big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1253 Leaked!

Chapter 1253 Leaked!

"Slaves kowtow to Your Majesty!"

The big dog and the small dog were kneeling on the ground.

It has been several years since the defeat of Wazhou.

The two of them have also adapted to working as servants in the palace, but they are not worthy enough. Li Yuan is often not in the palace, and they have no one to serve them.

Wei Zhong was okay with them both.

So life was going pretty well, no, both of them had gained a lot of weight.

"The Supreme Emperor said that the two of you would do well as errands in Da'an Palace, so he asked you to come over. You two go and assist Wang Gui."

The two of them looked at each other, both in a daze, and even couldn't believe their ears. Wang Gui was the most powerful person in the inner court after Gao Shilian.

"Yes, slave, I obey!" The big dog responded quickly.

The puppy reacted a little slowly and responded hurriedly.

"Learn more from Wang Gui and go down."


After the big dog and the small dog went down, they were a little confused.

The two of them are mortal enemies, especially after the death of the elder queen, the puppy hates the elder dog especially.

Even in Da'an Palace, there was a fierce fight.

It's the big dog who reacts quickly. He was a Japanese king after all.

Let him assist Wang Gui, maybe he will have a chance to rise to power.

Thinking about the news he heard in the palace these days, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"I know you hate me, how about we put aside our differences temporarily and bring down Wang Gui?" Big Dog said.

"Don't even think about it!" The puppy flicked his sleeves and left with a cold face.

The big dog looked helpless. If he wanted to survive in the palace, he must show his worth and loyalty.

At this time, Qin Xiangru also suddenly woke up.

The big dog was once the king of Japan, and the little dog was also a prince.

Both of these men had been monarchs.

People of the same kind know their own kind best, but the methods are different.

The reason why the two of them were asked to assist Wang Gui was because they had a grudge, and secondly, to raise Gu.

Good calculation.

Qin Mo was obviously the person who knew these two dogs best besides the emperor.

"This bastard actually wants me to guess!" Qin Xiangru snorted in his heart, but then again, if these two dogs can stand out, they will definitely be as good as the tongueless ones.

It is an excellent choice to be used as an opponent.

I just don’t know if Li Yue can suppress it.

Gao Shilian also figured it out now and couldn't help but admire Li Shilong's sagacity.

"Gao Shilian, divide half of the people out."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Gao Shilian was not unhappy at all.

At least his people are still in the palace, and Wang Gui's people will all be distributed across the country.

He is still the biggest winner.

After taking a look at Qin Xiangru, I felt very emotional. They cooperated well this time.

In just a few words, Wang Gui and his like disappeared into thin air!
After solving a troublesome matter, Li Shilong was in a good mood and couldn't help but said: "Jing Yun said that he would build a Royal Military Academy. What do you think?"

He briefly talked about the responsibilities of the Royal Military Academy.

Qin Xiangru said: "It's very good. Energy can continuously provide military talents for Daqian. This is the first of its kind.

I read historical records and found that whenever a dynasty is at its peak and there are no military disasters, it is a prosperous age for literati.

At that time, he was so drunk that his heroic spirit had been exhausted by the extravagant life.The war preparations are also sluggish. If they encounter a foreign invasion, they will be easily defeated.

If there is this military academy, both generals and civil servants can maintain a balance.

There will be no relaxation of military equipment, nor will there be a situation where one family dominates! "

"You are right, this military academy is very important. The most important thing is that those old generals can also enter here to shine.

Anyway, the Young Master has nothing important to do now, so just sign up and come to my military academy to be a teacher. "

"No, Your Majesty, the Young Master has a lot to do now." Qin Xiangru shook his head repeatedly, "The issuance of this new currency is not bad. It is backed by seven major banks. Now the price of the new currency has been increased by more than [-]%.

During this period, I will continue to supervise the minting of new coins. I have already discussed it with the Ministry of Household Affairs. All the recovered coins will be melted and supervise the minting of new coins. "

The new currency was not popular at first until the seven major banks came forward, and then the big businessmen from these chambers of commerce came forward.

New coins are just starting to get popular.

People are not fools.

However, after getting the new coins, whether it is convenience, exquisiteness or the quality of the money, it far exceeds all the coins on the market.

The most important thing is that money dealers are difficult to imitate.

Because the method of identifying authenticity is very simple, such as the small silver head, if you can hear a sound when you blow it, you will know the authenticity.

The golden head has patterns reflected in the sunlight, which cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

And the quality is very pure. If they want to purify it, it will undoubtedly increase the cost.

As long as the cost increases, the profit will always be made by the bank and the court.

These high-quality imitation coins flow into the public and will eventually drive out low-quality copper coins.

A large amount of gold and silver will flow from their cellars to the people, ultimately boosting the economy.

"You want to open the second furnace so soon? That's more than 800 million taels of silver!" Li Shilong was extremely surprised.

"Well, the supply exceeds the demand, especially among the big businessmen. The demand is extremely high. It is estimated that two furnaces will be opened before June." Qin Xiangru said.

Li Shilong felt uncomfortable. He had been the emperor for so long and only opened the furnace a handful of times.

Qin Xiangru, the general manager of the Shaofu Supervisor, opened two or three times in half a year, but the supply still exceeded the demand.

"Well, don't worry about the quality of the coins for the sake of profit, you know?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. When the time comes, we will issue banknotes."

"What, paper money?"

Li Shilong was stunned, "What kind of banknotes?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Qin Xiangru was quick to speak and spilled the beans.

"Fart, I'm not deaf, please tell me." Li Shilong frowned.

Qin Xiangru had no choice but to say: "This banknote is a currency made of paper. It is more difficult to make than the current currency. Once it is made, it is basically impossible for the people to copy it.

However, it will only happen after the new currency is completely circulated.

Banknotes are not only convenient to carry, but also small in size, making them easier to circulate and carry. "

"But that's paper. Can the people recognize it?" Li Shilong was speechless.

Paper was a rare item in the past. Except for the nobles and a few families who could afford it, the common people could not afford it.

It is also possible to exchange paper for silver.

But now even ordinary people can buy high-quality smooth white paper at the Royal Library.

"I can't tell you this, but my idiot said it. He said that this must be the trend in the future. After all, there will be more and more people in the future, and there will only be so much gold, silver, and copper, and there will definitely be a shortage of money.

As for how to do it, the idiot knows it, but the minister doesn’t! "

Li Shilong's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

"Go and call Jingyun."

"Then, Your Majesty, can I leave first?" Qin Xiangru said with a dry smile: "If the idiot knows that I spilled the beans, he will definitely sever the father-son relationship with me again!"

(End of this chapter)

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