big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1246 Happy to be a father!

Chapter 1246 Happy to be a father!
The butler smiled awkwardly and said, "Young Master, you'd better go there quickly. If you're late, the princess will be angry, which will cause trouble."

Du Youwei didn't want to go, but the housekeeper was right. If the woman got mad, he would be the unlucky one.

When he arrived at the princess mansion, even the guards guarding him were not very polite to him.

"Where's the princess?"

"In the backyard, Prince Consort, the princess is in a good mood today. Don't make her angry again this time." The person who spoke was Li Chuanyu's personal eunuch. He always spoke in a condescending manner, which was harsh to people's ears.

Du Youwei nodded numbly and came to the backyard, "Wei Chen has met the princess!"

Li Chuanyu nodded and looked at Du Youwei. Seeing that he was pot-bellied, unshaven, and unkempt, he felt extremely disgusted.

He used to be quite literary, and although he was a bit pedantic, he was still personable.

Take it out and you can still use it.

Not to mention it now.

"Consort, no courtesy." Li Chuanyu asked Du Youwei to sit across from her and covered her nose with a handkerchief. The smell of alcohol on Du Youwei's body made her feel a little nauseous.

This disgusting action made Du Youwei furious, but he was helpless.

He simply did not sit down and said with his hands in his hands: "It doesn't matter what the princess has to say."

Seeing that he didn't sit down, Li Chuanyu snorted, "Just sit down if I ask you to. Are you so stubborn in front of this princess? You're a waste!"

Du Youwei clenched his fists and was furious, "I knew you were going to ridicule me when you asked me to come over.

If you don't look down on me, then you can just stay in the princess's mansion. Why is this? "

"If it weren't for your father's sake, do you think you could enter the princess mansion?" Li Chuanyu said coldly: "However, I called you here today because I have good news to tell you."

Du Youwei pursed his lips and said nothing, not believing her words at all.

"A few days ago, the doctor came to check my princess's pulse and said she was unhappy.

Congratulations, Prince Consort, there is a successor to the Du family! "Li Chuanyu said.

Du Youwei's mind went blank, and then a stream of hot blood flowed upstream, straight to the Tianling Cap.

I saw his face turn from white to red, and then from red to livid.

"you you you."

He pointed at Li Chuanyu, his hands trembling uncontrollably, "You slut, from the time we got married to now, in two full years, I have only touched you twice, how can you be so happy?

Whose seed is in your belly? "

Du Youwei was really going crazy.

His whole person looked like a madman.

The eunuch on the side said quickly: "Come quickly, the Prince Consort is going crazy!"

Seven or eight guards followed closely and pinned Du Youwei to the ground.

Li Chuanyu looked at all this coldly, "If it's not yours, who else could it be? You can go out and accuse me, Li Chuanyu, of being unruly and see who suffers and who is unlucky."

What is in my belly is your exclusive eldest grandson, the future heir of your Du family! "

"You vicious woman!" Du Youwei yelled. At this moment, his self-esteem as a man was trampled to pieces.

There are not many princes in Daqian who are independent.

He knew it very well, but if this kind of thing really happened to him, he couldn't accept it at all.

When he asked for a wife, he met her twice and was not allowed to take a concubine.

As a result, he was very happy to tell him now.

Whose evil seed is it?
Who will he raise children for?

"How presumptuous!" The personal eunuch pointed at Du Youwei and said, "Slap your mouth!"

The guard's slap like a cattail leaf fell on Du Youwei's face.

Du Youwei was slapped more than a dozen times in one go, making Du Youwei dizzy.

Li Chuanyu said: "Okay, don't fight. Send someone to Du Mansion to announce the good news and tell Du Jingming that I will not go back before I am born. If I go to the Queen Mother to report the good news, outsiders in the province will gossip and say that I am A hen that can’t lay eggs!”

"Yes, princess, that consort."

"Let him go. I don't want to see him anymore. If he ruins my reputation outside, then leave the father and leave the son!" Li Chuanyu said.

After being married to Du Youwei for two years and only having children, she was actually quite stressed.

Ever since what happened in Gao Yang, Queen Gongsun had issued an edict, so she was also nervous.

A few days ago, the queen of the company sent people over every now and then to inquire.

It's fine now, she put it on.

"Li Chuanyu, you slut, wait for me, wait for me!" Du Youwei's voice gradually faded away.

Li Chuanyu didn't care at all.

Those princes-in-law have several children of their own.

Even if reincarnation is the case, second and third births may not be the case.

Unless that consort is Qin Mo.

If Du Youwei had Qin Mo's ability, she would be happy to give him ten children.

It's a pity that Du Fu doesn't have much money. Although his life is pretty good, compared with those sisters, he is far behind.

Take Li Yulan as an example. He is in charge of the entire Qin Mansion's industry. If a little bit of it leaks out from his fingers, it will be enough for the Du Mansion.

She wanted to take control of Du Fu's industry, but she never succeeded.

Li Yulan is not a eldest lady yet, but she is the eldest lady of the Du family. So what happened.

At this moment, a man hurried over, whispered something in her ear, and handed her a letter.

Li Chuanyu took the letter and read it, frowning slightly.

This matter is not easy to handle.

At this time, Du Youwei was thrown out of the princess mansion by the guards and was beaten to the ground!
My face hurts, my body hurts, and my heart hurts even more.

He wished he could die together with Li Chuanyu.

But he knew better that if things got too big, it would only bring shame to him.

Even the Du family's face will be completely humiliated by him.

His father is a 24-year-old hero, but he wants to raise a son for others. When the child is born in the future, he will inherit their Du family title.

As a human being, it would be better for him to die.

But death, so what?
He was so lost that he stumbled on the road and arrived at the door of Qin Mansion by accident.

Look at the gilded plaque.

Du Youwei reacted, "I'm so confused that I actually came to Qin Mo's house. If he knew what I was like now, I'm afraid he would laugh at me."

He was about to leave, but at this moment, a carriage drove over from a distance and stopped beside him.

He looked back and saw Qin Mo getting off the carriage.

At that moment, he quickly covered his face with his hands and planned to leave.

"Hey, Xiao Du, why are you here!" Qin Mo got off the carriage, walked towards Du Youwei, and immediately hooked his shoulder, "I haven't seen you in two years, why did you meet me? My friend, I don’t know what it means to say hello, hide your face and leave?”

Du Youwei was extremely embarrassed.

It's true that the leak in the house happens to rain all night, and the boat is late and encounters the headwind.

He put down his hand in embarrassment and said, "Long time no see. I have something else to do, so I won't chat with you!"

Qin Mo grabbed his hand and looked at the slap marks on his face, the footprints and dirt on his body, there were tears in his eyes, and he no longer had the aura he once had.

He sighed: "Are you greatly wronged?"

(End of this chapter)

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