big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1237 When you turn around, I’ll be there!

Chapter 1237 When you turn around, I’ll be there!

Empress Gongsun couldn't stop laughing. She stroked her face and said, "My mother is already old, how can she be so exaggerated as you said!"

Qin Mo added: "In my heart, the Queen Mother is the most beautiful. Of course, Concubine Li is also very beautiful, and she is also the first-class beauty in the world!"

"This little mouth is covered with honey." Li Fei laughed so hard that her branches trembled.

Li Yue also saw that his mother and concubine were happy, and he was very happy in his heart.

However, he is not as popular with his elders as Qin Mo.

"By the way, mother, how is the Women's and Children's Association doing recently?" Qin Mo said.

"Now it has been trialled around the capital, starting with the state capital, and then slowly expanding to counties and villages, and including officials in the assessment." Speaking of this, Empress Gongsun was also very happy.

"Thanks to you, otherwise, those people would not let go." Li Fei said.

"This is what I should do." Qin Mo smiled naively.

Li Yulan's three daughters were very happy to see Qin Mo being so popular.

The son-in-law is favored, and their married daughters don't have to worry about their parents, and they can hold their heads high in the palace.

Unlike other princes-in-law, who have to rely on the princess for support, after entering the palace, they don't even dare to breathe, which is really a coward.

But they didn't know that Qin Mo was suffering inside at this time.

He has eliminated all the people who can be excluded, and all the fingers are pointed at the kind woman in front of him.

Seeing Qin Mo looking at her absentmindedly, with tears in her eyes, Empress Gongsun said: "Jingyun, if you feel uncomfortable there, tell your mother."

She reached out her hand and touched Qin Mo's forehead.

"Oh, no, not at all!" Qin Mo sniffed, but he couldn't bear the sore nose anymore, and his eyes were filled with tears for a while, "I just saw the white hair on the queen mother's head and felt uncomfortable. Why did the Queen Mother's hair turn white in the blink of an eye?

If only this hair grew on my head. "

When Queen Gongsun heard this, she felt even more love for Qin Mo. He was such a filial child.

She touched Qin Mo's head, took out her handkerchief and wiped Qin Mo's tears, "Silly boy, how can there be an immortal person who is not a monster!"

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Li Yushu felt bad. As her own daughter, she was not as good as Qin Mo.

She quickly stood up and walked to Queen Gongsun's side, "Mother, you have been tired over the years!"

"Worrying about our children and worrying about our husbands, isn't this what we women should do?"

Queen Gongsun stroked Qin Mo's head and said, "Stop crying. Everyone who is celebrating the New Year should be happy."

Concubine Li was also very emotional, what a filial child.

Li Yue touched his nose, which made him embarrassed.

Otherwise, how many tears should he squeeze out?

But during the Chinese New Year, he was in a very good mood, and his mother and concubine were doing so well that he could cry.

No, no, I must cry.

Even the fool is crying, and his son will also be crying.

Suddenly, he thought of the hard days before he became successful. He was made things difficult for him and his mother and concubine were not living a good life.

For a moment, my nose felt a little sore, and then I started to breathe gently.

Li Fei was stunned, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Yue raised his head and looked at Concubine Li with red eyes, "Looking at the hair of the concubine and the empress, and the wrinkles on their faces, my son's heart felt like a knife, and I just regretted why I couldn't take their place in their old age.

Let the queen mother and concubine stay young forever and not be eroded by time.

If possible, I would like to shorten my life by 30 years! "

Li Fei quickly covered his mouth, "Bah, bah, bah, what about losing 30 years of life? Birth, old age, illness, death, and aging are things that everyone has to experience.

If you have this intention, my wife and I will be very satisfied! "

Queen Gongsun couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, Li Yue could do this, so her hard work was not in vain. "What Concubine Li said is right. A person's heart does not care about his deeds. If you have this heart, your mother will be very happy." Empress Gongsun also touched his head.

Qin Mo is not in the mood to care about Li Yue now. He just wants to leave here and be quiet for a few days.

Maybe he could forget about it.

No matter what, Queen Gongsun didn't do anything sorry for him, that's enough.

He has to bear her kindness!

"Okay, sir, stop crying!" Li Yulan and Li Lizhen quickly comforted Qin Mo.

Feng Jin on the side also nodded secretly, "Qin Mo, Li Yue, pure filial piety!"

Qin Mo was not in a very high mood after leaving the Lizheng Hall.

Li Yulan thought it was because Qin Mo was too tired to watch the New Year's Eve, so she said, "Mr. Lang, why don't you go back and I can press your buttons?"

Qin Mo shook his head, put his hands in his sleeves, and said nothing.

"Isn't he possessed by evil spirits?" Li Yue said, "How about calling Zan Ying over to take a look."

Qin Mo went up and kicked him, "You're so talented, my brother is so good, but I was too emotionally involved just now and couldn't pull away quickly. This is called being in love too deeply!"

Li Yue covered his buttocks and changed the subject: "Idiot, I just thought about it, how about we make a gift together for my father?

The thing that my father uses every day is a pen. I have a general idea in my mind. Do you want to hear it? "

"I don't want to hear it!"

Qin Mo quickened his pace. He was in no mood to talk to Li Yue now.

"Idiot, come back to me when you get out. My idea is definitely a good one, really!" Li Yue said.

"He may have something on his mind." Li Yulan said to Li Yue, "Don't worry when I go back and ask."

"Hey, this is the only way." Li Yue said.

After returning to Qin Mansion, Qin Mo rolled up his mattress and fell asleep.

Gao Yao was guarding the door. When he saw Li Yulan coming, he blocked the way, "Third Princess, the young master was tired from watching the New Year's Eve last night and was sleeping. He said he won't see anyone now."

"Me too?"

"Yes, I won't see anyone!" Gao nodded.

"Then I'll guard him at the door!"

Li Yulan was particularly worried about Qin Mo. In the years she had been married to Qin Mo and given him children, she had never seen Qin Mo collapse like this.

He remained silent the whole time, but his throat continued to swallow.

It was obviously not swallowing saliva, but swallowing back tears.

That room was his preserve.

Li Yulan didn't want to expose his strength.

She was sitting outside the corridor. The plum blossoms were blooming in the yard, but she had no intention of admiring them.

Until it gets dark and the door opens.

Qin Mo hugged her tightly into the room and kept warming her up, "Third sister, if you don't stay in the room on this cold day, why are you keeping me company?
I'm just tired and sleepy, I just need a nap and I'll be fine. "

The sleepiness and discomfort I felt during the day are no longer visible at this moment.

Li Yulan hugged him tightly, "Lang Jun, although I don't know what happened, I am always behind you.

As long as you turn around, you can see me.

If you are sad, just hug me and talk to me.

Seeing you in such pain and not being able to share your burden makes my heart feel like a knife! "

(End of this chapter)

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