big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1263 Lao Qin’s reminder

Chapter 1263 Lao Qin’s reminder

"Go, go, I'm full!" Dou Xuanling refused without thinking.

"Don't be like this, even if I beg you, just think of a way to get me down, really!" Qin Xiangru felt itchy in his heart when he saw Chai Shao leaving. He also wanted to go and take a look at the 'Da Ming' that his son said.

"No need to talk, then I have become a traitor?" Dou Xuanling said righteously.

"How come you can't get in the water!" Qin Xiangru was speechless. No, he had to find a way to get himself out of the Shaofu Prison.

He didn't want to be a bad official at all.

After returning home, Qin Xiangru pulled Qin Mo into the study, "You bastard, kneel down for me!"

Qin Mo trembled all over and kneeled on the ground subconsciously, "Dad, I haven't made any mistakes recently!"

"I didn't say you made a mistake, Dad, please do something!"

Qin Xiangru held Qin Zi in his hand, lit it with a click of his exclusive black gold lighter, and exhaled a breath of smoke, "Your father-in-law has retired and gone to Ming Dynasty. I can't just ignore you, right?"
I had to follow it and take a look. It was a country, not a small village.

It's not that I'm worried, I'm afraid that those guys won't be able to hold them down. "

Qin Mo was speechless and wanted to get up to speak.

Qin Xiangru glared, "Do I allow you to get up? Kneel down and talk. If you don't agree, don't get up!"

"How can I be like you? How can my father-in-law trick me?"

"You know nothing!" Qin Xiangru snorted: "A man only has women and power and cannot borrow it from others, even if he is your father-in-law.

Some things should be nipped in the cradle, otherwise, when they happen, you won’t be able to explain them clearly with eight mouths.

understand? "

I have to say that what Lao Qin said makes sense, but Lao Chai is already in his [-]s and [-]s, and he still has to travel across the ocean to travel for himself. If he did it too obviously, it would be too hurtful.

"Then what excuse are you looking for to go out?" Qin Mo curled his lips and said: "Lao Liu will be turning [-] soon. Maybe if he is in a good mood one day, he will pass the position to Lao Ba.

When the time comes, he will be so idle that his balls ache every day, and he will go to any other house if he has nothing to do. If he pulls you along, will you reject him or not?
The fastest trip from here to Daming is two to three months.

It will take half a year to go back and forth.

If our big ship is launched, it will take more than a month at most.

You are not at home, how can I make excuses for you?

Don’t you also want to write a book?

Your half-skilled ink is enough to write a novel! "

"You bastard, who are you looking down on?" Qin Xiangru cursed, then became a little irritated again, "Then what do you want to do? I'm asking you to find a way, not to leave your trouble to me!"

"Dad, you are really good at treating your son like an ox and a horse!" Qin Mo curled his lips. Lao Qin's expression was simply outrageous. "You haven't even gone to the Ming Dynasty yet, and you think you are the emperor?"

"You know what the heck, this is called early adaptation!" Qin Xiangru chuckled, "What do you think I will make myself a ten-clawed golden dragon suit?"

"One more claw than Lao Liu's nine claws?"

"It's perfect!" Qin Xiangru said happily: "Although my son is stupid, my son can conquer the country!"

Qin Mo didn't know for a moment whether Lao Qin was praising him or scolding him.

He rubbed his knees, sat down on the ground, and said: "There won't be any good opportunities in half a year. Even if you want to leave, you have to wait until the dust settles before leaving.

It doesn't matter if you think you are Lao Chai. "

Qin Mo clapped his fingers and said, "I want to visit Southeast Asia, and I have to wait until after his birthday before leaving. He has always said that he will let Lao Ba come up, but he doesn't know when.

You can't just run over and ask him when he's going to go up, right?
Isn't that uncomfortable?
Should Lao Ba be made the prince, or should he be made the emperor directly?

If it is the former, then it is estimated that nothing major will happen within three to five years. The sixth child must wait until the eighth child is completely familiar with it before letting go.

Then you can go as you please.

It’s okay to go out for sightseeing, or in other words, it’s okay to go to Wazhou. "Hey, I got it." "Qin Xiangru waved his hand, "You go. "

Qin Mo patted his butt and said to Lao Qin before leaving: "Don't talk about wearing a ten-clawed golden dragon. Even if you wear a hundred claws, you still don't look like an emperor!"

"Brat, stop!"

Lao Qin's roar came from behind.

Qin Mo quickly disappeared.

A few days later, Qingming Festival came, and after Qingming Festival, it was Li Shilong’s fiftieth birthday.

Before it even started, the entire capital was already covered with colorful ribbons.

People spontaneously hung red lanterns in front of their homes.

The faces of the passers-by were also full of smiles. On this great day of universal celebration, even the captured slaves and prisoners of war got a few days of rest.

They sat on the ridge of the field.

The correctional officer even invited a storyteller to tell stories for them.

The applause was endless for a while.

Qin Mo was also called to Prince Yue's Mansion by Li Yue, and took out a box, "Look, this is the gift I carefully prepared for my father."

Qin Mo opened it and saw that there was a pen inside!

"Fuck, did you do this?"

Qin Mo took the pen in his hand and it was slightly heavy. It was made of pure gold and had the words "Longjing 14th Year, Gift from Li Yue" on it!
"Yes, haven't you used a quill pen before?" Li Yue said: "At that time, you said that the technology was not up to standard and you could not make a standard pen, so I wrote it down.

Basically, I design and polish the parts of the pen myself!

Although the style is not very exquisite, it is not about the heart but the traces! "


"Where is your gift? What is it?" Li Yue asked.

"It should be fine soon. You'll know when the time comes!" Qin Mo said.

"So mysterious?" Li Yue said, "Tell me about it."

"It's no surprise if you tell me." Qin Mo put the pen back. The gift he gave must be Da Gan's only one.

"Damn, how stingy."

"If there's anything else, I'll go back first!" Qin Mo said.

"Idiot, you've been so cold to me lately." Li Yue said, "Did I offend you again somewhere?"

"You didn't offend me, your father did."

Li Yue reacted, "There is no way. No one is suitable for managing Nanyang except you. After all, so many strategic layouts were proposed by you.

No one knows better than you.

Others either lacked ability or lacked prestige.

Apart from the veteran generals, only you can easily mobilize the armies in Lingnan, Annan and Tianxiang.

We are still young, so just work hard for two more years, and then I will definitely let you do what you want to do. "

Qin Mo sighed, "My father and I are both destined to work hard for the old Li family!"

"Why are you acting like a cow and a horse? It's such an ugly thing to say. We are brothers. No matter what position I am in in the future, our friendship will never change!"

(End of this chapter)

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