big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1261 Book of Peace!

Chapter 1261 Book of Peace!
Damn it, I forgot that this sixth person is also a shameless person.

He failed to keep the fire going, and he was burned by the fire.

"Father, you are cheating!" Qin Mo was furious.

"Hurry up, or else." Li Shilong sneered, "I'll make your butt bloom!"

"Okay, just do it!"

Qin Mo ran to his table and drank two large bowls of wine.

Then his body tilted and he fell towards Du Youwei.

Du Youwei had quick eyesight and quickly hugged him, "Your Majesty, Qin Mo seems to be suffering from Soul Leaving Syndrome!"

All of a sudden, all the girls gathered around him.

Queen Gongsun was extremely anxious, "The female doctor is here, is she here?"

"I'm coming!"

Feng Jin quickly waved to the female doctor.

Concubine Li on the side was even more anxious than Empress Gongsun. This was Lao Ba's most capable general. If anything happened, Lao Ba would have lost both his left and right hands.

Li Shilong was relatively calm. After all, Qin Mo fell ill not once or twice.

But Li Yulan's three daughters were so frightened that they burst into tears.

"Father, it's true that you knew that Lang Jun was sick and still forced him to write poems!" Li Yushu cried, "If anything happens to Lang Jun, you will never enter the palace again!"

"Me too!"

Li Lizhen's face turned pale.

Li Yulan said nothing, all her attention was on Qin Mo.

After checking Qin Mo's pulse, the female doctor said, "It shouldn't be a serious problem. Judging from the pulse, it's just some kidney yin deficiency. It should be caused by being too tired recently and drinking too much."

The girls couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, it was just that they were not suffering from Soul Leaving Syndrome.

"Father, mother, queen, and daughter will send the husband back first." Li Yulan said with a long breath.

"Go back, go back." Empress Gongsun nodded, and then couldn't help scolding Li Shilong, "Your Majesty, fortunately, my son-in-law is fine. If something happens to my son-in-law, let alone my daughter, I will not want to deal with you anymore!"

Li Shilong smiled helplessly, "I am no longer a human being inside and outside!"

As soon as Qin Mo left, the dinner was no longer interesting.

Li Chuanyu always smiled forcefully from behind.

The other princes-in-law were also sitting upright, not even daring to drink for fear of making Li Shilong unhappy.

I still have a pretty good idea of ​​their status.

At this moment, Dou Yiai came over and said, "Damn it, where is this idiot?"

Du Youwei said quickly: "Your Majesty is here, hurry up and salute!"

As he spoke, he helped Dou Yiai pull off his clothes. Looking at the soaked area and the scent of Dou Yiai's body, he understood everything.

When Dou Yiai saw Li Shilong, he shrank his neck, but had no choice but to go over to see him.

"What did you do just now?"

"Weichen just went for a convenience!"

Li Shilong's face changed slightly. He didn't bother to ask this question and waved his hand, "Let's go over there!"

Dou Yiai cupped her hands and sat back down.

Not long after, Gao Yang also came over, but his face was ruddy, he was a little out of breath, and he walked with one foot light and one foot heavy.

Seeing her like this, Queen Gongsun also shook her head helplessly, feeling like a mirror in her heart.

However, it was up to her.

But she didn't expect that Gao Yang, who used to be domineering and arrogant, would actually be submissive and submissive to Dou Yiai.

Li Shilong didn't say much. Seeing that she was sweating from the heat, he reminded her to be careful about catching a cold.

The relationship between father and daughter has also eased a bit.

"Thank you father for caring, my daughter understands!" As she said this, she rolled her eyes at Dou Yi'ai, as if she was not afraid of being discovered.

The next day, Li Shilong was reviewing the memorial.

"Your Majesty, I have an audience with Duke Chai!"

"Oh? Why is he here?" Li Shilong put down the memorial and ignored him since he named Chai Shao 24 heroes.

Now that the world is unified, those who are left will be killed, and those who surrender will surrender.

With Xiao Lihua's name corrected, the name of Da Qian's orthodoxy has been firmly established.

So when facing Chai Shao, I now treat him with a normal heart, just like I would treat an ordinary minister, "Let him in."

Soon, Chai Shao came in.

"Wei Chen, see Your Majesty!"

"Get back on your feet!" Li Shilong walked down and said, "Chai Aiqing, why are you free to come to me today?"

"Wei Chen has three things to do when he comes to the palace today!" Chai Shao smiled slightly.

"Oh? Which three things?"

"First of all, I am here to pay my respects to my old age." Chai Shao said, "I am already old, and I am gradually unable to do what I want, and I am not qualified for important positions."

"You are only over sixty years old. There are many people in the court who are older than you. I will not allow you to grow old!" Li Shilong said.

To be honest, Chai Shao sued the old lady so suddenly that he did not expect it for a moment.

Chai Shao knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "I am fortunate to have been honored by Your Majesty and be granted the title of Duke. Today I even went to the Qiankun Pavilion. I am grateful in my heart.

However, birth, old age, illness and death are the normal conditions of human beings. The reason for leaving is just to make room for the young heroes of the next generation.

If the minister continues to be in this position, he will be anxious every day, fearing that problems will arise and the court will be dragged down.

Therefore, I am resigning to old age and hope that your majesty will approve it!
Secondly, I retired and returned to my hometown this time to record down what I have learned in my life, so it has the meaning of a book. "

"What book are you thinking about?"

"Book of Peace!"

Chai Shao smiled and explained the content of the book, and then took out the general outline and gist of the book from his arms, "Your Majesty, please read it!"

Li Shilong asked Gao Shilian to bring him soft dumplings, and then carefully looked through the outline and scriptures, "Is this a new study?"

"It's not like sorting out the new learning. The new learning is its own school and has its own system. Weichen just has his own experience of the new learning, so he plans to combine what he sees and hears with ancient and modern times and combine the actual examples of the new learning. Put it in the Book of Peace!
If future generations encounter it, they can also have countermeasures! "

"Not bad!" Li Shilong stroked his beard.

In fact, he often watches Xinxue. Every time he watches it, he has a different experience. It is indeed insufficient to use the previous methods to deal with current political affairs.

He had read all the Ji family theories reformed by Ji Zhisheng, including the new version of the Five Classics of Justice.

Everything is practical, more like tracing back to the original Confucianism.

However, what Li Shilong didn't know was that this Book of Peace, to be precise, was the policy prepared by Chai Shao for the Ming Dynasty.

He has already written a lot.

If Li Shilong remembered it in the future, he would ask someone to give him part of it.

If you want to see him, just say that he has gone out to travel the mountains and rivers.

No one cares about an old man.

"Thirdly, after Wei Chen grows old, please Your Majesty to take more care of Wei Chen's useless child." Chai Shao said: "Although Jing Yun is in charge and his relatives are helping, the child is still young and will inevitably make mistakes.

Please, Your Majesty, please give him more opportunities for the sake of the humble minister, who has no merit but hard work! "

This is entrustment.

Hearing this, Li Shilong's doubts disappeared, "I really can't let you go!"

"Wei Chen is also reluctant to leave Your Majesty, but rather than die of old age doing nothing in the court, it would be better for Wei Chen to finish writing this book of peace.

Composing a song of peace for Da Qian is not a waste of time for me to come to this world! "

(End of this chapter)

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