big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1250: Invite Princess Zhang Mansion!

Chapter 1250: Invite the princess back to the house!
"Okay, you came just in time, I'm going to meet that slut!" Du Jingming suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Du Youwei: "You come with me!"

"Yes, Dad!"

Du Youwei nodded, anger rising in his heart. Thinking of those slaps and the humiliation when he was thrown out of the princess's house, even a man couldn't bear it.

Soon, the two father and son arrived at the princess's residence. Du Jingming said, "Just pretend that nothing happened. You must not be disrespectful to the Queen. Do you understand?"

"My child understands!" Du Youwei replied.

Du Jingming also tidied his clothes, and his originally cold expression became a little more joyful as the ice and snow melted away.

The corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously, as if a happy event was coming.

He hurriedly entered the backyard and said politely: "I am here to see you, the Queen, Your Highness the Princess!"

Seeing the uncontrollable joy on Du Jingming's face, Queen Gongsun looked past him towards Du Youwei, "Consort, come forward!"

Du Youwei hurriedly stepped forward, "Wei Chen has met your empress!"

"I ask you, is this how you take care of my daughter?" Empress Gongsun raised her voice and said angrily: "In order to continue the incense of your Du family, Chuanyu has been worshiping Buddha for two years without interruption. Now it is not easy to have you." Your exclusive child, it’s fine if you don’t hold her in your hands, why are you so cold?

You said that the child is a bastard, so I want to ask you, have you caught the adulterer? "

Du Youwei was also very angry, but there was nothing good to gain from fighting against Empress Gongsun.

He quickly knelt on the ground and said, "Mother, Weichen realizes his mistake. Weichen was drunk when he came and was not clear-headed, so he bumped into the princess.

After leaving the princess mansion and waking up, she felt even more regretful.

I am even more grateful for everything the princess has done for my Du family.

After learning from the pain, I decided to change my mind.

Returning home, she burned incense and bathed to cleanse her face, so as not to let her decadence affect the princess.

It was too late.

Before coming over, Wei Chen had already sent someone to the palace to announce the good news.

But he didn't expect that the empress would come first and ask the empress to punish him! "

After hearing this, Queen Gongsun lost her temper a little. After all, it was well known that Du Youwei was an alcoholic. It was normal for a drunkard to speak without thinking.

"You're such a traitor, is it useful to admit your mistake to the empress?" Du Jingming took out his belt and slapped Du Youwei on the body, "It's something you don't live up to. The princess marrying you is your blessing. It's okay if you don't cherish it.

You should be beaten for saying something that is worse than a pig or a dog! "

Du Youwei was beaten so hard that he ran away with his head in his arms. His body hurt, and his heart hurt even more.

Seeing Du Youwei's embarrassed appearance, Li Chuanyu felt disdainful and not even the slightest bit distressed.

However, with Empress Gongsun nearby, no matter how disdainful she was, she had to show off, "Dad, don't fight. As long as your husband corrects himself in the future and lives a good life, I will be satisfied!"

Du Jingming did not stop, but became more ruthless.

After beating Du Youwei until he was covered in blood, Empress Gongsun couldn't stand it any longer and said, "Okay, don't beat him again. Don't see blood in front of pregnant women. It's not a good thing!"

Du Jingming then threw away the belt in his hand and knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, I have failed to teach my son well. I have wronged the princess. Please forgive me!"

Empress Gongsun sighed, she still knew Du Jingming's character very well, but it was a pity that I was wise and my son was a bad guy.

However, Du Youwei's change of heart now can be regarded as the prodigal son turning back.

"Everyone, get up. The consort has changed his mind, but it will take time to verify. If he refuses to change after repeated admonitions, I will not let him go lightly." Empress Gongsun said: "Feng Jin, take the consort down to apply the medicine!"

"Yes, empress!" Feng Jin stepped forward, "Captain Du, Prince Consort, come with us, or do you want someone to carry you?"

"No, no need, I can walk on my own!" Du Youwei got up from the ground, cupped his hands again and said, "Thank you for your forgiveness!"

Du Jingming's beating also made Du Youwei wake up completely. Du Jingming had never beaten him since he was a child.

There is no use in feeling sorry for yourself.

Only by making contributions can you win the respect of others.

Qin Mo can turn a fool into a compliment. Du Jingming doesn't dare to challenge Qin Mo, but at least he has to be a man, right?

He took a deep look at Li Chuanyu and saw ridicule and disdain in Li Chuanyu's eyes.

After Du Youwei left, Du Jingming hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, since the princess is pregnant now, it would be more appropriate to go back to the Du Mansion. There are experienced ladies there, and there are also doctors stationed in the mansion.

The servants also take better care of me.

The most important thing is that if you forgive me, you will feel better. "

Empress Gongsun looked at Li Chuanyu, who had some reluctance on his face.

Before she could speak, Du Jingming said again: "Your Majesty, I don't know. There is a reason why I lost control of my mood. It's because those libertines in the capital were laughing at my son behind my back, saying, saying..."

"What did they say?"

"They said it was peaceful in the past, but today it's jade!" Du Jingming said with a bitter face.

Queen Gongsun's face darkened, Ping An was Princess Ping An, and the consort was Liu Wanche.

The previous affairs between Princess Ping An and the Zhou brothers had always been a scandal for the upper class.

The Supreme Emperor even scolded Princess Ping An severely and threatened to take away Princess Ping An's fiefdom and title.

In fact, the Zhou brothers became Princess Ping'an's guests, and they even had Liu Wanche, the consort, to give her a push from behind.

I don't know how many people laughed at me when I said it.

Comparing Li Chuanyu to Princess Ping An is definitely not a good thing.

That was a slap in the face to her Queen Gongsun.

"Who said this ridiculous thing? I will never let him off lightly!" Queen Gongsun said angrily.

"I don't know this either, but I just know that such words are being spread among the outside world, and I feel both angry and distressed for the princess.

The princess is virtuous, but it is the child's ignorance that makes the princess feel wronged and unwilling to return to Du Mansion.

So Wei Chen here promised the princess in front of the empress that such a thing would never happen again. "Du Jingming said.

"Chuanyu, what do you say?" Queen Gongsun asked.

Li Chuanyu was angry and helpless. She didn't want to return to Du Mansion, but Du Jingming actually compared her with Aunt Ping An. Wasn't that humiliating her?
She knew very well how much Empress Gongsun valued her reputation, so she said, "You can go back, but I will only go back if you carry me back in person.

Otherwise, outsiders will say that I am shabby and unruly, and I will have no shame in continuing to live! "

Du Jingming snorted coldly in his heart, but said on his face: "Okay, I will personally carry the princess home."

"Isn't this against the rules? How can a father-in-law carry his daughter-in-law on his back?" Li Chuanyu said hypocritically.

Du Jingming smiled and said: "Fang Nuguan was carried back by the third princess and others, and Qin Xiangru carried it into the mansion. If they can carry it, the minister can naturally carry it!"

(End of this chapter)

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