big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1248 I Didn't Say Anything!

Chapter 1248 I Didn't Say Anything!

"What are you doing, blackmailing me?" Qin Mo said with a vigilant look on his face: "Just say what you say, don't be too polite!"

Du Youwei said: "I am stupid and short-sighted. Please teach me how to get out of this predicament. I am willing to help you in the future."

"I won't accept idiots!" Qin Mo said bluntly, "You have no talent. It's impossible for me to accept you."

Du Youwei was extremely disappointed, "You don't expect to take me in and let me be the head coach of horses, right?"

"This doesn't work too well. You are the prince-in-law after all. Leading the horse for me is too arrogant." Qin Mo touched his chin and said.

Du Youwei is autistic. He has put down all his dignity and face. Qin Mo is not even willing to accept him as his younger brother.

What a failure.

He smiled bitterly, "Yes, it's already great if you can invite me in for dinner, what on earth was I expecting.

For a person like me, who can't catch up with his father's generation and is not as comfortable as his peers, he is destined to be a useless scholar.

Oh no, he’s still a cuckold, Du is a cuckold.”

This used to be Gongsun Chong's nickname, but now he actually thinks it suits him well.

Qin Mo saw him in such a bad state and said, "Can you just listen to what I have to say? It's impossible for you to lead the horse. I want to accept you as my younger brother. You are not capable enough."

We are peers, and you are the consort. I have a good relationship with Lao Du. On the surface, I have to call him uncle, but privately, I regard him as a brother. "

Du Youwei was stunned, "Then I'll call you uncle?"

Qin Mo was amused by his uprightness, "What I mean is, if you don't look at the monk's face or the Buddha's face, I don't want to care about your private affairs, and I don't care.

But I have an errand here that you might need. "

"What's the errand?" Du Youwei asked.

"Your Majesty asked me to explore Southeast Asia and made me governor of Southeast Asia. If you are interested, come and make a long history with me!"

There is no governor-general position in Daqian. Generally, there is a large governor's office, a middle governor's office and a lower governor's office.

Since five metropolitan governor's offices had been opened, the post of governor was established.

The third-rank official, who holds real power and is on the same level as the six ministers, is the official of the border region who is responsible for all affairs in Southeast Asia.

A long history under the fourth rank?
Du Youwei was stunned, "Can I do it?"

"Just tell me whether you want to do it or not. If not, I'll find someone else." Qin Mo has a lot of people on his hands, but Nanyang is too far away. It would not be good if he tries hard to select people from the Qin clan.

Therefore, we still have to select people from among the nobles in the capital.

Du Youwei didn't have any great talent, but he was somewhat talented to be Li Xin's confidant when he was in the East Palace.

Being a long history is easy.

"No, I'll take over this long story!" Du Youwei bowed to the ground again, "Thank you, uncle!"

"Damn it, you are so shameless." Qin Mo was stunned.

"Didn't you say you were brothers to my father?" Du Youwei risked his life. Qin Mo was willing to give him a hand, so why not call him uncle?

"I want to ask uncle to help me cure that slut!"

"Stop it, I said, I don't want to get involved in your personal affairs." Qin Mo refused without thinking. Why would he get involved in such nonsense? It was also for Lao Du's sake that he pulled him out.

Du Youwei simply knelt on the ground, "I know uncle is very resourceful, please help me!"

"Go, go, go!" Qin Mo pulled him out, "I'm kind enough to help you, but you're still relying on me. You're so shameless. You're older than me, so you can scream!"

Although Qin Mo was quite satisfied in his heart, when he touched his lips, it was like he was wading in muddy water. What a beautiful thought!
"Uncle, help me."

"Go and tell your father to cry in front of His Majesty!" Qin Mo looked at Du Youwei who was holding his thigh and wouldn't let go. She is about to give birth. There are many ways.

It had been raining for the past two days and it was very wet. If her foot slipped and she fell, the child might be killed.

If you eat something you shouldn't eat and have an adverse reaction.

Isn't this kind of thing normal? "

Du Youwei suddenly realized, he immediately let go of his hands, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed to Qin Mo respectfully, "Thank you, uncle. I used to be pedantic and stupid. From today on, I, Du Youwei, will follow my uncle's lead. If anything happens, If you violate it, you will die a good death!"

"Hey, if you say that, it's going to be very difficult for me!" Qin Mo said: "In short, I don't have a way. You can just ask your father. If anything happens, don't rely on me, you know? "

"I see!"

Du Youwei knew very well that Qin Mo had already told him the method.

After all, he is an outsider, and it would not be good for him if he got involved in such a scandal.

And the fewer people who know about it, the better, otherwise His Majesty’s face will be lost when the time comes.

He stood up and said respectfully: "My nephew is leaving first, uncle, don't send me away!"

Du Youwei strode away, his eyes no longer showing the cowardice of the past.

"What the hell is this!" Qin Mo returned to the study and raised his elbows.

"Master, didn't you say you don't care?" Gao Yao couldn't help but ask.

"What did I say? I didn't say anything. If anything happens later, it will be all to me!"

Qin Mo said with an innocent face.

Gao Yao gave a wry smile. They called him Young Master. It was really naughty.

At this time, Queen Gongsun was extremely happy when she learned that Li Chuanyu had an identity.

He quickly called the master, prepared gifts, and went to the princess mansion.

Li Chuanyu was originally asked to enter the palace to announce the good news.

But Queen Gongsun was worried about her and didn't want her to walk more, so she came in person.

Seeing Empress Gongsun, Li Chuanyu quickly saluted, "My daughter has met her mother!"

"Get up quickly. Now that you're healthy, don't salute."

Empress Gongsun quickly helped her up, unable to stop laughing.

"Thank you, Queen Mother!"

"Sit down quickly!" Empress Gongsun took her hand and asked the accompanying female doctor to take Li Chuanyu's pulse. After the diagnosis was correct, she asked about the last time Li Chuanyu came to Yuekui, and then said: "Congratulations, princess. I’m already three months old.”

"Okay, there's a reward!" Empress Gongsun was very happy and gave everyone rewards. She also pulled Li Chuanyu and said a lot of flattering words to her, telling her not to be afraid.

"This child of yours is really hard-earned. Does Du Fu know about it?"

"Well, we have sent someone to report." Li Chuanyu said.

"It doesn't look like it. The Du Mansion is so close to the Princess Mansion, but it can't come as fast as me. Are they too careless?" Queen Gongsun said angrily.

At this time, Li Chuanyu sniffed and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Empress Gongsun quickly comforted her and said: "Chuanyu, don't be sad, my mother will call the Du family over now and ask them how they take care of this precious daughter of this palace!"

(End of this chapter)

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