big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1243 The inertia of history!

Chapter 1243 The inertia of history!
"Tang, Tang Sanzang?" Qin Mo was stunned, "Damn it, historical inertia has appeared again!"

The inspector was confused, "The name of the Dharma Master of Huichang Temple is Daozang, not Tang Sanzang!"

"Let's go to Huichang Temple." Qin Mo became interested.

The inspector did not dare to ask any more questions and quickly led the way, "This Huichang Temple is located in Jinchengfang in the northwest. It used to take two quarters of an hour. How about the lower official sending someone to invite the current abbot of Huichang Temple?"
The current host is a disciple of Daozang, whose name is Bianji. "

I got a big slot.


Is that the Bianji monk who kicked Gao Yang?
Speaking of this argument, he thought of Dou Yiai.

In addition, Gao Yang happened to be pregnant, so he was a little worried.

I am afraid that the inertia of history will go astray again.

If that were the case, it would be great fun.

Seeing that Qin Mo's expression was wrong, Gao Yao said: "Master, do you know this Bianji monk?"

"Well, I've heard of the famous name!"

Qin Mo nodded helplessly.

"It is said that this monk Bianji has red lips and white teeth, and is handsome.

He was highly talented and knowledgeable, and had extensive translation experience. He also helped Dao Zang co-compile Daqian Xiyu Ji, which made him famous.

I don’t know how many pilgrims visited.

Almost the threshold of Hoichang Temple has been breached. "The inspector on the side said.

It's over, it's over, red lips and white teeth, handsome, knowledgeable, and good at talking. Don't you like that woman?

Qin Mo sighed quietly.

Let's take a look first.

He is not interested in Buddhism, but he is not discriminatory either. As long as it teaches people to be positive and face life, it can be regarded as a kind of spiritual sustenance.

Not long after, Huichang Temple arrived.

This temple is not too big, but the incense is strong, and there is an endless stream of devotees who come to offer incense.

It is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, and there is no Dharma gathering.

It can be seen that the incense in Huichang Temple is at its peak.

Entering the temple, there is a big cauldron in front of you. Inside the cauldron there are countless coins, including many new coins made by Governor Qin Mo, which shine golden in the sun.

Good guy, this is a big cauldron full of silver, at least a thousand taels of silver.

In the wishing pool on the side, the tortoises were lying on the big money and shitting.

The eldest golden Buddha and Bodhisattva are sparkling.

The inspector knew this place well, "This golden Buddha alone uses thirty kilograms of gold."

Judging from the pious look on his face, he seems to be a Buddhist.

"The Three Pure Ones only need clay bodies, but the Buddha needs gold plating. In troubled times, if the Bodhisattva does not come to the world, Laojun carries a sword to save the common people.

What do you think this means? Qin Mo asked.

"This golden body is only a second-class statue, and the first-class statue must be carved with precious jade!" the inspector explained.

Qin Mo smiled and said, "I have never seen clay Buddha statues. Even the Thousand Buddha Cave in the Hexi Corridor, I have seen them. They use extremely expensive gold powder and pigments to ensure that they do not fade.

Even in the Ziweixing Sect, all the statues are made of clay.

But Jade Guanyin and Jade Buddha can be seen everywhere! "

It's not that Qin Mo doesn't like them. Since ancient times, Taoism has produced many scum, and Buddhism has produced many great virtues, teaching people to be good.

The inspector fell silent, as if he was really thinking about how to respond.

After thinking for a while, he really didn't know what to say, so he said, "I'm going to call the host of the debate."

"If it's convenient, Monk Daozang will also be called." Qin Mo already had a general idea in his mind.

Yuan Tiangang handed over the inheritance of Ziweixing Sect into his hands, but he still had to do something.

Taoism evolved from Huang-Lao Taoism, and Huang-Lao Taoism is the school of Huang-Lao Taoism, which is a principle of governing the country.

Pay attention to complying with nature and man, and govern by doing nothing.

It is not possible to govern the country with Tao, it is too ideal.Otherwise, what if the Han Dynasty in another world used Huang-Lao theory to govern the country at the beginning, and then abolished hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism?
Buddha is an imported product.

From Nanfan to Niboluo and then to Tianxiang Kingdom, they are all systems of the integration of politics and religion.

There is nothing Confucian about this thing.

Used to govern the country, just look at how miserable the people at the bottom of the Tianxiang Kingdom are.

In 2000, there was no chance of success. Nobles were born as nobles, and commoners could only remain commoners throughout their lives.

Therefore, the reason for destroying the Buddha was not only because of the lack of production, but also because of the excessive support of monks, which was feared by the rulers.

Of course, there were two Tao-killing movements, both of which took place during the Southern and Northern Dynasties in another world.

Qin Mo couldn't help but think: When the Lord of Qi returned to Ye, he wanted to remove one of the two sects because of the differences between Buddhism and Taoism. It was difficult to discuss the two sects before, so he ordered all Taoist priests to shave their heads and become ascetics. If anyone refused, four people were killed, and he was ordered to do so. .

So there were no Taoists in the whole country.

The second time the Northern Zhou Dynasty destroyed Taoism, it was only because after the large-scale extermination of Buddhism, in order to reduce the resentment of Buddhists, Taoism was destroyed.

However, a month later, the Taoist temple was ordered to be restored.

So the essence is to destroy the Buddha.

If you have to put the two side by side.

Buddhism: annexing land, hiding the population, reducing tax sources, and bringing disaster to the local area.

Taoism: The sky is dead, the yellow sky should be established, and the age of Jiazi will bring good luck to the world.

But when it comes to the dangers of Taoism, it is better to say: Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed!

This is where ambition comes from.

While Qin Mo was thinking, several people came over in panic.

The leading woman wore a veil, and was surrounded by female relatives and guards.

Although she is dressed plainly, you can tell at a glance
She is a woman from a wealthy family.

Qin Mo glanced curiously, and the woman happened to catch his eye.

The woman's eyes were a little flustered, and she quickly turned her head away.

Qin Mo frowned.

"Li Chuanyu?"

Qin Mo was stunned. Isn't this the thirteenth princess?

Why is she at Huichang Temple?

Li Chuanyu married Du Youwei, and Du Youwei rarely showed his face in front of people since he was attacked by Qin Mo.

The people in the court now are all his younger brothers, Du Youcheng.

It is said that Li Xin invited Du Youwei to go to sea with him, but it is not known whether he went out or not.

However, this woman had always disliked Qin Mo, and later after her marriage to Du Youwei.

It rarely shows up.

I didn't even see him when I entered the palace this year.

The one who was originally inseparable from her was the princess, Li Liyao, who was married to Yuchi Nobuxiong's son. Yuchi was domineering and followed her to guard Japan two years ago.

She didn't bother to say hello to Qin Mo, and Qin Mo didn't bother to talk to her.

However, she looked panicked, her hair accessories were messed up, and her clothes seemed to be wrinkled.

Be nice.

No way?
At this moment, the inspector came over with a man with a hairless face, glowing white skin, and a tall and tall figure, interrupting Qin Mo's reverie.

"The poor monk Bianji, I have met Qin's consort, Captain." As soon as Monk Bianji spoke, his voice was so magnetic that Qin Mo got goosebumps all over his body.

In particular, he smelled the scent of perfume on Monk Bianji, and the strand of long black hair on the white monk's robes.

He couldn't help but smile, thinking of Li Chuanyu who fled in a hurry.

"The host of the debate even sprayed perfume on me when he saw me. He is a very particular person!"

(End of this chapter)

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