you live well, I will also let you live until you are old."

Qin Mo smiled and said: "I want to die, dream!"

"You!" Li Zhi's eyes widened, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

"What am I, why don't I let you live a long life?" Qin Mo said with a smile: "You have to thank me and pray for me in your heart every day, so that I can live a long life too.

However, you must be feeling uncomfortable guarding your 'mausoleum' every day, right?
'His Royal Highness the King of Thailand' is now the heroic and wise king of Daqian. Who would have thought that he is still alive! "

"Qin Mo, you are not like the son of man, I curse you for 1000 years, 1 years!"

"You are not as good as me as a human being, and you have to be controlled by me as a ghost. I advise you to be more open-minded. Otherwise, when you die, I will take you in and you will not be able to become a ghost or be reincarnated!"

After saying that, Qin Mo ate all the roast chicken side dishes in front of him.

Li Zhi scolded him fiercely at first, but Qin Mo ignored him at all.

He ate a lot of meat and drank a lot of wine. The aroma of wine, coriander and coriander penetrated his nose, torturing his nerves.

"Hiccup!" Qin Mo burped comfortably, "You're a little too young to play this trick with me."

After saying that, Qin Mo turned around and left.

"Qin Mo, come back and kill me!"

Seeing Qin Mo leave the small courtyard, Li Zhi was so excited that he fell straight to the ground. He wanted to squirm, but he couldn't move at all.

Like a fat maggot, unspeakably funny.

"Qin Mo, come back and kill me!"

This man was so hateful that he killed all his hopes abruptly.

It's a pity that Qin Mo didn't kill him at all.

It was also because he was too fat and the ground was dirt, so he couldn't commit suicide by hitting the ground.

He couldn't even eat dirt. He tried it once before and almost choked to death after eating a few mouthfuls. Moreover, it was so cold and freezing that all the teeth in his mouth were broken. Can't bite off.

He was completely desperate.

Qin Mo is a cruel guy. If he doesn't die today, he will definitely try every means to torture him.

And now that he has no hope of living, he will really be tortured and go crazy.

It would be better to die than to live in confusion.

Just as he was thinking about it, several eunuchs came back and started to curse when they saw him rolling on the ground.

"This damn Sangmenxing, he can't die even when he's dead, he's disgusting when he's alive, he causes us trouble every day!"

The eunuchs who were assigned here basically had no future and no way to make money, and their lives were extremely miserable.

Having to take care of this kind of person is simply adding to the pain.

Suddenly, punches and kicks ensued.

One person even rushed into the room and poured half a bucket of night fragrance on Li Zhi.

"Qin Mo, kill me, and I'll tell you who the Buddha Mother is!"

Unfortunately, he regretted it too late, and Qin Mo had already left.

On the carriage back, Gao Yao said: "Master, are you so sure that the Buddha Mother is a real person?"

"Sixty percent!" Qin Mo sighed: "I just analyzed what he said, and there is a certain probability that he wants to torture me and keep me on guard.

But the Buddha Mother should exist, but I don’t know who this person is.

He said that the Buddha Mother is by my side, which may be true. "

"Who?" Gao Yao felt a chill in his back.

"I don't know. I've screened everyone around me, and no one meets the requirements." Qin Mo said, "I even thought about my mother."

"Queen Gongsun is the mother of Buddha?"

"No!" Qin Mo firmly denied this statement, "If it were someone else, I would definitely think so, but if that person is the queen mother, it is definitely not her."

In fact, Qin Mo didn't know what he was saying.

Great evil seems like loyalty, great evil looks like kindness.

Empress Gongsun is Li Zhi's biological mother, and she also knows too much about the dirty things of the Gongsun family.

Coupled with the new law, her children have basically lost the possibility of competition.A mother who has lost hope will definitely help her children.

It is natural to protect the calf.

Therefore, if you think more darkly, the finger of blame can basically be pointed at her.

Moreover, Li Zhi did not tell the Buddha Mother, maybe not to torture him, but because he could not tell!
Can't say.

He can kill his father, but he may not kill his biological mother!

That's really no different from an animal.

Qin Mo frowned.

Gao Yao has been with Qin Mo for too long. Qin Mo said this, but there was no smile on his face.

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "Master, it's definitely not your wife's. She loves you so much, how could she do such a thing."

"Yeah, I don't think it's her." Qin Mo forced a smile, but lost his voice in the end.

It was snowing, and heavy goose-feather snow fell rustlingly on the carriage.

This winter, there was no snow in Daqian. I thought it would be a winter without snow, but I didn’t expect it to come on the last day.

Ruixue is a prosperous year.

Qin Mo was not happy at all.

It was like there was an extra wall in my heart, and I felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

He thought of Queen Gongsun's protection and all the things in the past.

There is a feeling of wanting to escape.

How to find out the truth?

Or should I just forget it, just pretend I don’t know, cover myself with the quilt and pretend I don’t know anything.

Then he still faced her with a smile.

Qin Mo fell silent.

On the way back, the atmosphere was terrifyingly dark.

Gao Yao knew that Qin Mo must be feeling particularly uncomfortable.

He respected Queen Gongsun as his biological mother.

If he was betrayed by the person closest to him, he would definitely not be able to get over it.

"Master, we're here!" Gao Yao whispered.

She had never seen Qin Mo look so lost.

Qin Mo turned around, lifted up the quilt on his body, turned around and got out of the carriage. Although there was no smile on his face, he was not livid.

After returning home, Li Yulan came back with everyone.

The furry children were running around in the mansion. In order to make it easier for the children to run, Qin Xiangru saw off all the thresholds except the door threshold.

Those thin and fragile trees have all been replaced by thick trees, with all the small branches gone, just to make it easier for the children to climb.

There are even special anti-fall mats under these trees.

The details of protecting children are taken to the extreme.

"Lang Jun, come here quickly, I'm waiting for you." Li Yulan said with a smile.

The girls all held the children in their hands and surrounded Qin Mo, "Mr. Sir, please give me lucky money!"

"Dad, give me some money!"

The children spoke in a childish voice.

Zhen Zhen, in particular, has just learned to speak. Her speech is unclear and she is particularly cute.

Qin Mo's heart melted.

He took a look and found that Li Yulan was holding Brother Feng in one hand and Tianxin in the other.

My heart warmed up.

The child has no mother, so Li Yulan clings to him in everything, fearing that he will be wronged.

He hugged Tianxin over and said, "You are the eldest brother. I will give you as much money as you want this year!"

(End of this chapter)

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