big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1262 Send Chai Shao!

Chapter 1262 Send Chai Shao!
Li Shilong saw that Chai Shao was determined to retreat and was already old, so he stopped forcing him.

"It doesn't matter, if I force you to stay, it will appear that I am unkind." Li Shilong said: "This Taiping Book has ten volumes in total. After you finish one volume, send it to me and I will help you record it!"

"Weak ministers kowtow to thank Heaven!"

Chai Shao saluted Li Shilong, his eyes slightly red.

Li Shilong nodded and allowed Chai Shao to retire, which also meant the end of an era.

After Chai Shao left, Li Shilong gave Chai Shao many rewards.

As for Chai Shao's retirement, word quickly spread in the capital, and everyone speculated for a while.

Without him, Chai Shao would have aged too suddenly.

No sign at all.

However, after thinking about it carefully, I felt that it was a wise choice for Chai Shao to withdraw from the court at this time.

Li Shilong didn't try to stay again, which is the best proof.

First, he has awarded 24 meritorious officials.

Secondly, Xiao Lihua has stood up to rectify Daqian's name.

He has everything he deserves, including fame, fortune, and fame.

The emperor treated him well, and retreating bravely was the best choice. It would not be an eyesore to the emperor, and it would also free up space for others.

Chai Shao left in a hurry. The day after he retired, he packed his things and prepared to leave.

Qin Mo brought Chai Sitian to see Chai Shao off.

In order to act more realistically, Chai Rong also specifically asked Li Shilong for a favor and escorted Chai Rongrong back to his hometown.

This is also human nature, and Li Shilong has no reason to be inappropriate.

Except for the rewards given by Li Shilong to civil and military officials, he refused to accept any other rewards.

Lao Qin and Lao Dou also came, and both families were in-laws.

"In-laws, take care of me!" Dou Xuanling cupped her hands and said with some regret: "In a blink of an eye, more than 30 years have passed, and we are all old.

In two years, I will also be old.

Leave a place for me in the family, and we will be friends when the time comes. We will play chess, drink tea, read books, and chat. It will definitely be a happy time! "

Chai Shao smiled and nodded, "I wish I could, but this time I will write a book, I will probably visit the Dagan Mountains and rivers, and write wherever I go.

I can still walk now, but the day I can't walk anymore, I won't have a chance! "

"So free and easy!" Qin Xiangru gave a thumbs up, but he knew very well in his heart that Chai Shao was doing it for the Qin family's sake this time, "The in-laws also remember to leave a place for me. In two years, I will definitely go there to keep you company. "

Chai Shao smiled and said, "Don't lie to me!"

"Don't dare!"

The three of them looked at each other and laughed.

Immediately they all raised their hands and said, "Take care!"

The housekeeper of Chai Mansion shouted: "My lord, you have returned home!"

Firecrackers exploded, and endless firecrackers sounded on Chang'an Street.

Those were the firecrackers put out by each family to see off Chai Shao.

Du Jingming and others stood at the door of the house, waiting for the carriage to pass by, and said with cupped hands: "Old friend, I cherish you all the way, and the mountains will be high and the sky will be green from now on!"

It would be a lie to say that I was not moved.

Chai Shao's eyes were a little moist.

It is said that officialdom is ruthless, but looking at it now, it is not necessarily ruthless, it is just a different stance.

After he put down all his positions, for the sake of being in the same dynasty in the past, they were still willing to come and see each other off.

"Cherish my old friend!" Chai Shao said in a hoarse voice.

When passing by Zhao Guogong's mansion, there was nothing.

Chai Shao wasn't surprised at all. It would be surprising if Gongsun Wuji came out to see him off.

But when the carriage and horses passed Zhao Guogong's mansion, the sound of firecrackers came from behind again.

He suddenly looked outside.

Puzzled: "Why?"

Qin Mo, who was seeing Chai Shao off, turned around and looked around. In the smoke, he vaguely saw a person standing inside the door, seeming to be holding his hands.Who else could it be if it wasn't Gongsun Wuji.

It seemed like they were sending each other off, but when I thought about it more carefully, I felt that I was urging him to leave as soon as possible.

This ambiguous meaning is really interesting.

Why Qin Mo likes Daqian is because this country, from the emperor to the people, has a human touch.

Regardless of their positions and hatred, they are all living individuals.

Not the NPC in the game.

There are tangles and conflicts, some make people hate them with gritted teeth, and some make people like them extremely much.

When Chai Shao's carriage and horses arrived at the city gate, Gao Shilian was already standing there waiting. Seeing the carriage approaching, Gao Shilian sang loudly: "Chai Shao, the Duke of Chai, returned to his hometown with great honor. My heart is very reluctant to leave. We have known each other for many times." Ten years.

We are both teachers and friends. If I cannot bear the pain of separation, I will not come to see you off.

Brother Wangchai, take care of it! "

Chai Shao's carriage stopped and he wanted to get out, but Gao Shilian stopped him with a gesture.

Chai Shao listened quietly to Gao Shilian's words.

"Have a nice trip, Mr. Chai Guogong. Our family is looking forward to your masterpiece!" Gao Shilian said with a smile.

Chai Shao's eyes were complicated, with both the anxiety of deceiving the emperor and a sense of victory in his heart.

But when he got here and heard Gao Shilian's words, he felt a hint of shame in his heart.

Everyone has their own position.

Regardless of his stance, Li Shilong was indeed a good emperor.

He is much better than Yangdi.

Li Shilong also had the emperor's suspicion and willfulness, but he was able to restrain himself.

Even if it is to portray himself as a wise king, if he can stick to a lie for a lifetime, this person is also a gentleman.

Chai Shao got off the carriage and bowed his hands to Gao Shilian, "Please Gao Gong, please give me a message to Your Majesty!"

"Master Chai Guo, please speak."

Chai Shao said sincerely: "Your Majesty, you are an eternal wise king!"

Gao Shilian smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, our family will definitely tell you the truth!
Chai Gong, take care of yourself all the way! "

"Take care of yourself!"

Chai Shao turned around and took a look at the prosperous capital city. Many stories happened here, from his high spirits to his old age.

This place holds his life.

He immediately got in the car and said without a trace of nostalgia, "Let's go!"

Lao Qin and others were sent to the outside of Shili Pavilion. Qin Mo said: "After seeing you for thousands of miles, we must say goodbye. My lord, please take care of me!"

"Jingyun, take care!"

He glanced at Lao Qin and Lao Dou, smiled and left.

Chai Shao left and returned to his hometown, but he never came back in his life.

Chai Sitian burst into tears.

Qin Mo hugged her into his arms and said, "Today's farewell is for our reunion in the future!"

Once Lao Chai left, the Chai Mansion became deserted, and Chai Rong would be the only one to support it from now on.

But fortunately, he also has a strong wife.

Not only did Dou Mei manage Chai Rong obediently, but she also managed everyone in the house very obediently.

Qin Mo is not worried at all about this.

"Come back, everyone!" Qin Mo looked at Lao Qin and Lao Dou who were reluctant to leave.

"Let's go back and drink!" Lao Qin said to Lao Dou: "I say Lao Dou, can you read more of my books these days?"

Dou Xuanling blew his beard and stared: "You want me to participate in the false performance first?"

"What does it mean to participate in a false performance? I just want to retire early. Considering that we have known each other for many years, can you help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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