big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1256 There is no justice, I will not live anymore!

Chapter 1256 There is no justice, I will not live anymore!

"Amitabha, the young monk is willing to cooperate with the Prince Consort in doing this!" Daozang said.

"Master Tripitaka, don't think that I am unkind. Taoism in troubled times and Buddhism in prosperous times. Don't you hear these words that are harsh?

I'm not saying that Taoism is very good. On the contrary, my restrictions on Taoism are stricter than yours on Buddhism. "

With that said, Qin Mo came up with the Taoist management method.

Daozang took a look and found that the management was indeed stricter than that of Buddhism, even harsh!

Not only does it have a Taoist academy, but it also has major exams every year.

If you fail the exam, you will repeat the grade. Not only will you repeat the grade, but you will not be issued any documents.

Moreover, Taoism has also been classified into categories such as divination, medical skills, Feng Shui, etc.

A major must be chosen.

Otherwise, you will not be able to obtain professional documents. Without professional documents, you cannot proceed with related matters.

It is no exaggeration to say that once implemented, those who can successfully graduate will be qualified Taoist priests.

They have excellent professional abilities and are recognized by the court.

Under such conditions, Buddhism still has the slightest bit of competitiveness.

What's more, Ziwei Star Sect is still the state religion.

"Young monk has been taught." Monk Daozang said from the bottom of his heart. In this way, Buddhism can indeed be made more pure and more conducive to cultivating the mind and saving all sentient beings.

"Okay, let's stop talking today. You should hurry up and translate the Daqian Western Regions, and contribute your own strength to the integration of the world's nations."

Hearing Qin Mo's words, Monk Daozang felt his blood boiling inexplicably.

After leaving the Qin Mansion, he realized that he originally wanted to ask Qin Mo why he did such cruel and inhumane things in Tianxiang Kingdom.

But in just a few words, Qin Mo took advantage of him, making him feel ashamed.

He grasped the Buddhist management methods.

Unable to help but smile bitterly, "Forget it, he went to carry forward Taoist culture, and I went to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. There is a fundamental difference.

Wasn't it the same when Buddhism made its eastward journey? "

At this time, Qin Mo was enjoying Xiao Gao's massage, "I don't know what Lao Du did now. If we want this matter to go smoothly, we just need a Taoist monk to do it."

"Master, if you suppress the Buddha, why do you still suppress the Tao?"

"What I am suppressing has never been about religion, but the human heart!" Qin Mo said: "The Taoist sect is good at refining elixirs. After it becomes popular, all kinds of immortality questions will inevitably become popular.

For the court and the people, this is not a good thing either. "

Think about Qin Shihuang and Tang Taizong. Wasn’t it all about seeking immortality and immortality in the later period?
Was there an emperor in the Ming Dynasty who died by taking elixirs?

If you don't take care of the Taoist gate, it will be a disaster in the long run.

That's not what Qin Mo wants to see.

Gao Yao nodded thoughtfully.

At this moment, Xiao Liuzi hurried over and said, "Master, there is someone from the palace. Please come into the palace. He said that His Majesty is looking for you."

"I've just taken a break from this old man, why don't I let him live anymore?"

Qin Mo immediately jumped up from the kang, "Can't you just let me take a breath?"

Xiao Liuzi smiled bitterly and said, "They said over there that if you don't go over, someone will be sent to arrest you!"

"We can't stay in this capital." Qin Mo got off the kang angrily. If it hadn't been for Lao Liu's birthday, he would have taken his entire family to Lingnan.

If he doesn’t come back for a few years, he will be so angry!

One after another things were pressing on Qin Mo, making him extremely annoyed.

In fact, he can also understand Lao Liu's thoughts. It is even possible that Lao Liu will announce Lao Ba's ascension to the throne on his birthday.

I just don’t know if he is the crown prince or if he just abdicates!Enter the palace.

Qin Mo was so stinky that he didn't even go in. He just said at the door: "Your Majesty, what do you want from me?"

"Bitch, who told you to change your story?" Li Shilong scolded: "Come here to talk, do you still want me to come over?"

"Your Majesty, I am busy choosing a location right now. I am very busy. Please keep your story short!"

Li Shilong saw Qin Mo's dark face and knew that he must still be angry, so he walked down the steps and looked at him, "Why are you so petty?"

"My father gave me a small mind. Your Majesty, you can ask my father why he didn't give me a bigger mind!"

Qin Xiangru's face turned dark when he was hiding behind the screen.

"You bitch, you have to make me angry, don't you?"

"How dare you, a humble minister?"

Li Shilong laughed angrily when he heard Qin Mo's angry words, "I'm in a good mood today, don't force me to whip you."

"It doesn't matter, it's not the first time I've been beaten anyway. He knows how to trick his son-in-law every day, and he wants the horse to run without giving the horse any grass.

I have never seen that father-in-law treat his son-in-law like a peanut butter squeezer.

I have been squeezed dry now, and I still need to squeeze out more. This means that even the dregs must be used! "

The more Qin Mo talked, the more aggrieved he became. He sat down on the ground, patted his thigh and said, "It's so annoying. How can anyone bully an honest person like this?

After finally taking a breath, I thought I could rest, but in the end, I was dragged into being treated like a cow and a horse again.

I don’t want to be this bullshit prince-in-law.

If you want to kill, kill, if you want to scrape, then scrape.

The worst case scenario is that twenty or thirty corpses of my wife, children, children, and children will be lying outside Chengtian Gate.

There is no way to survive! "

Li Shilong was fooled by Qin Mo's operation.

Gao Shilian on the side smiled bitterly and hurriedly stepped forward, "Captain Prince Consort, don't be like this, get up first and talk!"

"I can't live anymore, I can't live anymore, just let me fix things day by day. The civil and military forces of the entire dynasty are a group of people, not one person.

Why, can I be the civil and military officer of the entire dynasty by myself?

I'm not the only one who has a consort, so I'm the one who caught him to shave off the horse's hair.

Look, I started losing my hair in my 20s.

In two years, will I become bald?
I love so-and-so these days, no matter what! "

Qin Mo went straight to the ground, made a gesture of Tai, and howled loudly.

Li Shilong was angry and helpless, and there was nothing he could do about this piece of shit.

However, during this period, the oil extraction was indeed a bit harsh.

Isn't there no way?
"Okay, okay, you are talking when you get up. I asked you to come here because I want you to come for dinner." Li Shilong softened his tone, "Isn't this Chuanyu already here? I plan to call everyone else in tonight. Come and have dinner with me!"


"Really, can you get up quickly?" Li Shilong took Qin Mo's hand, "You don't want me to hug you, do you?"

"Damn it, you told me to eat earlier!" Qin Mo quickly got up from the ground, "Father, I was scared to death by you!"

Gao Shilian was really amused to death by this living treasure.

Li Shilong was also angry and funny, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, but before eating, I have something else to do."

"God, there is no justice, I can't live anymore!"

Qin Mo fell straight down, slapped the floor wildly, and howled: "The emperor won't let his son-in-law live, I won't live!"

(End of this chapter)

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