big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1245 Qin Mo wants to destroy Buddha?

Chapter 1245 Qin Mo wants to destroy Buddha?
"Your Excellency, are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied!" He knelt down opposite Daozang and said, "But just now, the Inspector of Household Affairs arrived."

"Oh? What is the Inspector of the Household Department doing here?" Daozang put down what he was doing and couldn't help but be a little curious, "Did His Majesty send someone here to urge you?"

But even so, Huangmen was sent and the Ministry of Household Inspector was sent to do more.

"No!" Bianji said, "Qin Mo is here and wants to expropriate thousands of acres of wasteland outside the city!"

"Qin Jingyun?" Daozang frowned slightly, "What does he want with so much wasteland? Is it to build a railway?
Or should we say, expand the capital?

There were rumors before that the capital was going to be expanded! "

"I don't know. My disciple didn't ask, and he didn't tell me either." Bianji said, "This man is not kind to Buddha. When he left, he even said that he wanted to talk to his mentor at the Qin Mansion."

"I have been in seclusion for more than a year, why do I go out?" Daozang frowned deeply, "What did he do when he saw me? Or does he want to use his power to suppress others?"

The indoor atmosphere is a bit dull.

After a while, Bian Ji said: "Teacher, is there a possibility that Qin Mo wants to suppress Buddhism, after all, Ziweixing Sect is the state religion now.

The Ziweixing Sect is also the mainstream sect of Taoism.

More than a hundred years ago, Buddhas were exterminated twice, and I am afraid of this time."

Daozang felt a chill on his back.

If it were someone else, Daozang thought it was unlikely. After all, Li Shilong was still in charge.

Li Shilong's attitude towards Buddhism is quite friendly and it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

But what should I say about Qin Mo?

He invaded Tianxiang Kingdom, and he happened to be there.

The king over there received him warmly.

Then the city fell, and there were countless casualties.

The Buddha was trampled under his feet.

He had no respect for Mahayana Buddhism.

His books are not particularly friendly to Buddhism.

"Yuan Tiangang is not that kind of narrow-minded person, that's not the case!" Daozang frowned deeply.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst. The previous land reform was led by Qin Mo.

The disciple felt that he now wanted to set the fire on Huichang Temple.

After all, the White Horse Temple has been closed now, and the most popular one is our Huichang Temple. "There was also deep worry in Bianji's eyes.

"It's possible." Although Daozang has only been back for more than a year, he is not very willing to take care of this kind of thing.

But the temple has always been like this, and he cannot change it alone.

"If he wants land, give it to him. We won't take any money."

Bianji felt a little unconvinced, "This has been the case since ancient times, why not?

According to the regulations of the imperial court, compensation for demolition and land acquisition will be either the same amount of land or money.

Those thousands of acres of land belong to others. How can we afford compensation? "

"Bianji, are you worried about the life and death of your fellow disciples, or are you concerned about the gains and losses?" Daozang frowned, "Money is a thing from outside the province, it can't be used in life, and it can't be taken away in death.

If we had not struggled to find the true meaning of Buddha, then why would we need the Adu thing?

If the court doesn't allow it, then we will follow the court's rules.

I believe that the imperial court will not let us monks starve to death. "

"Teacher, there are more than a thousand temples in the world, and there are more than a hundred thousand disciples!" Bian Ji said: "Instead of waiting for Qin Mo to make a move, we might as well take the first step."

Daozang shook his head, "Why argue? The six senses of a monk are pure. You have violated the precept of anger."

Bianji has wisdom and can translate. He was born in Zhou Zheng, and Daozang sincerely regarded him as his successor.

"Teacher, my disciple is guilty and my heart is not peaceful. The Sanskrit text of Buddha translated in this way must be wrong!"

Bian Ji sighed and kowtowed: "I just feel uncomfortable every time I think of what my mentor saw and heard in Tianxiang Kingdom.

The Buddha was trampled upon to this extent.

The blood blinded the Buddha's golden body and eyes.

In the future, I'm afraid we Buddhists will also be slaughtered to death! "

"You go down and calm down." Daozang's face showed some pity and compassion, "If it is an act of the imperial court, then follow the imperial court's wishes. Resistance is just to increase the karma of killing.

If I go to see Qin Mo, I can avoid the karma of killing. Even if it means death, the poor monk is willing to do it! "

"Teacher, why don't you come into the palace and see His Majesty?"

"No!" Daozang shook his head and said with shame: "Your Majesty waited for me to finish the book for more than a year, and sent people to give me food and clothing several times.

But I have not yet sent the complete record of the Western Regions of Daqian into his hands.

I traveled all the way to the west to spread the true meaning of Buddha from Daqian, but I still could not quell my murderous karma and obtain the true scriptures.

What I walked through was worse than the hozen in a novel.

Lamentable! "

Hearing this, Bianji was helpless.

Daozang has seen all over the world and seen through the world of mortals. He is a man who sacrifices himself and forgets death, and has great compassion.

He hasn't reached that state yet.

He is still young.

He didn't even know how many times he had broken the precept.

Every time I face the golden body of Buddha, I always feel ashamed.

But I was ashamed, but also full of excitement.

He is like a person walking in the Abi Hell. Sooner or later he will be burned to death by the fire of karma.

But right now, he doesn't want to.

After leaving the retreat room.

He wrote a letter and had it sent.

"Ants are still alive, let alone humans?" Bianji murmured.

He believed that Qin Mo would definitely not say such incomprehensible words when he came here.

There will definitely be a follow-up.

At this time, Du Fu.

Du Youwei couldn't leave the house for a long time.

Before Li Xin and Gongsun rushed out to sea, they came to invite him.

But he couldn't cross the hurdle in his heart.

After being hit by Qin Mo's poems, he first got drunk at home every day.

Later, Du Jingming beat him up, and then he regained his composure and started reading seriously.

Later, because he was afraid that he would be too decadent, Du Jingming also let him get married to Li Chuanyu in advance.

However, Li Chuanyu was unruly, even though he married into the Du family.

But there were very few days in Dufu.

Sometimes when he's full, he'll think about something, and he'll rush to the princess's house.

Sometimes when I think back, I feel like I don’t have the slightest bit of literati character.

And if you go, it’s not necessarily possible.

After being rejected several times, he began to feel decadent again.

Every day I would either drink in the study or write some poems to express my inner depression.

After such a long time, the number of times they have been together can only be counted in the palm of a hand!
"Sad, deplorable, hateful!" Du Youwei recalled how high-spirited he once was.

And now.

He pinched his big belly and said, "I can't go back!"

Just as he was melancholy, the housekeeper hurriedly came to report, "Young Master, the princess invites you to come into the house and tell you that she has good news for you!"

Du Youwei laughed at himself, "She came to my house to talk to me? Good news? Is it possible?
Are you afraid that you will come over to me again and ridicule me, right?

She said she felt disgusted when she saw me, and said I was worse than Dou Yiai.

She also said that among all her sisters, she was the worst married! "

(End of this chapter)

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