big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1244 The debater’s thoughts

Chapter 1244 The debater’s thoughts

This monk Bianji was also a calm man, and said calmly: "Purifying the body, burning incense, and worshiping Buddha are the daily tasks of the young monk!"

"Then why did I hear that you were helping Monk Daozang to translate and compile the Daqian Western Regions?" He said, "By the way, where is Monk Daozang? He's not here?"

The inspector looked a little embarrassed, glanced at the defense machine, and immediately said: "Master Daozang is in retreat and does not see outsiders."

"Okay, if you don't see me, you'll see me. I originally wanted to have a chat with him, look at his masterpieces, and ask for advice. But now I see, there's no chance."

Qin Mo sighed, already knowing in his heart, but it would be better if it wasn't Gao Yang.

What about Li Chuanyu? Does he have anything to do with him?

Even if he is not a monk, he is still another monk.

I just pitied Du Youwei and became the king of hats.

I'm afraid Lao Du's family is about to mutate.

Also poor.

"There are thousands of acres of land outside the city, but it belongs to Huichang Temple? I think that land looks like wasteland. Why is it that no one is cultivating it?"

The work of land surveying has been ongoing in the past few years.

In just a few years, the number of acres has increased to more than 5 million acres.

However, the land of temples and Taoist temples has never been measured.

He put down the butcher's knife and became a Buddha immediately. I don't know how many suspects were hidden.

Monks who are not ordained do not have an ultimatum. This ultimatum must be approved by the court.

A monk who has no ultimatum is not a serious monk.

Monk Bianji said: "There are not enough manpower in the temple, so no one is willing to rent it out. People who make a living in the capital, as long as they are not lazy, can always make more than farming.

With this coming and going, the land will naturally become barren.

In addition, the world is prosperous, the food is abundant, the people are not hungry, there are tiles above to protect from wind and rain, and there are beds below to rest.

Farming is not that keen. "

Speaking of which, the debate machine was a little helpless.

This is not Qinzhuang's fault.

Rural cooperatives in Qinzhuang have long been popular.

There is not enough land in their own village to be cultivated, so everyone works collectively and distributes it, and then gets dividends.

There to the past.

There are too many taxes, natural and man-made disasters, and insufficient food. In order to offset the corvee, we can only pay more taxes.

There are old and young in the family, and the food is only enough to make ends meet.

It’s different now. I have three meals a day and I’m full every time.

If you can’t even plant a hundred acres of your own land or harvest enough food, who has time to plant your land?

There used to be a loan business, but now it's all gone.

Liubu Bank and Lingnan Development Bank had extremely low interest rates, and the imperial court was their backer, so they couldn't spend any money they had.

And I dare not sell the land. If I catch him, it will be a serious crime.

We can only recruit monks on a large scale and plant them ourselves.

But there is simply no way to finish planting.

"I see that there are no less than 800 monks in Huichang Temple. How can they not be able to plant? Is there too much land?" Qin Mo said with a smile.

But I knew very well in my heart that this must be the case.

Thinking of Tang Wuzong's extermination of Buddhism, more than 4600 temples were demolished, and more than 4 zhaoti and lanruo temples were demolished. More than 26 monks and nuns returned to secular life and became two-tax households of the country. There are 15 people in the two tax households. In addition, more than 3000 people from Muhu and Zhuo of Daqin were forced to return to secular life.

It's scary to think about it.

Three to four million people, sitting on tens of millions of acres of fertile land, do not have to pay taxes or perform corvee labor.

There is money for incense, and some landowners hang their land under temples in order to be tax-free and receive donations from pilgrims.

You can also get a group of laborers for free.

If you don't kill, who will you kill?
As for the new legal innovation, this aspect is still not covered.

"Monks are not keen on this, as long as they have enough food to satisfy their hunger and enough clothes to cover their bodies!" Bianji replied ambiguously.

"I want that piece of land." "Since Qin's Prince Consort has spoken, he will naturally agree to everything." Monk Bianji said, "It's just that the court does not allow the sale of land now. If you find out, it will be a serious crime!"

The implication is that it's not that I won't give it, but that the court law doesn't allow it.

Qin Mo smiled and looked at the inspector, "You didn't tell him?"

The inspector shook his head, but he was thinking about something else, "Not yet."

"What about the imperial requisition?"

"Of course you can!" Bian Ji said: "I heard that whether it is land acquisition or demolition, there will be compensation!"

That piece of land was hung under the Huichang Temple by the landlord. Because of the land reform, the more land, the heavier the tax.

For thousands of acres of land, tax deductions can kill him.

Moreover, the land is now divided according to households, and all the extra land must be returned to the public.

Although it has not yet been implemented in Beijing.

However, Lingnan Road and Jiangnan Road have all implemented it.

National promotion is just a matter of time.

Half of the land that people hang under Huichang Temple belongs to Huichang Temple, and half belongs to them.

You can't give it away for free, otherwise how can you explain it to the landlord below?

"There is compensation, how much do you want?"

"Everything is in accordance with the imperial court." Monk Bianji said.

He doesn't like Qin Mo.

The emergence of Journey to the West of Da Qian allowed Taoism to overtake Buddhism.

Secondly, many of the countries that appear in Journey to the West conflict with the Daqian Western Regions recorded by Dao Zang.

In other words, the book Daozang started writing after 17 years of traveling is not as good as a novel.

The most important thing is that Daozang went to Niboluo and Tianxiang Kingdom and saw the oppression.

Mahayana Buddhism was completely trampled underfoot.

It can be seen from this that Qin Mo has no respect for Buddha.

Especially in Da Qian's Journey to the West, the scene in which Buddha suppressed Monkey King and the Three Qing Dynasties turned back to teach Monkey King.

They are all discrediting Buddhism.

"Can you call the shots?"

"During my master's retreat, all affairs in the temple will be decided by the junior monk, so Qin's consort can rest assured." Bian Ji said.

"I'm still worried, so let your mentor go to my house tomorrow and I'll have a good chat with him." Qin Mo said with a smile: "I have infinite respect for your mentor, and I must bring this sentence to you. Qin Mo is sweeping the couch in the house to treat each other."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

The inspector looked at the prosecutor with complicated eyes, "Master, so-and-so is also gone!"

"Send you off, little monk!" Monk Bianji smiled and sent the group away.

When he turned around, he frowned slightly. Qin Mo came to visit unexpectedly and insisted on meeting his mentor. The person who came was not a kind person.

must be careful.

As for the inspector, don't worry, he didn't see anything, and he doesn't know who the female pilgrim is.

He straightened his clothes, and the pilgrims who came and went kept saying hello to him.

He also acted aloof and seemed to be full of Buddha nature.

Back in the retreat room, Daozang was at his desk compiling the Records of the Western Regions of the Great Qian Dynasty.

The writing of this book has reached a critical stage, and it will be completed in two or three months at most.

When the time comes, this book will become an important historical document and serve as a reference for those who come after us.

"Why did it take so long to come back?" Daozang asked.

The 43-year-old Daozang looks as if he is fifty, with dark skin, the result of long periods of exposure to wind and sun.

"Oh, just now a noble pilgrim came over to let me answer my questions!"

(End of this chapter)

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