big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1236 It’s no good knowing too much!

Chapter 1236 It’s no good knowing too much!
"Well, dad, it's not good for you to know too much!"

"Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!" Qin Xiangru said.

"My father-in-law also knows it!"

"Which father-in-law?" Qin Xiangru trembled all over.

"Lao Chai!" Qin Mo said, "I sent many lonely ghosts there in advance."

Chai Shao no longer hated Li Shilong.

But how can one easily forget the revenge of killing his son?

When Chai Shao confessed to him, Chai Rong heard it clearly.

And if it weren't for Lao Liu's connivance, how could the Hou family bully the Chai family like this?

So it’s actually very difficult for him to be caught in the middle.

Not only must he appease Lao Chai, but he must also appease Xiao Chai.

"Chai Shao is a good candidate." Qin Xiangru nodded, "Who else is there?"

"Suga Sachiko, Subi Mojie!"

Qin Mo mentioned two people who particularly surprised Qin Xiangru.

"Why the two of them?"

"I'm short of people. One of them is the Queen of Wozhou and the other is Queen Subi. It's very easy to find people." Qin Mo said.

"You are great!"

"I didn't tell them clearly, so they probably don't know the truth!"

Qin Xiangru put away the map, but still felt uneasy and threw it directly into the stove, "You can't keep this kind of thing at home. Let's just let it go."

Let’s run that place as our family’s property.

When the children are older, go over there and let them inherit.

Our family has a big business. Even if you win over many people, there are still risks. "

Qin Mo had actually thought about a constitutional monarchy, but it was absolutely impossible for Lao Liu to agree to it.

No emperor would agree to such a highly centralized unified imperial power.

He is too lazy to be a powerful minister.

Or forming a cabinet and silencing the emperor are also methods.

But none of that applies now.

Everything must be discussed after the dust has settled.

In the second half of the night, Qin Xiangru became more and more energetic as he talked, drooling all over the place.

Qin Mo was extremely sleepy.

I managed to stay up until dawn, and just as I was about to squint my eyes for a while, Qin Xiangru grabbed me and said, "Come to the palace to pay New Year's greetings!"

Qin Mo had his head drooped and was so sleepy that he could only catch up on his sleep in the car.

When they arrived at Tai Chi Palace, everyone who was supposed to come came and congratulated Li Shilong one after another.

There was nothing much going on on the first day of the new year. After paying New Year's greetings, Li Shilong held a banquet for all the ministers before leaving.

"Fool, wake up."

Seeing Qin Mo dozing off, Li Yue was helpless and quickly shook him awake, "Everyone is gone, you can go home!"

Qin Mo rubbed his red eyes, "Oh, go home!"

"Wait, I have something to ask you."

Li Yue hooked Qin Mo's shoulder, "It's my father's birthday next month, what are you going to give me?
Should we send them together or separately? "

When it comes to giving gifts, Qin Mo has the most ideas and can deliver them to others' hearts every time.

"Do you want to send them together or separately?"

"Anything is fine, it's up to you!" Li Yue said: "I don't know what to give. My father is rich all over the world, so there is nothing new in giving.

If we want to give something away, let’s give it something we’ve never seen before! "

"Well," Qin Mo touched his chin, "How about giving your father dozens of strong nuns?"

Li Yue smiled bitterly, "Your father is good at this, but my father is not good at this."

After saying that, he looked around and whispered: "My father likes young people. Even so, we sons and daughters can't give women to our father, right?" "That's not easy. If you want to give your father a girl, In the heart of the emperor, just get Jihe and Shidan and let them be included. Father, I promise that you will be happy and no one can steal your grace.

When the time comes, sending some gifts as embellishments will be the icing on the cake. "

"It's too late, and the envoys of the two countries stationed in the capital can't make the decision!" Li Yue's heart was moved, but he couldn't make up for it in time.

"Then what my father wants, can you just give him what he wants?"

"I do not know!"

Li Yue couldn't help but sigh.

"Giving gifts is all about my heart. You don't know, and I don't know either." Qin Mo said, "You have to learn to think independently, you know."

"Idiot, where are you going? Wait for me!"

Li Yue followed Qin Mo to the Lizheng Hall.

At this time, everyone in the Lizheng Hall was gone.

Li Yulan and the others were in the sun room, drinking tea with Queen Gongsun to keep warm.

"Jingyun is here!" Concubine Li was also there and said quickly when she saw Qin Mo.

All the girls looked over.

"My son-in-law has met his mother, Concubine Li!" Qin Mo said.

Li Yue also hurriedly raised his hands in greeting, "My sons and ministers meet my mother and queen, mother and concubine!"

Then I thought about Li Yulan and sister Li Yushu saluting and saying hello.

"Why are you two here? Is the banquet over?" Queen Gongsun asked while asking Feng Jin to hold the stool.

"It's time to leave. Many people went to the Royal Garden to enjoy the wintersweet with my father!" Li Yue said.

He has no interest at all in flower viewing.

"Then why are you two here?" Queen Gongsun asked.

Li Yue thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "I dare to ask my mother, what does my father want most now?"

Empress Gongsun was stunned and quickly understood, "I don't know this either. Your father is rich in the world and lacks nothing!"

Li Yue scratched his head, what else could he do?

A birthday comes only once every ten years, so a different gift must be given.

Do we really want to do what Qin Mo said and deal with Shi Dan and Ji He?

It's not that it can't be done, it's just that there's not enough time.

Concubine Li also said: "I don't care about giving gifts. If you are careful, even if it is just a calligraphy, painting or pen, Your Majesty will be happy."

"Your mother-in-law is right." Empress Gongsun reminded: "It is good to go along with what others like, but your intention is more important!"

Li Yue reacted and remembered that two years ago, Li Xian and Li Xuan built an airplane model for Li Shilong by hand.

It's not a particularly valuable item.

But Li Shilong placed the model in the most conspicuous position of Ganlu Hall.

This incident was even recorded in the next day's newspaper.

"Thank you, mother, for reminding me. I understand!" Li Yue said.

"Don't forget your original intention at any time. If you think about trying to get into the camp, you will fall into the trap no matter when!"

"Yes, I have learned a lesson!"

Li Yue had an idea in his mind. He could also make something by himself for his father.

It doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s best if it’s something he can use!
Inexplicably, the treasure box Qin Mo gave him flashed through his mind.

No, no, no, that damn thing can't be used as a gift.

At this time, Qin Mo was looking at Empress Gongsun, and he couldn't calm down. How could such a peaceful and great woman, who could compromise for the sake of the overall situation, be the Mother of the Buddha?

"Jingyun, is there something on Queen Mother's face?" Seeing Qin Mo staring at her, Queen Gongsun asked a little strangely.

Qin Mo came back to his senses and said with a smile: "Of course, the queen mother's face looks young, beautiful, peaceful, graceful and luxurious!"

As soon as these words came out, Concubine Li couldn't help but praise: "You are so good at talking, no wonder you are so popular with your empress!"

(End of this chapter)

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