big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1255: Little Monk, I’m so ashamed!

Chapter 1255: Little Monk, I’m so ashamed!

"Buddhists are good people, but they don't teach people to die."

"Does it make a difference?"

"The difference is huge, Prince Consort of Qin, don't misinterpret the meaning of Buddha."

“Then why did I hear that there are 10,000+ acres of land under Huichang Temple? Where did this land come from?
I also heard that Huichang Temple used to lend money to common people. When did the Buddha also start a pawn shop?
There are thousands of people in Huichang Temple, all of whom come from pilgrims for food, clothing, housing and transportation, but they cannot provide the court with a copper coin in tax revenue.

On the contrary, land in one's name was exempted from taxes, and people in temples were exempted from corvée.

Where is the Buddha? These are clearly rich people! "

Qin Mo said with a smile: "A place that doesn't do production, does no corvee work, doesn't pay taxes, and likes to persuade people to put down the butcher's knife.

How many things are hidden inside that no one else can see?

How many people put their extra land in the name of Huichang Temple in order to avoid land surveying?
I said 10,000+ acres is relatively small.

Does Zen Master Tripitaka know this? "

Daozang was speechless when asked, because Qin Mo's words were indeed true.

For a moment, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "Captain Prince Consort of Qin, please listen to this poor monk's explanation.

"What's the explanation?"

Qin Mo said with a smile: "In the past two years, the imperial court has begun to exempt from corvee service, and in a few years, even taxes will be exempted.

In fact, temples have little appeal to ordinary people.

And what's interesting is that I checked yesterday and found that there are quite a few monks in Huichang Temple who have issued ultimatums, but there are even more monks who have not issued ultimatums.

These monks who have no ultimatum are having children outside. Does Master Tripitaka know? "

Daozang was speechless.

Qin Mo added: "You still don't know what the problem is, right? It doesn't matter if you don't know, because you have been a monk since you were a child. You grew up in this environment and take everything around you for granted.

But I tell you, if you continue like this, you will die.

Do you still think this is the past?
If you add one piece to the number of monks in the country, there are tens of thousands of people. Even if you are not satisfied, so what.

It is far from possible for Buddhism to develop and become a true pure land as it is now. "

Daozang heard the murderous intention from Qin Mo's words. He was suddenly excited and thought of the scene he saw in Tianxiang Kingdom. He quickly said: "Qin's Prince Consort wants to destroy the Buddha? If the poor monk said it wrong, The Prince Consort of Qin wants to kill the poor monk, and the poor monk is willing to die, but I just beg the Commander, Prince Consort of Qin, not to increase the karma of killing any more!"

"Sanzang, you still don't understand."

Qin Mo shook his head, "Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, they have reached the point where they can no longer change. What's the use of killing you.

Even if you hit your head and die in front of me now, it is nothing to me.

It won't have any bad impact on me.

The most I can do is to be pulled over and scolded by His Majesty.

But you have to think about the consequences.

My anger cannot be tolerated by Buddhism.

Do you want to make Buddhism better, or will you be knocked down by me? Think about it yourself! "

Daozang looked down at the tea cup in front of him, feeling extremely anxious.

When Qin Mo said this, he obviously had the idea of ​​causing trouble.

However, it is not to destroy the Buddha, but to transform it into a Buddha.

How did it change?
Trample the Buddha under your feet?

But Qin Mo was already giving him face. What he did outside was simply unscrupulous and overbearing.

If you don't agree with me, I'll give you a tug.

It's quite gentle in the country.

But when Qin Mo said this, could it be His Majesty’s idea?
After all, this person is the number one scoundrel!
He is the best at figuring out Heaven’s heart!
The more Daozang thought about it, the more frightened he became, and cold sweat broke out behind his back!
"I dare to ask Qin Prince Consort, how to change?" Daozang took a deep breath, "Buddha has done it, does Tao also have to change?"

"Everything has to change, and staying the same is not enough to establish the world!" Qin Mo said: "I hope Huichang Temple can set an example. After all, you have been in the West for 17 years, both in terms of reputation and status.

It’s okay to say you are a Buddhist leader. "Sure enough, Qin Mo wants to attack Huichang Temple.

At this moment, with the knife on his neck, Daozang couldn't help but do it.

Qin Mo took out a plan and said, "Take a look."

Daozang clasped his hands together and said, "That young monk is so presumptuous!"

Now he doesn't even dare to call himself a poor monk.

No way, the arms can't twist the thighs.

Daozang took the plan and read it carefully. This reading lasted for two quarters of an hour.

After reading it, Daozang sighed and said: "The heart of Qin's consort, the captain, makes this young monk ashamed!"

"Why are you ashamed again?"

"At first, the young monk thought that the Prince Consort wanted to destroy the Buddha, and he was afraid and angry.

Monk Gein saw many scenes in the Celestial Kingdom.

Therefore, I preconceived the idea that the Prince Consort should also be dealt with together. "

Daozang looked ashamed, "After reading this plan, the young monk realizes how narrow-minded he is."

Qin Mo's plan did impose restrictions on Buddhism. For example, the land under the temple must be owned by the public.

Secondly, monks who do not have ultimatums must return to secular life, and the number of monks must be strictly controlled.

Secondly, the abbot of the temple is still a monk, but the management must be managed by the court.

Sesame oil money and money donated by pilgrims were managed by the imperial court.

Monks with ultimatums in the temple receive free food and accommodation, and are given monthly silver taels for living needs.

However, considering that some temples that are not popular are granted a hundred acres of Buddhist land.

If it exceeds, you will have to pay taxes and food.

Secondly, if you want to obtain an ultimatum, you must pass a unified assessment by the imperial court. If you fail to pass, the ultimatum will not be issued.

Those who fail three times show that they have no pious heart and have no connection with the Buddha, so they should return to secular life.

Monks with unknown origins must be thoroughly investigated and have no bad records before they can be ordained.

Secondly, no lending is allowed.

Cannot engage in commercial activities.

Devote yourself to Buddhism.

There are also ratings for temples and strict regulations on Buddha statues.

In short, after all this operation, what remains are true monks who have ultimatums, do not handle money, and focus on cultivating Buddhism.

Don't hide dirt.

You can transfer people, but you cannot judge people in place of the law.

Teach people the truth, goodness and beauty, but you must not make them decadent and lazy.

Why did Monk Daozang travel thousands of miles to the Western Regions to seek Mahayana Buddhism?

It was because he saw some bad things in the past that he made up his mind to use Mahayana Buddhism to save all sentient beings.

"Master Tripitaka, neither Hinayana Buddhism nor Mahayana Buddhism can save all sentient beings, because the Buddha only saves those who are destined.

Even if you can’t even save yourself, how can you save others?
Those who are destined to do so regard Buddhahood as a pursuit, while those who are not destined to do so should regard Buddhism as a profession.

Don’t destroy human desires if you are reciting Amitabha and getting married and having children at the same time.

Could it be that the Buddha he worshiped was the Buddha of Joy? "

Qin Mo's words made Daozang feel ashamed. When Qin Mo presented the facts, he knew that any explanation was just a cover-up!

(End of this chapter)

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