big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1240: Navigating Southeast Asia

Chapter 1240: Navigating Southeast Asia
"This is called a kerosene lighter!" Qin Mo smiled. This thing is not a high-tech thing. With Daqian's current industrial technology, it can be mass-produced.

The one in Qin Mo's hand is made of gold and jade. It feels heavy in his hand.

"This thing is better than matches." Li Yuan took the lighter and pressed it.

In an instant, sparks flew up and the fire ignited.

"This is a good gift, I like it very much!" Li Yuan chuckled.

"Old man, you are not being a rogue, this is mine."

"You came to see me, empty-handed?"

"No way." Qin Mo took out a small box from his arms like a magic trick, "Open it and take a look!"

Li Yuan held the pipe in his mouth and opened the box. There was also a lighter inside, but it was much more exquisite than the one in Qin Mo's hand.

The inside is gold, and the outer shell is made of fine mutton-fat white jade, engraved with dragon patterns. It feels warm and moist, and is indescribably beautiful.

"This is good!"

Li Yuan was elated.

"That's right, you have to use something better."

With that said, Qin Mo took out another box and handed it to Wei Zhong.

"Hey, old slave, too?"

"If you want to light the old man's cigarettes on weekdays, you must use something higher-end."

"Then I would like to thank the Prince Consort." Wei Zhong opened the box with a smile. Although the box inside was not as exquisite and high-end as Li Yuan's, it was still a bit more advanced than Qin Mo's.

This is a perfect treasure.

"You're welcome." Qin Mo said with a smile.

Li Yuan smashed his pipe and exhaled a puff of smoke, "This year's spring, your father is in a bad mood."

"What's wrong? Who provoked him again?"

"To the east of Quanzhou, there is Yizhou, do you know that?"

"You know, the locals seem to call them Liuqiu, right?"

"Yes, in the third year of Emperor Yang's reign, Chen Leng paid homage to General Wu Benlang. In the next three years, he and the Qing official Zhang Zhenzhou sent more than [-] Dongyang soldiers from Yi'an across the sea to attack Liuqiu. They arrived in more than a month. Liuqiu people saw ships for the first time. , thinking that business travel often leads to military trade."

Emperor Zhou Yang conquered Liuqiu three times in total. The first time he only brought back one person because of the language barrier.

Later, Emperor Yang sent Zhu Kuan to appease him again, this time with a translator, but he still failed to appease him. He only "took his cloth armor and returned it" and only brought back some armor of the aborigines.

After two peaceful appeasements failed, Emperor Yang was very angry and decided to conquer by force. Chen Leng and Zhang Zhenzhou led the army. In the end, they "captured thousands of men and women" and returned, bringing back thousands of men and women.

But this time, the army was not stationed for a long time, and no government agencies were set up on the island.

Qin Mo was stunned. Isn't this the history of another world?
There is an amazing overlap here.

Most of Yizhou in this era were aborigines, and some were immigrants from Daqian.

The reason why Emperor Zhou Yang did not set up an institution on the island was because the island was not big and there were too few people.

"Is there something wrong in Yizhou?"

"Yes, originally the small island of Yizhou was nothing, not even a country.

Since Emperor Yangdi, he has had contacts with Daqian one after another, but most of them are from Lingnan.

However, something seems to be wrong in Yizhou now. A merchant ship was robbed a few days ago, in Pinghu Yiyi! "Li Yuan said.

"Damn it, how dare you rob a merchant ship with just that few people? It should be a small sea ship, right?" This also reminded Qin Mo of the information he had read before, which recorded Liu Qiu like this.

Liuqiu Country is east of Quanzhou, and the boat travels for about five or six days.There are no other rare goods in the land, and the people are particularly fond of plagiarism, so merchants are blocked.

"But that's not right. For such a small country, it's enough to just send troops. I'm afraid a team of 2000 people can sweep it across, right?" Qin Mo said. "It is said that the remnants of the Feng family and some extremely vicious people from Lingnan gathered on the island to establish a country.

I have contacts with Luzon, and I am being robbed of my ability to engage in maritime trade! "

"Hey, Luzon monkey." Qin Mo couldn't help laughing, "Isn't this a dish delivered to your door?"

Xue Gui's South County, he said something casually at the beginning, so that Xue Gui is now attacking Piao State.

The country of Piao used to be Zhenla.

Southeast of Chenla is Luzon.

"The reason why your father is unhappy is because his birthday is approaching and the war breaks out, which offends his face. Do you understand?" Li Yuan said.

"This is the dish that was served. If it were me, I would be crazy happy!"

Qin Mo exhaled a breath of smoke and said: "Old man, think about it, sea trade is the future. If you want to go to the countries in the Western Regions, taking the sea route is the fastest.

But during this process, we have to pass through Chenla, Luzon, and other island countries.

With this coming and going, I don’t know how many layers of profits will be exploited.

And there are people there! "

Qin Mo's eyes gleamed.

When war breaks out, these prisoners of war can be sent to the Ming Dynasty as slaves.

Domestic wool is not very easy to harvest, and it is quite troublesome.

Now that you are ready to operate an overseas trumpet account, you must be serious.

"Having said that, the territory of Daqian is already large enough. If it gets bigger, there is a risk that the tail will be too big to lose." Li Yuan considered the longer term.

"Then let the barbarians rule the barbarians." Qin Mo said: "For example, in the Tianxiang Kingdom now, the Six Ministries Bank and Lingnan Development Bank have full control over the economy there.

The Brahmans and Kshatriyas of the Celestial Kingdom firmly control the Celestial Kingdom, and we only need to control the Brahmins and Kshatriyas.

In less than 20 years, the Tianxiang Kingdom will be the Tianxiang Kingdom of Daqian.

There is a way to have fewer people and less people, and there is a way to have more people and more people. As long as we control the most important position, the rest is not important. "

"It makes sense." Li Yuan said: "The new generation of generals are still not up and need training, but we can send them to the south to manage the strategy.

I looked at the map and saw that there are many countries, large and small, that can be counted on both hands.

After that, there are the countries in the Western Regions. "

This world is far bigger than Li Yuan imagined.

"It's just that the strategy needs a reason, and we can't take the initiative to bully others."

"There are not only remnants on Yizhou Island, but there must also be people from these countries. Otherwise, they would not have the guts to rob our merchant ships.

Won't we know if we knock down Yizhou, capture their leaders, and interrogate them strictly? "

Qin Mo just wants to conquer these countries and let Da Ming do the work, so that Ming Dynasty will have more time to develop.

When the time comes, Daqian will be the boss in the Eastern Hemisphere, and Daimyo will be the boss in the Western Hemisphere.

It can be regarded as sharing the pressure with Lao Liu.

"You heard it all, come out quickly!" Li Yuan shouted!
Immediately behind, a man emerged from under the tea table.

Qin Mo was dumbfounded, "Father, why did you emerge from the ground?"

"Oh, I just arrived!" Li Shilong said nonsense with his eyes open.

Qin Mo felt that he had been humiliated, "That's nonsense. I think you and the old man agreed to trick me here, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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