big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1254: The trapped Daozang!

Chapter 1254: The trapped Daozang!
"You bastard, he dares!"

Li Shilong snorted coldly, but then thought of Qin Mo's past achievements, he really dared.

He couldn't help but said: "Well, I'll ask someone to call that bitch over. You can hide aside for a while and don't say anything!"

"No, Your Majesty, isn't that trying to trick my idiot?"

"What did you say? Are you trying to trick him by asking him for political advice?" Li Shilong said: "After my birthday, he will go to explore Southeast Asia. It is estimated that he will not be able to come back within a year and a half. .

If I run into any trouble and want to ask him while he's away, even if it's an eight-hundred-mile expedited trip, it will take a month or two to go back and forth.

It's inconvenient, so it's better to take precautions now, ask all the things you want to ask, and then write them down.

In this way, I can deal with each thing one by one! "

Qin Xiangru was stunned and cursed Li Shilong for being shameless. He was trying to squeeze out the fools in his family. Thinking of this, he gave a thumbs up and said, "Your Majesty, you are really the Emperor of Togo!"

"I know, you are also my Togo minister!" Li Shilong smiled.

At this time, a monk wearing gray cassocks stood in front of the Qin Mansion. He looked at the gilded plaque.

It is obviously the palace of a county prince, but there is no plaque bearing the title of county prince. You could say he is low-key, but he also behaves in a high-profile manner.

Call him high-profile, as the Qin family usually lives in seclusion.

Really weird.

Compared to the Buddha, the people praised the Qin people even more.

"I would like to thank the benefactor for informing me that Dao Zang, the monk of Huichang Temple, would like to see the Prince Consort of Qin!" Originally he didn't want to come, but after thinking about it, he came anyway.

He is not afraid of Qin Mo, but what about the nearly 1000 people in Huichang Temple?
The guard at the door heard this and ran in quickly, "Master, Zen Master Sanzang from Huichang Temple is here!"

"Sanzo, which Sanzo?"

"That's the great monk Daozang!"

"Oh, I got it, invite him in quickly."

Daozang was Li Shilong's personally appointed Zen Master Tripitaka, because Tripitaka's name was included in Qin Momo's Daqian Journey to the West.

Li Shilong thought that it was a long way from Daozang to the Western Scriptures, so he specially sealed his Tripitaka.

But Daozang didn't like this Zen title, especially since it came from a person who trampled on the true Buddha.

But the title Sanzang showed the true meaning of Buddha, so he was particularly embarrassed.

All of a sudden, I violated the precept of anger without even realizing it.

Daozang entered the Qin Mansion and came to the courtyard where Qin Mo was. He saw the big black man sitting on the kang and making tea around the stove.

"Isn't this a black bear spirit?"

Daozang thought to himself, and stood at the door and recited a Buddhist chant, "Daozang has met the commander-in-chief of Qin Dynasty."

"Hey, Master Daozang is here, come in and have tea." Qin Mo waved to Daozang enthusiastically, "I went to Huichang Temple yesterday. I wanted to see the master, but I left happily and came back disappointed. It's really a pity!"

Although he said this, Qin Mo didn't even get off the bed.

It's just a courtesy exchange.

Daozang has a clear mind, so how can he not know.

The man in front of me seems to be smiling, but if he is angry, he will really bleed like a river.

Daozang knew very well that few people in the world dared to be arrogant and domineering in front of him.

"The poor monk was translating documents yesterday. Your Majesty gave the poor monk food and clothing many times, just to enable the poor monk to complete the record of the Western Regions of the Great Qian Dynasty as soon as possible.

It's a pity that when manpower is limited, it has been more than two years and it has not been completely finished.

I am truly ashamed of Your Majesty.

That's why he didn't come to meet Qin's prince consort.

Please don't take it personally, Prince Consort. "" Zen Master Tripitaka is really an honest man! "

"Monks don't lie!"

"Come, come up and drink tea!" Qin Mo poured him a cup of tea, "Actually, I have infinite respect for Zen Master Tripitaka. For 17 years, I traveled through many countries through wind and rain, dust, clouds and roads, and recorded the customs and customs of each country.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is written into a book, it will definitely be a wonderful book that will be famous throughout the ages. "

"I'm ashamed!"

"We are all real people, so don't be humble. After this book is completed, you must leave me a copy. If you don't have a handwritten copy, you can also give me a rubbing.

When the time comes, I will copy the detailed descriptions of customs and customs in various countries and put them into textbooks across the country. Qin Mo said seriously.

"Put it in the textbook?" Daozang is still not very clear about this, "What textbook?"

"Oh, isn't it true that education across the country has begun to implement a unified textbook, which includes geography and history categories to help our students broaden their horizons and understand humanities and history.

The Encyclopedia of the Western Regions you wrote is pretty good, plus many countries in the Western Regions are now our territory.

Since we are our own people, we must respect their local customs and habits.

Take its essence and discard its dross.

Then Da Qian Xi Yu Ji was released and became one of the designated extracurricular reading books for children. "

Daozang was stunned. He didn't understand why Qin Mo did this.

Doesn't he hate Buddha?
Then why do you want to help him distribute books and even write his Daqian Western Regions into the textbooks?

This is definitely a great event that will go down in history and spread the true meaning of Buddha throughout the country.

Isn't this his lifelong pursuit?

However, will pie really fall from the sky?

He licked his chapped lips and said, "Qin Prince Consort, Captain, this poor monk is confused!"

"Why don't you understand?"

"You don't hate Buddhism? Why do you do this?"

"Who told you that I'm tired of Buddha?" Qin Mo laughed, "I don't like Buddha very much, but that doesn't mean I hate it, you know.

Objectively speaking, although the Buddha did not teach people to give birth, and except for some more extreme remarks, he generally taught people to be good. "

"Is that too extreme?"

"A wicked person who has done a hundred evil things can become a Buddha as long as he puts down the butcher's knife. How can there be such a good thing?" Qin Mo curled his lips and said: "Although we ask him to put down the butcher's knife, will he die? No, he Have the sins you committed been forgiven?

He only gained forgiveness from his own heart, but not from the victim.

And, if so, what about laws?

After everyone kills someone, they go to the Buddha and repent, and then they can escape into Buddhism. Why do they need six doors? "

Daozang was stunned.

Qin Mo continued: "A good person has done 99 good deeds. If he does an evil thing in a single thought, he will be hated and hated by others and cannot be forgiven. Why do you think this is?

If everyone became a monk, worshiped Buddha, and stopped planting fields, food would fall from the sky anyway.

Don’t wear any clothes, the Buddha will give them to you.

Don’t even build houses. Anyway, everything is used in Buddha’s Western Paradise.

Don't go to the doctor if you are sick. The doctors will all kneel on the ground, knock wooden fish, and recite the salvation sutra, hoping that they will be saved as soon as possible and go to the Western Paradise.

How wonderful would it be to have no disease, no pain, no separation from life and death, and no oppression? "

(End of this chapter)

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