big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1260 Fire!

Chapter 1260 Fire!

Feng Jin let out an ouch, and goosebumps appeared all over his body, "Nauseous, it is indeed nauseating!"

Empress Gongsun laughed and scolded: "What do you know? This is Jingyun's affection for Yushu."

Feng Jin said with a smile: "Seventh Princess, your lover made this for you. No matter how disgusting it is, you can still say it."

Li Yushu had long been moved to death.

"It's all your fault. The poems you wrote are so long that it's hard to remember them!" Li Yushu said.

Li Chuanyu felt particularly hurt.

Is this human talk?
These are only a few sentences, can they be said to be long?

Deliberately, definitely intentionally!

"It's my fault, then I have one last short song here, for you, third sister, and Liu'er!" Qin Mo said: "Of course, also for Sitian and the others!"

At this time, Li Yulan and Li Lizhen also raised their eyebrows, with unlimited expectations in their hearts.

Only Queen Gongsun looked at the tipsy Qin Mo with some worry, "Jingyun, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

"Don't worry, mother. I've rarely written poems in the past two years and I'm recovering well. There shouldn't be any big problems!" Qin Mo said, patting his chest.

Empress Gongsun made a gesture. Feng Jin understood it and quickly sent someone to call the female doctor.

Xiaojiu held a pen in his hand, waiting for Qin Mo to speak.

Du Youwei couldn't help but walked over.

He is a person who loves learning, and he can't bear it when he hears poems like this.

However, he still had a long and short idea in the past.

Now besides sitting aside and applauding Qin Mo, the only thing I can do seems to be to help him promote his literary talent.

"The bond between life and death is broad, tell me Zicheng. Hold your hand and grow old together with me!" Qin Mo held Li Yushu's hand, pulled Li Lizhen over, and immediately hugged the three girls.

There is no solution to these three poems.

Qin Mo's love for his wives was all poured into this last four-character sentence.

Sixteen simple words describe love so beautifully.

Before Du Youwei could applaud, a voice came from not far away, "What a saying, hold your hand and grow old together!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw who else but Li Shilong was coming.

"Wei Chen sees His Majesty!"

The Prince Consort quickly stood up and saluted.

"My son sees my father!"

The princesses also stood up quickly.

"Your Majesty, you are here!" Queen Gongsun and Concubine Li rushed over to greet her.

Li Shilong just finished handling some trivial matters and came over, "Well, I've been here for a while, but I didn't expect that as soon as I came, I heard this bitch composing poetry here and showing off his literary talents!"

"Oh, what do you mean by showing off your literary talents?" Qin Mo felt unhappy, "Father, this is my love for the third sister and the others!"

"Huh, hugging me in front of me, do you still have me in your eyes?" Li Shilong was furious when he saw Qin Mo hugging him from left to right, and felt extremely unhappy.

He had been particularly uncomfortable with marrying his three daughters to Qin Mo, but now that they were showing off their affection in front of him, he was extremely angry.

"This is the Zhengzheng Palace, not the Qin Mansion. If you want to go back and make out, don't get in my eyes!" Li Shilong's eyes are about to burst into flames.

Qin Mo, however, deliberately leaned in one by one and slapped the three girls in the face.

The three girls instantly blushed with embarrassment.

Seeing that Li Shilong was about to explode, Li Yulan winked. Li Yushu and Li Lizhen held his hands on the left and right, and said softly: "Father, don't be angry!" Li Yulan also moved closer.

The three girls were coquettish and coaxing, which made Lao Li lose all his temper.

Concubine Li covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It is said that a daughter is a debt of love in the previous life. Now it's better. I will be here to collect the debt in this life!"

"I think he is enjoying it!" Queen Gongsun didn't bother to care anymore.

After taking a look at Li Chuanyu, his face turned green and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If there had been no instigation, it probably wouldn't have happened.

She had asked Li Chuanyu at the beginning and she had refused. Otherwise, she would probably be the one being kissed by Qin Mo now.

"Okay, okay, don't pester me." Li Shilong pretended to be displeased and said, "The water thrown by my married daughter almost hit my face with my elbow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaojiu ran over and hugged him, "Father, don't scold your brother-in-law!"

Li Shilong was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became complicated.

Looking at Qin Mo's arrogant look, he really deserves a beating!
"How dare I scold your brother-in-law? Look, I just said a few words, and there are so many people helping me to speak." Lao Li was disgusted and felt very uncomfortable.

"Okay, Your Majesty, sit down quickly and have something to eat!" Queen Gongsun asked the three women to let go of Li Shilong, and then asked Li Shilong to sit in the middle, with Concubine Li sitting on the left and right beside him.

Li Shilong took the poems written by Xiaojiu and was very satisfied with these three poems.

But he sneered: "It seems that he is determined, but he has more wives than anyone else!"

Qin Mo was unconvinced and said: "Father, this is called fraternity. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. I have been your son-in-law for so long, and my son-in-law has never heard of you writing poems for your mother and Concubine Li.

How bad.

If I were a woman, I wouldn't marry a straight man like you! "

Qin Mo Gong Huo Dao.

Li Shilong was stunned.

Li Yulan and others couldn't help laughing.

Gao Shilian and Feng Jin looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

Qin Mo is the only one who dares to stir up trouble in front of the emperor and empress, right?
When the princes nearby heard this, they all went numb!
This is too big.

"You bitch, stop making trouble here!" Li Shilong's face turned dark instantly.

"What, did my son-in-law say something wrong? If you can't do it, just say it. My son-in-law drank and his talent got worse.

Would you like my son-in-law to help you compose two songs? "

Li Shilong was so angry that his liver ached, but how could he, a majestic emperor, embarrass himself in front of his wife and children, "Who said I can't do it?"

"It is also called random writing, and it is also called popular. Father, I will not raise my requirements. Originally, your identity, not to mention poems that have been passed down through the ages, should at least be famous throughout the ages.

Well, all you need to do is write a poem for your mother and Concubine Li that is not inferior to what your son-in-law just wrote! "Qin Mo said hehey.

Li Yulan pulled Qin Mo and winked at him. Didn't this make his father unable to step down?

Of those three poems just now, which one is not famous and famous throughout the ages?
Isn't this embarrassing my father?
"Father, don't listen to this stinky guy's nonsense!" Li Yushu also glared at Qin Mo, "Go down and rest when you're drunk!"

Li Lizhen also said: "Father, Mr. Lang is drunk, don't be like him!"

Concubine Li also said hurriedly: "Your Majesty is busy with official duties and has been exhausted for a day. It's better to have a good rest first. Poems are nothing more than trivial matters."

Queen Gongsun also quickly reconciled the situation.

But Li Shilong's temper also got worse, "Okay, you think I can't compose poetry, right? Then I will authorize you to compose a poem for Queen Li Fei on my behalf. Remember, it must be a poem that is well-known and will last forever." !”

(End of this chapter)

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