big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1238 Choose it!

Chapter 1238 Choose it!
Seeing Li Yulan crying so sadly, Qin Mo couldn't help comforting her.

"If anything happens in the future, I will definitely tell you as soon as possible."

"Don't lie to me!" Li Yulan finally burst into laughter.

"When did I lie to my dear third sister?" Qin Mo sighed secretly in his heart. If Empress Gongsun was really the mother of the Buddha, there was nothing she could do.

However, after calming down, he felt it was impossible.

After all, it was impossible for Queen Gongsun to be associated with the remnants of the previous dynasty.

He had been in the room for so long, not just sleeping, but also reviewing what had happened over the years.

He has a good habit of reviewing things afterward to make sure he didn't miss anything major.

In the end, he could confirm that Queen Gongsun was not the Buddha's mother.

Even if she is, she may not know her identity.

If Li Zhi comes to find her, Empress Gongsun will definitely destroy her relatives.

Moreover, she also has an heir.

Ah Si is also a good candidate.

There is no need to do such a thing.

After thinking about it, he felt much better.

Let's just stop this matter and let Xu Que pay attention.

"It's my father's birthday, what gifts are you planning to prepare?"

"How about giving him a grandson?"

Li Yulan understood instantly and said with a blushing face: "I asked Brother Feng, he wants a younger brother."

Qin Mo raised her chin, "Satisfy him!"

For several days, Qin Mo was either paying New Year's greetings or on his way to pay New Year's greetings.

Tired him out.

When they arrived at Chai Mansion, Chai Shao was drinking wine with Qin Mo, "A few days ago, a letter came from over there. What country name do you think is better?"

In fact, Chai Shao has always been taking care of these things, and the emperor has canceled his surveillance.

These things are not suitable for Qin Mo to do. If Qin Mo does this and Li Shilong finds out, it is a betrayal.

In his heart, Qin Mo was a perfect son-in-law and a confidant who could be entrusted to the country.

"What does the father-in-law think is a better name?" Qin Mo asked.

"To bid farewell to the old and welcome the new, it is the beginning of all things. The Beginning is the beginning, the Yuan, and the One!" Chai Shao stroked his beard and said: "How about the Great Yuan Dynasty, or the Great Chu Kingdom!"

Qin Mo was speechless.

Da Chu is better, Da Yuan smells like kumiss.

"do not like?"

"Why not, let's call him Han, or Tang. If that doesn't work, he can also call him Ming!" Qin Mo can't go back, so he will bring the majesty of Han, the openness of Tang, and the backbone of Ming! "

Big man?

Chai Shao dipped his fingers into the wine and wrote the character "汉" one by one.

"Yes, that's it!"

Qin Mo nodded.

"The virtue of a great man comes from the original spring." Chai Shao nodded, "Not bad, catchy!"

Dahan is used to refer to a person who has a rough and tough appearance and a straightforward and straightforward personality.

It instantly establishes a cheerful image for a country.

As for the Tang Dynasty, "But the Tang Dynasty in the past? It was also a powerful country in the Gyeonggi Province in the past. It is said to be the name of an ancient tribe that lived in Pingyang. Tang was its leader, so it was called "Tang Kingdom" by later generations!"

"Not bad!"

Qin Mo nodded, what is the name of this country?
"It has origins and can trace its roots. It's also a good name!" Chai Shao nodded.

"As for Ming Dynasty, it should mean fire and light, right?"

"That's right, that's what it means!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "A single spark can start a prairie fire, and it will definitely light up the country and reflect the mountains and rivers!"

"Then which country name do you personally like the most?" Chai Shao obviously felt confident when he saw Qin Mo name three country names in one breath. "Let's understand!" Qin Mo said.

This dynasty has too many regrets.

As a student of history, Qin Mo still has a lot of experience in dynasty changes.

Especially for such backward agricultural countries, they basically rely on the weather for their livelihood.

Once we hit a hot period, the country will be strong and the people will be prosperous.

Once it encounters the Great Cold Period, it will inevitably be plundered by various tribes.

There was a severe cold wave in the late Tang Dynasty. Needless to say, it was swept away by the Xiaoglaihe tomorrow and the people were in dire straits.

"Okay, then Ming!" Chai Shao nodded, also thinking that the country name 'Ming' is a good one.

"I have calculated the horoscope of your birth date, and it must be the virtue of fire. Ming is also fire, which coincides with your horoscope!" Chai Shao said, stroking his palm.

"Father-in-law, I don't want to be an emperor!"

"Then who will take the title?" Chai Shao said: "When we establish the title of the country, we can't let everyone get into chaos, right?

There are many different ethnic groups there. If they are not unified, something will happen sooner or later! "

Qin Mo was confused.

He is the last person willing to do this, after all, he is lazy.

At the beginning, I did all this just to leave a way out for myself and to get myself a home suitable for survival.

But these people were good. The higher their career got, the bigger they got. In the end, they directly founded the country.

It was more like he was being pushed.

"My father is still here." Qin Mo said.

"Does your father know?"

"I told him two days ago, and the little old man hasn't slept for two days."

"Oh, he's in great shape!"

Chai Shao smiled and shook his head. In fact, he was also very shocked when Qin Mo came to discuss this matter with him.

However, in the past few years, all developments have exceeded his expectations.

"Besides, when you are an emperor, you have to let people know who the emperor is, right?"

Qin Mo was actually very conflicted in his heart. There was no need to become a president or something like that.

In the later stage, the imperial power will definitely be emptied indefinitely, which will inevitably be restrictive in many aspects.

"Let your father retire and find an excuse to go out to sea for fun. No one will care." Chai Shaoxin no longer works hard.

In other words, in the past, we had to compromise.

"How about you retire? Come and take a look for our father and son first?" Qin Mo touched his chin and said: "The name of the country will be called Ming first, and the emperor will not be the emperor later!"

"Yes, if you rush over there, there will definitely be a lot of trouble. In two days, I will go to the palace to resign and retire. On the pretext of writing a book and biography, I will not see anyone, and then leave Daqian.

In this way, even if you don’t go out for three to five years, you won’t attract anyone’s attention! "

In this era, books and biographies were all calculated in years. The faster ones were two or three years, the slower ones were three to five years, or seven or eight years.

"This is a good idea, but it will take a long time to get there by boat." Qin Mo was also a little worried about Chai Shao's health.

"I can now eat three big bowls in one meal, and I can even dance with a sword weighing more than 30 kilograms. It's no problem!" Chai Shao said.

Qin Mo poured a glass of wine, stood up and said, "My son-in-law thanks my father-in-law first!"

Chai Shao accepted it happily and said: "I can see that you have no intention of leaving Daqian, but now that the matter has come to this, we still need to think of a safe solution.

It doesn't matter if you don't come, your father or your children will always come, Ming Dynasty will always need someone to lead it.

I'll go over and help you take care of it for a while. There won't be any big problems in three to five years.

Ask your father to come over soon. "

Qin Mo nodded. He still preferred Daqian. If he could, he would never leave here for the rest of his life.

Let his father or his son do this tiring job.

(End of this chapter)

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