big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1264 Xu Jingzong, a man from Gaoyang County!

Chapter 1264 Xu Jingzong, a man from Gaoyang County!
"We'll wait until you do it." Qin Mo glanced sideways at him, "You've been around a lot of people lately, you can tell the difference between humans and ghosts yourself.

Wine is a good thing, but if you drink too much, you will get addicted easily.

As soon as the boss talks, there is no way to stop him.

Not everyone is like us brothers and don't know how to flatter.

If you say something wrong, people will take advantage of you. "

Qin Mo stood up and said, "When everyone says good things, you won't remember the bad people around you when you were in trouble.

Naturally, it is difficult to control your original intention! "

In the past, Lao Ba came here every three or five, but now it's good to come twice a month.

Although this is what he is happy to see, he has his eyes and ears both inside and outside the capital.

What did Lao Ba do? Qin Mo felt like a mirror in his heart.

He had agreed before that he would only love Liu Ruyu, and he would only complete tasks for other women.

But as far as he knew, he had accepted no less than the number of women on his hands.

In order to curry favor, those people will always try their best to put their daughters and sisters next to Lao Ba.

Although, this is also true.

But the dust hasn’t settled yet, and it’s not time to be happy yet.

If you are not an emperor, even if you are a prince, you must walk on thin ice.

Taking concubines also requires the consent of the emperor and the queen. This is respect and tells the emperor that he can cultivate his own power and enrich his wings.

He agreed and everyone was happy.

If those who disagree are accepted, trouble will easily occur.

"Idiot, I can't help it." Li Yue smiled bitterly: "When you are in a whirlpool, everything is out of your control!"

"I don't know, and I'm too lazy to know!" Qin Mo stood up, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

"Idiot, I really haven't changed!" Li Yue chased after me, "No matter who is around me, your position is irreplaceable."

Seeing his uneasy look, Qin Mo patted his shoulder and left immediately.

Li Yue began to reflect on what he had done these days and found that he had done nothing wrong.

But Qin Mo's attitude decided everything.

At this moment, the steward of Prince Yue's Mansion came, "Your Highness, the man from Gaoyang County is here."

Li Yue took back his mind. Xu Jingzong was a man from Gaoyang County. His father was Xu Shanren, the minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the Northern Zhou Dynasty. He was born in the Xu family of Gaoyang.

However, the Xu family declined during the conquests of the world.

He once served as a writer and supervisor of national history, and soon moved to Zhongshushe.

In the [-]th year of Longjing, he was demoted due to affairs and served as Sima of the Hongzhou Governor's Office. After that, he successively held the posts of Gei Shizhong, Huangmen Shilang of the Inspectorate, You Shuzi of the Inspectorate, and Shangshu of the Ministry of Etiquette of the Inspectorate. During this period, he participated in the writing of "Wude Shilu" and "Longjing Shilu". Because of his writing work, he was named Gaoyang County Male.

Later he was transferred back to the capital.

He is quite talented in literature and his father has praised him many times.

When he was in charge of the country, he attacked Gaoli, and it was Xu Jingzong who drafted the edict.

Therefore, Li Yue admired Xu Jingzong very much. When Qin Mo was away from the capital, Xu Jingzong also offered many suggestions, and Li Yue regarded him highly.

Xu Jingzong has two daughters, and now, both of them are in Li Yue's bed.

The sisters are quite virtuous. Although Li Yue has a relatively indifferent attitude towards them, for Xu Jingzong's sake, he also looked at them favorably!
"Please come in!" Li Yue came to the study.

Not long after, Xu Jingzong came in and said, "I am here to see His Royal Highness the King of Yue!"

Xu Jingzong was only fifty years old. He had a good appearance and a beard reaching to his chest. At first glance, he looked like a very mature and steady person.

"Yanzu, are you here for anything?"

Yanzu is the name of Xu Jingzong, which shows the expectations of his family for him.

"His Royal Highness the King of Yue, we have a big happy event coming this time!" Xu Jingzong said with a smile.After he was transferred back to the capital, he had been thinking about how to restore the former glory of his family.

Nowadays, people of the older generation are complaining about old age and dying.

Now his chance has come.

Hold Li Yue's thigh, he will definitely be reused.

As it turns out, he was right.

"What happy event?"

"Shi Dan has agreed to surrender!" Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "Shi Dan's envoy has signed the surrender letter and will present it to His Majesty on Christmas.

Your Majesty’s Sacred Heart will surely be delighted! "

Li Yue was surprised and happy. He took the letter of submission and read it, "Okay, great!"

However, he was overjoyed and asked: "How did you convince Shi Dan's envoy? Moreover, it was just Shi Dan's envoy who signed the letter of surrender. Isn't it too hasty?

This matter has always been under the control of the people from Honglu Temple. Are you going to intervene?"

Xu Jingzong said: "I know that this is not a good thing, but Christmas is coming, and seeing His Highness worrying about gifts, I feel burned inside and out, and I can't sleep day and night.

Therefore, I was willing to risk being accused by thousands of people, went beyond my duties, and persuaded Shi Dan's envoy. "

Hearing this, Li Yue felt indescribably grateful. Xu Jingzong was not only smart, but also understood. The most valuable thing was his ability to execute.

This kind of practical and capable minister is exactly what he needs, better than the idle people around him.

Those people can only be regarded as vassals and cannot be valued.

He knew it very well.

"Sit down, I don't mean to blame you!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Xu Jingzong sat opposite Li Yue, but his buttocks were only halfway touching. "Your Highness does not know that one of the envoys of Shi Dan is the eldest prince of Shi Dan."

Xu Jingzong told what happened, and Li Yue couldn't help but nod, "This eldest prince is also a smart man."

"If Your Highness doesn't believe it, I will call the eldest prince of Shi Dan here."

"Xin, this king Xin!" Li Yue was in a good mood, "Yan clan, I have wronged you!"

"Serving His Highness, no matter how many grievances you suffer, it's worth it!" Xu Jingzong said modestly.

"You are very good. This letter of surrender will be presented to the father by Prince Shidan. The father will definitely be very happy.

You have made a great contribution, and I will definitely help you ask your father for credit when the time comes! "Li Yue said.

Xu Jingzong said quickly: "I don't dare to be greedy for credit, I just want to relieve His Highness's worries and difficulties!"

The more Li Yue watched, the more satisfied he became. Although the older generation of civil servants and generals were quite good, they always felt alienated when facing him.

And she always talks to him like a senior.

This Xu Jingzong is very good.

"Every merit must be rewarded, and deeds must be punished. If the rewards and punishments are unclear, who will dare to help me in the future?"

Li Yue smiled and said.

"Your Highness is wise!" Xu Jingzong said gratefully.

The two chatted for a while, and then Xu Jingzong changed the topic and said, "I have one more thing to congratulate Your Highness."

"what's up?"

"The eldest sister and the second sister are both here. The doctor just consulted today and it is confirmed that it is a happy pulse. Congratulations, Your Highness, for the third blessing!" Xu Jingzong said with cupped hands.

Double hit?
Li Yue was stunned. He actually didn't have many heirs.

Liu Ruyu had only given birth to a son and a daughter for him so far, and the other concubines were also taken in later, and they only had two sons and two daughters in total.

Now that both of the Xu family have children, Li Yue is really happy, "Okay, okay, I will give you many rewards!"

(End of this chapter)

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