big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1251 This knife is hard to use!

Chapter 1251 This knife is hard to use!
Du Jingming's words touched Li Chuanyu's heart.

The less she can get, the more she wants it.

The reason why I say this is because I want to show off.

"Chuanyu!" Queen Gongsun frowned, "Passed!"

"Your Majesty, this is all Wei Chen's fault. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, you will definitely treat the princess well after you return!" Du Jingming said with cupped hands.

Queen Gongsun nodded. Du Jingming said this, and she would not refuse again.

After all, the Du family was also at fault in this matter, and doing so would also quell the rumors outside.

Soon, the Du family's sedan arrived.

Du Jingming and Du Youwei walked in tandem and called Du Youcheng, as well as several other concubines and sons-in-law of the Du family.

There are eight people in the family.

Li Chuanyu said something perfect, and Du Jingming called two more people to build a sedan chair and carried Li Chuanyu out of the princess mansion.

Empress Gongsun was relieved now.

Immediately returned to the palace.

Along the way, it attracted crowds of spectators.

Du Jingming carried Li Chuanyu home with great fanfare, which greatly satisfied Li Chuanyu's vanity.

She touched her belly and said, "If you are a man, you must seize the title of the Du family and make your mother proud!"

In the palace, Li Shilong also received the news that Li Chuanyu was happy, and with a wave of his hand, he gave many rewards.

He also understands now that not only his son must be educated well, but his daughter must also be educated well.

Otherwise, it is also a disaster.

After giving the reward, Li Shilong asked: "What is Wang Gui doing during this time?"

"Your Majesty, you have been sweeping the thatched cottage!" Gao Shilian said: "A few days ago, my feet slipped and I accidentally fell into the thatched cottage and almost drowned.

If it weren't for the excited little eunuch next to me, I'm afraid it would really be a joke! "

Gao Shilian heard that Li Shilong wanted to recruit Wang Gui back and said quickly.

Although Wang Gui hasn't come over yet, Li Shilong seems to have smelled the stench on Wang Gui's body.

A look of disgust could not help but appear on his face, "Humph, you are an incompetent thing, a waste, why doesn't he drown himself to death?"

Since Wu Ji's death, except for Gao Shilian, he has not met another eunuch who suits his liking.

Originally, I wanted to leave Wang Gui to Lao Ba.

But this guy Wang Gui is too hateful, his head is too stupid, and his mouth is too stupid, but he is capable enough and loyal enough.

But as a sword in the hand of the emperor, it is still somewhat inadequate.

"How about my servant calling Wang Gui?"

"No need." Li Shilong tapped his fingers on the document, and the atmosphere became terrifyingly dull.

Gao Shilian was extremely happy.

That bitch bullied his eldest nephew and his destined son-in-law, and if he didn't kill that bitch, even if Gao Shilian had no ability!
The lowest method is frame-up, but the high-level frame-up only requires an insignificant sentence.

All it takes for the emperor to feel disgust is enough.

Since the restructuring of the inner court, Li Shilong thought it was enough, but now he discovered a problem.

If you meet someone who is similar to Wu Gu again.

If the emperor were weaker, it was very likely that eunuchs would interfere in politics.

For example, the Ten Constant Attendants a thousand years ago were a group of eunuchs.

Of course, this was the case in the eyes of outsiders, but in Li Shilong's eyes, this eunuch group was a means used by the emperor to contain others.

But the tail is still too big to fall off.

Now the politics are relatively clear, the civil servants and military generals are balanced, and the relatives have not become too big. The imperial power in his hands has reached its peak.

The transfer of imperial power to the countryside is no longer an empty talk.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, this sentence has become a thing of the past.Of course, the exceptions are Wazhou, Tianxiang Kingdom, and Gaoli Peninsula.

The court has formed a relatively stable structure.

"What do you think of the current inner court system?" Li Shilong suddenly asked.

Gao Shilian was stunned and quickly knelt down, "I don't dare to make unreasonable comments."

"Just say what you say, and I will pardon your innocence!" Li Shilong said.

Gao Shilian was a little nervous, this was a proposition.

A pardon does not mean that there will be no settling of accounts in the future.

If he said the wrong thing today and made Li Shilong wary, he would take it out for surgery in the future.

He knows it all too well.

"Then please say a few words boldly." Gao Shilian said: "The system of King Qin is very good and can effectively improve the efficiency of work.

But now everyone in the imperial court is paying attention to innovation and progress.

Therefore, I believe that no matter how good the system is, it needs to change according to the current situation and not be static.

The Prince Consort of the Qin Dynasty also once said that people's words are not enough to show sympathy, the changes in nature are not enough to fear, and ancestors are not enough to follow the law!

If His Majesty feels that there is a problem with employment, it means that the problem already exists.

If the problem is so big that it is difficult to solve, it means that the problem has reached the point where it cannot be solved without solving it! "

"You bitch, although what you said is ambiguous, when you think about it carefully, it makes sense!" Li Shilong said.

"I follow His Majesty every day, and I also got a little bit of ink." Gao Shilian secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "As long as it goes in a good direction, any changes or temporary losses, I think it is acceptable. of."

"You're right." Li Shilong also made up his mind that Wang Gui could no longer be used.

This kind of idiot can be used as an errand in the palace, but if he goes out to do errands, things may go wrong.

"Go and call Qin Xiangru into the palace. I'll wait for him here."

"Yes, I will go and invite Prince Qin right now!"

Gao Shilian stepped back, knowing in his heart that Wang Gui was out of luck.

If you mess with someone, you want to mess with Qin Mo. Isn't that asking for death?

To put it bluntly, even if Li Shilong wants to mess with Qin Mo now, he must be more cautious.

What's more, that was Li Shilong's most respected and trusted son-in-law.

When they arrived at the Qin Mansion, Qin Xiangru was playing table tennis at the moment.

After taking a break, he usually organizes billiards competitions.

"Prince, Duke Gao is here." The housekeeper quickly walked to Qin Xiangru's side and said.

When Qin Xiangru heard this, he quickly said to Qin Xianggui: "Brother, come and fight for me!"

"I can't do it, I can't enter the cave!"

"I know, I don't expect to make a hole." Qin Xiangru put the club into his hand and ran out quickly, "Lao Gao, why are you here? Quick, let the kitchen prepare the food and wine."

"Forget it, Prince Qin, we are here according to your Majesty's order this time." Gao Shilian took his hand and whispered: "Your Majesty asked you to enter the palace, probably to discuss the inner court system."

"Didn't you already offer suggestions before? Why are we discussing this matter again?"

"I don't know. I guess Wang Gui didn't do a good job, so..."

Hearing this, Qin Xiangru was shocked, "Are you going to replace someone again?"

"Don't be excited. I don't know if it's true yet. Just be prepared." Gao Shilian clapped his hand.

Qin Xiangru thought to himself that there is obviously a problem in substituting people at this juncture.

The inner court is divided into two departments. Gao Shilian is in charge of things in the palace, while Wang Gui is a sword.

Now this sword is no longer easy to use, and it seems that it is not intended to be left to the next generation of emperors.

(End of this chapter)

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