big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1239 Make a fortune in silence!

Chapter 1239 Make a fortune in silence!
Qin Mo still likes to be the boss behind the scenes, and he has developed a lot of energy behind the scenes.

Daqian is so big that he has almost raised her.

It’s quite interesting to reopen the Ming trumpet now.

In the next few decades, it won’t be so boring.

Thinking of this, he took out a planning document.

In this plan, the six departments were abandoned and the various departments of the imperial court were reorganized.

"What is this?" Chai Shao asked.

"You'll know just by looking at it."

Chai Shao took it and took a look, and was immediately fascinated by the contents of the planning book.

After a long while, he said: "I see the future of Daqian here!"

"Well, the country's national conditions are not suitable for doing this. Even if we do it, it will probably take decades to innovate.

There is no need for Ming Dynasty. Everything there is new and everything is started from scratch.

Can be applied directly.

An advanced system can play its greatest role and shorten the gap between the two sides in a very short period of time. "Qin Mo said.

"You didn't say you didn't want to be the emperor, what did you mean?" Chai Shao raised the planning book in his hand.

"This is for my dad. I'm afraid he won't win." Qin Mo smiled and shook his head.

He is the kind of person who makes a fortune in silence. The biggest benefit is always to swallow it in silence, and then reveal a small part of it that makes people enviable, but not jealous.

In this way, he becomes invincible.

Chai Shao nodded and carefully hid the planning book.

Qin Mo was also very careful. The planning book also included Daqian's plan for the next 100 years.

Even if it leaks out, there will be no problem.

However, if Lao Qin really ran to become the local emperor, then passing the throne would be troublesome in the future.

What does he do with so many sons?
"Is my new love method prepared for myself?" Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn't laugh or cry.

"He Li Er has been winning all his life, now it's time for me to win." Chai Shao hid the planning book and said with a smile: "I won't serve him anymore!
But Sitian and Xiaorong have to leave it to you. "

"You should." Qin Mo raised his glass again, "I'll give you a toast!"

The father-in-law and his father-in-law discussed the matter all afternoon.

Chai Rong took Dou Mei home, "Third sister, where is Brother Qin?"

"Still chatting with dad." Chai Sitian said, "We've been chatting all afternoon, and I don't know what the two men have to talk about."

Chai Sitian stretched her chin, feeling worried. Qin Mo and her didn't even talk so much when they were together.

"Oh, go and have a look!"

Chai Rong put down the child and strode over.

Seeing Chai Rong coming over, Chai Shao said: "You came back just in time, I have something to tell you!"

"what's up?"

"Close the door."

Seeing Chai Shao's mysterious appearance, Chai Rong scratched his head and closed the door.

"In two days I will resign and go back to my hometown to write a book and biography. I will not return to the capital once I go there. From now on, you will have to discuss all big and small matters with Jingyun!" Chai Shao said.

"So suddenly?"

Chai Rong was stunned, "Dad, can't you write a book in the capital? Brother Qin always writes books in his free time."

"You bastard, can writing novels be the same as writing books?" Chai Shao was speechless, "Anyway, remember my words, if I'm not at home, you will be in charge.

You are responsible for managing things at home. If you can't make up your mind, just ask Jingyun. Don't bother me, you know? "

"Then I can't visit you even during the holidays?"

"What good-looking, useless thing I have!" Chai Shao couldn't help scolding: "Just remember what I said."

"Oh!" Qin Mo said, "You can manage ten thousand people in the army, how can you not manage a small family?"

"Having said that," Chai Rong sighed, there is still a difference between having elders in the family and having no elders in the family.

"Then it's settled."

Chai Shao said something and stood up. After talking for a whole morning, he also gained insights into the development of Ming Dynasty in the next few years.

The first is to civilize the local indigenous people, and then to eliminate the barriers between various races.

This is not an easy thing to do.

Daqian is what it is today because of the collision and dissolution of various dynasties over hundreds and thousands of years.

After Chai Shao left, Chai Rong asked, "Brother Qin, did something happen to my father? Or did the man above say something to him?"

At this point, Chai Rong's expression became serious, "Our family is like this, isn't it loyal enough?"

"It's not what you think!" Qin Mo waved his hand, "Don't think blindly. The emperor has stopped targeting your family a long time ago. You can live a good life in Chai Mansion in peace and contentment and have more children with Meimei."

Chai Rong was not the only one with Dou Mei. When he went to Nanfan two years ago, Qin Mo also helped him adopt the daughter of a Nanfan leader.

Now with three sons and two daughters, the Chai Mansion is flourishing.


Qin Mo said this, and he would definitely not lie to him. Chai Rong also felt his heart in his stomach, "By the way, Princess Gaoyang is here. Big brother asked you if you want to go over for a drink!"

"Drink, he has so many children, can I drink it?" Qin Mo snorted, "But are you sure the child is Xiao Dou's?"

"Well." Chai Rong was stunned, "That's right. Princess Gao Yang seemed to be a changed person after she returned to Dou Mansion.

The arrogance and domineering attitude of the past is gone, and he has become reasonable and rarely goes out. "

"That's good."

This is also the best destination for Gaoyang.

Qin Mo left Chai Mansion and just returned to Qin Mansion when he saw Wei Zhong coming.

"Old Wei, why are you here?"

"The Emperor is looking for you."

"What is it?"

"He wants to ask you if he will go to Lingnan after His Majesty's birthday. He wants to go fishing at the beach!"

"This old man really can't sit still!"

Qin Mo hadn't seen Li Yuan for a while, "Let's go and have a look!"

Arrive at Qinzhuang.

Li Yuan stayed in a villa for a while, and the plum blossoms were in full bloom at this time.

In addition, the sun has been strong these two days, and after the ice and snow melted, it was extremely warm in the sunroom, without even lighting the fireplace.

Li Yuan holds the showerhead in his hand and is watering his treasures one by one.

"Old man, are you looking for me?"

"Here we come." Li Yuan smiled and pointed to the snacks next to him, "Sit down and wait for me for a while while I water!"

Qin Mo was not polite, sat in the rocking chair, and started eating.

After a while, Li Yuan finished pouring the water and said, "You kid, you didn't even come here to pay my New Year greetings, did you?"

"How could that be possible? I just came home and when I learned that you were looking for me, I came over right away." Qin Mo said.

"This man is old, but no one pays attention to him!" Li Yuan acted like a child.

Qin Mo coaxed him for a long time before he was done.

"Old man, you can go to the beach, but you have to wait until after Father's birthday." Seeing Li Yuan take out his pipe, Qin Mo quickly took out a strange thing, clicked it, and lit the fire.

Li Yuan's eyes widened, "What the hell is this? Why does it get angry when you press it?"

(End of this chapter)

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