big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1247 Please teach me sir!

Chapter 1247 Please teach me sir!
Just such a light sentence made Du Youwei, who wanted to be strong, choked up.

He pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, but tears had already filled his eyes.

Qin Mo sighed, bent down and patted the dirt and dust off Du Youwei's clothes, and then tidied his clothes.

Just such a small gesture made Du Youwei cry, "Qin Mo, why are you hinting?"

"Back then, everyone was high-spirited, young and frivolous. Isn't it normal to have some disputes? If we had to fight to the death, you and I would be happy.

Let’s talk about you. Although you are pedantic, you are still a man who sticks to his word!

Who hasn’t had some unbearable memories to look back on? Qin Mo hooked his shoulder and said, "It's almost noon. If you go to my house to deal with me, you have to give me this little face, right?" "

Du Youwei looked at Qin Mo, the sincerity in his eyes could not deceive anyone.

At first, he was filled with hatred, but now it was Qin Mo who comforted him when he was most uncomfortable.

Not only did he not add insult to injury, but he carefully dusted his clothes.

How could he not see how smart he is?

"It's not good if I come to the door empty-handed!"

"I've seen you outside, haven't you?" Qin Mo said: "I, Qin Mo, take the word righteousness first, who in the capital doesn't know me, and who doesn't know me?
Those brothers of mine, when they came to my house that time, didn’t they bring food and drinks?
Let's go, let's talk to the government first.

I treat you to my favorite elbow!

Let's have some more drinks and chat.

I guarantee that all your grievances will disappear! "

Du Youwei had really reached the critical point of collapse. Qin Mo's gentle smile hooked his shoulder and did not approach him as an enemy, which made Du Youwei put down his guard.

"Then I'll be bothered!"

He handed it over again.

"Okay, let's go!"

The two of them entered the Qin Mansion arm in arm.

However, the two of them went to take a shower first and let Du Youwei change into clean clothes.

Qin Mo invited Xiao Liuzi again to help Du Youwei shave the beard on his face.

This guy also said in a polite way that his body, hair and skin are all inherited from his parents.

Qin Mo said: "You are too ugly with a beard. If you want to look handsome, just listen to me!"

Du Youwei sighed and let Qin Mo take command.

Xiao Liuzi got another plaster and applied it on his face, which was refreshing and cooling.

After he was fully dressed, he looked at himself in the mirror. The slap marks on his face were gone, and his unkempt self had regained a touch of elegance.

If it weren't for his big belly and double chin, he would have thought he was back a few years ago.

"Would it be more comfortable to take a bath?" Qin Mo said.

"Thank you Jingyun!" Du Youwei handed over again.

"You just have too many rules and too many etiquettes. The most important thing about being a friend is heart-to-heart communication. No wonder I didn't like you very much before. It's too troublesome!" Qin Mo said.

Du Youwei was a little at a loss, but what Qin Mo said was right, so he quickly retracted his hand.

"Go, eat!"

Entering Qin Mo's study, the table was filled with food. Although it was not a delicacy, every dish was delicious, delicious and tasty.

"Come and eat the elbow!" Qin Mo handed him a big elbow.

Looking at the greasy elbow, Du Youwei was a little hesitant, but when he saw Qin Mo pick up the elbow and bite it, he gritted his teeth and followed suit.

The soft and waxy elbow melted away with a gentle lick of my tongue, and I felt indescribable satisfaction.

"Come on, drink!"

Qin Mo picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. "I'll give you a toast!" Du Youwei said: "When I was young, I did some things that were harmful to others and not beneficial to myself. Please forgive me."

"I have a big heart and don't hold grudges!" Qin Mo said with a smile: "If you can be reasonable, then be reasonable. If you can't be reasonable, just be reasonable!"

Du Youwei put down his wine glass, and the depression in his heart dissipated a lot, and said: "You can only know the depth of the water after reading thousands of sails.

After a heart-to-heart talk, Fang Xiao is a human or a ghost. "

Everyone says that there are ten battles of talent in the world, and Qin Mo alone accounts for eight of them.

Even if he lost, he was still dissatisfied.

Now, he is really convinced.

After scratching his elbow twice and drinking half a kilo of wine, Qin Mo said, "Tell me, what happened."

Du Youwei was just a little tipsy and still very clear-headed. He looked at Qin Mo and didn't know whether to tell him or not.

But then I thought about it, he had nothing now.

Li Xin and Gongsun Chong also went to sea, and he even lost his friends.

He thought of Liu Wanche again.

It was even worse than him in the past. When the Zhou brothers entered the house, he even had to push them from behind.

This matter is a secret to ordinary people, but to people like them, it is not a secret.

Now guess what?

Liu Wanche became completely angry and gave birth to two fat boys in one go.

This is all Qin Mo's contribution.

But he was also afraid that Qin Mo would look down on him. After all, this matter was really unpleasant.

There were too many grievances accumulated in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable even if he didn't say them. He only felt a fire burning in his chest.

He took a sip of wine and said with a sigh: "It doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, this matter will spread sooner or later, and I will still be laughed at!
I let Li Chuanyu become a prostitute and still help others raise their children. Do you think it’s ridiculous? "

Qin Mo didn't laugh at him, but felt pity for him.

Sure enough, Xiao Du replaced Xiao Dou and became the cuckold king of Daqian.

"What's so funny? If she hadn't been a princess, she would have been put in a pig cage long ago." Qin Mo said.

"You don't laugh at me?"

"Why should I laugh at you?" Qin Mo said: "I just think you are quite stupid and you should just accept it when something like this happens.

You used to be pretty and pretty, and you were quite talented, but now, with a big belly, how many people will recognize you when you go out?
You only want to compete with me in poetry.

But you think about it, why doesn’t the grass compete with the flowers? Because when the flowers bloom, the grass is still taking root. When the flowers wither, the grass is still there.

Grass is not dazzling, but it can grow on cliffs and corners. It does not need the nourishment of sunlight and can still live better.

Have you ever seen flowers like this? "

Qin Mo's words shocked Du Youwei, "I, I, I, I, what have I done in these years!"

"As a 24th hero, Lao Du is able to govern the world and assist the king. Do you think he relies on some bullshit literary talent?

No, it is meticulous observation and understanding of human nature.

If you think that you can become a sage by holding the so-called sage book and writing two poems, then how many sages are there in the world?
The sages don’t seem to be worth much anymore! "

Qin Mo didn't want to be Du Youwei's savior, but he just felt a little sad to see him in this state.

Speaking of which, he didn't do anything harmful.

He is just a pedantic and arrogant sour scholar, and his younger brother, Du Youcheng, is much better than him.

Du Youwei suddenly understood, slapped his thigh wildly, then stood up and bowed respectfully, "Sir, please teach me!"

(End of this chapter)

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