big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1242 Right in the middle!

Chapter 1242 Right in the middle!

Qin Mo couldn't help it, the sixth man was getting better and better.

In the past, I used carrots and sticks to force him.

It's fine now, even the carrots are gone.

The sixth routine is very good, even more extreme than Zhou Bapi!

Looking at Lao Liu's back, Qin Mo said to Gao Yao: "Xiao Gao, go out and guard!"

Gao Yao also didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This emperor was really interesting. He tried to trick his son-in-law and even lost his face.

A set.

After Qin Mo complained in front of Li Yuan, he said: "Old man, you have learned bad things. If you continue like this, I won't come here anymore.

I won’t write any more novels, so you can play by yourself. "

When Li Yuan heard this, he became anxious, "Jingyun, I was begged by him and had no choice but to do it, and I don't want to!"

"From now on, don't come to me for a month. I won't be writing Water Margin for a month. You can play by yourself!"

With that said, Qin Mo took the lighter directly from Li Yuan's hand.

Li Yuan was stunned, "Jingyun, I was wrong, don't be angry!"

Qin Mo ignored him and left directly.

He had just seen the most exciting part of Water Margin, "Then tell me, how did Wu Song and Lu Zhishen end?"

Qin Mo waved his hand and trotted away.

"Your Majesty, this time it's a bit too much. The Prince Consort is a little angry." Wei Zhong said.

"You think I don't know?" Li Yuan sighed, "That guy knew he was coming down, so he deliberately found something for Jing Yun to do.

We can't really let Jingyun accompany us and me every day to idle around and enjoy the mountains and rivers, right?

Conquering the world is easy, but ruling the world is difficult.

It's okay for Lao Ba to supervise the country, but running the country is not that simple.

But you can't hold on to it all the time and never let go.

If he is not allowed to practice on his own, he will not be able to be an emperor. "

Li Yuan poured out the ash from his pipe, opened his bag of tips, and continued stuffing tobacco, "Peace is maintained by a strong army. Within ten years, the veteran generals will still be there.

Ten years later, there was pressure from Jingyun, but at that time, it was not appropriate for Jingyun to be in charge of military affairs.

So it must be transferred to internal affairs.

There was no prime minister, six ministries were in charge of all matters, and there were three provinces under his command, which was a great challenge to the emperor.

If you want to convince these people and play with these tricks, Jing Yun is quite suitable.

It's a pity that there haven't been any outstanding young people in the field of internal affairs.

Civil and military affairs have gradually become unbalanced.

Everything seems fine now, with a balance between civil and military affairs. Ten years later, if there is no mainstay, the balance between civil and military affairs will inevitably be imbalanced. "

Wei Zhong nodded in agreement, "It's better to relax a little. The Prince Consort is indeed too tired these years. With his lazy temper, I'm really afraid that one day, he can't stand it anymore and will resign and go into seclusion!"

Li Yuan was also a little worried.

Qin Mo is extremely filial and has always been respectful to him.

But today's behavior is obviously dissatisfying to the extreme.

The routine is too cruel.

How can I make him happy?

Thinking of what Qin Mo had just threatened Li Shilong, "Who are the daughters in the palace and the royal family who have not yet left the cabinet?"

Wei Zhong was stunned, "Your Majesty, do you want to betroth the princess to the Qin Prince Consort?"

Li Yuan waved his hand, "Hey, that's not right. Jing Yun has already married three princesses and two princesses. If there is one more, something will really happen."

Apart from this, Qin Mo doesn't care about other women either.

Qin Mo is also not short of money.

He abandoned power like worn out shoes.

The only thing that could make him happy seemed to be taking a vacation.

After leaving Qinzhuang for a short stay.

Qin Mo was in a good mood.

Gao Yao looked at it for a while, and seeing Qin Mo couldn't help laughing, she asked: "Master, are you okay?" "I'm very fine!"

"But you weren't just now."

"Just now was just now, and now is now." Qin Mo lay on the carriage and said, "Nanyang is a good place. Spending a few years exploring it will bring extraordinary benefits."

Qin Mo's idea is very simple, Bohai Bay Economic Circle, Nanyang Economic Circle, and Western Region Economic Circle.

These three major economic circles are enough for the current Daqian to digest in decades.

Large ships are built outside, railway tracks are built inside, and the road is straight.

These are big projects that cost a lot of money and time.

There is no shortage of food, but there is a shortage of personnel.

So he has a lot of time to develop the trumpet.

Of course, developing a trumpet does not mean rebellion.

That makes no sense.

He wants to be emperor, and has had countless opportunities over the years.

Totally unnecessary.

So Lao Liu asked him to explore Southeast Asia, which was exactly what he wanted.

If Lao Liu wants to abdicate, it would be best for him to leave the capital during this period.

Speaking of which, this is also to protect him and fear that he will be involved.

Except for the humidity, the south is spring-like all year round.

There is nothing more healing than beach volleyball against the blue sky.

"Master, in the future, are we going to the other side of the world?" Gao Yao bit his lip, "At that time, can we still come back?"

She was a little reluctant to let go of Lao Gao. After all, Lao Gao was already old. If she really left, she might not even be able to see him for the last time.

"Why can't you come back?"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "I'm not a rebel. The world is so big. Daqian occupies the east and I occupy the west.

Everyone divides the ball and conquers it.

As far as the current technology is concerned, even if the world is filled with Daqianlong flags, it will be impossible to manage it well.

One is that there are not enough people, and the other is that technology is backward.

Going west, although it is far, the land is connected to the land, and with the spread of steam engines in the future, it will not be too difficult to manage.

There is no way to use barbarians to control barbarians. Otherwise, why not take care of it by your own people?
After all, there are still too few people in Dagan. "

Gao nodded, feeling less anxious.

Anyway, as long as you follow Qin Mo, you can go anywhere.

Early the next morning, Qin Mo began to select a site for the Royal Military Academy.

At present, the capital city can no longer accommodate such a large population.

If it weren't for the tall buildings, it would have been crowded.

Even so, more villages have appeared outside the city.

Therefore, it is inevitable to expand the capital.

"Master, this is a good piece of land." Gao Yao pointed to a huge open space in front of him and said, "It's not too far away from the capital, it's located well enough, and it won't disturb the people."

The Royal Military Academy is definitely for training soldiers, with daily drills, training, and maybe shooting training.

If it were placed inside the city, it would be too noisy, so it could only be placed outside the city.

At that time, an economic circle can be built around the Royal Military Academy.

"Whose land is this?"

Accompanying Qin Mo was the inspector from the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The inspector looked through the information and said, "Back to the Prince Consort of Qin, this piece of land belongs to Huichang Temple."

Huichang Temple?
Qin Mo asked: "Who is the abbot of the temple? Let him come over!"

The inspector gave a wry smile, "The Taoist priest of Huichang Temple once traveled to the Western Regions to promote Daqian Buddhism, and returned to Daqian after 17 years.

It is said that the Records of the Western Regions of Daqian are being compiled at the moment! "

(End of this chapter)

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