big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1249 I owe him 2 favors!

Chapter 1249 I owe him two favors!

"Mother, please make the decision for your daughter!" Li Chuanyu burst into tears and began to criticize the Du family.

Queen Gongsun frowned upon hearing this.

"Before the mother came, my daughter told the consort the good news. After the consort came, he said that I was pregnant with someone else's evil seed, that I was unruly and a slut.

He even threatened to die with me! "

Li Chuanyu cried so sadly, "He rarely touches me, and every time he comes drunk, he is extremely rude.

I prayed to Buddha every day and went to Huichang Temple to pray for God. I finally got a child, so it was okay if he was unhappy.

He's going to put us two to death! "

Queen Gongsun was trembling with anger.

She knew about Li Chuanyu's worship of Buddha. Today, she went to Huichang Temple every now and then to eat fast and chant Buddha's name. She was extremely pious.

"Come here, bring that evildoer Du Youwei to me!" Queen Gongsun was extremely angry. Du Youwei was a pretty good young talent in the past, and marrying Li Chuanyu to him was not an injustice.

But after losing to Qin Mo, he became depressed day by day. He did not go on duty for the official position in the imperial court, and just drank and dreamed at home every day.

Du Jingming served the country and the people, but he suffered such an evil obstacle.

Today, she was going to scold this bastard!
"Mother, please don't hit him. He is very weak. If he is injured, our mother and I will..." At this point, she started crying again.

Empress Gongsun felt distressed and uncomfortable when she heard this, and quickly spoke out to comfort her.

After a while, Li Chuanyu stopped crying and said: "By the way, mother, my daughter went to Huichang Temple today to fulfill her vow. Do you want to give her any reward there?"

Empress Gongsun thought for a while and said, "Yes, Monk Daozang and Monk Bianji of Huichang Temple are both great monks. Today I want you to be blessed with Linzi, and I want a heavy reward."

The visitor came to pass on the decree of the palace and reward the monks of Huichang Temple with three sets of monk's robes and hats each. The expenses required for the expansion of the Guanyin Temple will be paid out of the treasury of the palace. "

Li Chuanyu was overjoyed after hearing this and said: "Thank you, mother, but it is the host Bianji who is blessing my daughter. These days, it is also the host Bianji who spares no effort to explain the subtleties of Buddhism to my daughter!"

"Then how about giving him a brocade cassock, a nine-ring tin staff, and calling him the Miaofa Zen Master?" Empress Gongsun was not stingy with her rewards.

"Thank you, Queen Mother. By the way, Queen Mother, my daughter also gave a thousand acres of land outside the city to Huichang Temple. Is the reward too light?" Li Chuanyu said deliberately.

"No, even your father's rewards rarely involve fields. Besides, a thousand acres of land is already a lot." Queen Gongsun said.

"That's good. I'm afraid that if I give too little, the Buddha will be unhappy!"

At this time, Du Youwei returned to Du Mansion.

Everyone in the mansion was stunned when they saw him.

"Butler, is my father at home?"

"My father-in-law is in the study." The butler replied and asked curiously: "Master, what are you doing?"

"What's wrong with me? Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem!" The housekeeper shook his head.

Du Youwei didn't care about him and hurried to the study. At this time, Du Jingming was reading there in a rare moment of leisure and elegance.

But what I was reading was the book of New Learning.

This book of new learning changes quickly, with new perspectives every time.

If you don't look at it, you won't be able to make progress.

He frowned when he saw Du Youwei pushing the door open, but when he saw Du Youwei's clothes and beardless face, he was stunned, and for a moment he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You, why did you shave your beard?" Du Youwei walked up to Du Jingming and knelt on the ground with a thud, "Dad, my son has made you worry about me in the past few years. Now I plan to change my mind and start over!"

"You get up and talk first!" Du Jingming threw the book aside, his eyebrows were filled with joy, and he quickly helped Du Youwei up.

He looked Du Youwei up and down and felt very happy, "Just figure it out yourself. Dad is old and can't take your place in life.

After all, you still need to take the road to the future yourself. "

"I didn't figure it out on my own. I met Qin Mo today and he said something to me, and then I figured it out!" Du Youwei repeated Qin Mo's words, and then said with embarrassment: "Because I The momentary victory or defeat is a waste of time, a waste of good years."

Du Jingming was somewhat grateful to Qin Mo, but he was even more curious, "Why did you go to the Qin Mansion?"

You know, Qin Mo is a scar in Du Youwei's heart that cannot even be mentioned.

A trace of sullenness appeared on Du Youwei's face, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This is a long story. Father, please sit down."

He quickly asked Du Jingming to sit down, fearing that he would not be able to bear the blow for a while.

"You say, I listen!"

"Li Chuanyu is here!"

"What?" Du Jingming's expression changed, and he was immediately overjoyed, "Great, when did it happen?"

"It's just that it's not mine!"

Du Youwei's second sentence made the smile on Du Jingming's face freeze, "You, what did you say?"

Du Youwei took Du Jingming's hand and said word by word: "That child is not mine. I have only touched her twice in the two years since we were married. The most recent time was nine months ago. If she had, now I would It’s time to hold the baby.”

Du Jingming couldn't take a breath, and his eyesight turned black.

He rested his hand on the document and breathed for a long time before he recovered.

Then, he grabbed Du Youwei's hand tightly, and there was a hint of shocking anger in his usually calm eyes, "Whose is it?"

"I don't know." Du Youwei shook his head, "This child cannot be born, otherwise it will be a shame to the Du family, and the title of my Du family will definitely be occupied by this bastard!"

Du Jingming was furious. This child really couldn't let him out.

Otherwise, Du Jingming would have worked hard all his life to make wedding clothes for others.

"Find out, no matter who it is, I won't let him go!"

Du Jingming sat down slowly and asked, "Did you tell Qin Mo about this?"

"Yes!" Du Youwei nodded.

"How did he say?"

"I asked him for help, but he said he couldn't help, so he told me that the roads were slippery on rainy days and I had to be careful when eating. He also said that pregnant women are more delicate and should take it easy!" Du Youwei said.

"Okay, my Du family owes him Qin Mo two favors." Du Jingming took a deep breath, "He was right not to come forward, otherwise this matter would not be settled.

Also, your Majesty cannot know about this matter, otherwise, our Du family will not be able to gain a foothold in the court in the future.

This kind of scandal has almost ruined the royal family's reputation. "

Du Jingming knew very well that Qin Mo was reminding him not to let the emperor know about this.

So this thing was done without anyone noticing. As long as the child is gone, everyone's face can be saved and there won't be much loss.

Then secretly find out the adulterer and make him look good!
Just as Du Youwei was about to speak, the housekeeper hurried in and said, "Master, the Queen has sent someone to ask you to go to the Princess Mansion!"

(End of this chapter)

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