Chapter 1265
Xu Jingzong now has Li Yue's respect, which he only had when Qin Mo was away.

I consult him on all matters big and small.

He knew very well that whether he could rise to the top depended on this time.

He can't replace Qin Mo, and he can't suppress Liu Chenghu either. So, it's okay to be the third person, right?

And there may not be no opportunities in the future.

Seeing how happy Li Yue was, Liu Rujian frowned slightly, then relaxed his brows.

Li Yue is not the prince yet, but now he is as popular as the prince.

He may look humble on the surface, but with the magnanimity and majesty he displays, he seems to regard himself as the crown prince of this country.

He couldn't tell whether it was good or bad. It was probably because of the change in status that he had not yet adapted to it.

But Li Yue changed.

Liu Rujian, who had been following Li Yue all the time, could feel this subtle change.

Seeing that Li Yue greatly rewarded the two daughters of the Xu family, he even planned to ask the emperor to choose one of the two women to be a concubine.

According to the rules of Daqian, the prince can have one main concubine, two side concubines, and ten concubines, with no limit on the number of concubines.

But generally no one dares to search according to this quantity limit.

Li Yue did not designate both women as concubines, which shows that he still has some considerations.

Xu Jingzong expressed his gratitude and said, "I would like to express my gratitude to Your Highness on behalf of the two ladies!"

Li Yue helped Xu Jingzong up, "Yan clan, I will leave the affairs of Prince Shidan to you. Father's birthday will be in two days. If you can convince Ji He, I will ask for your credit." !”

Xu Jingzong was under a lot of pressure, but when he came, he had already convinced Ji He's envoy.

The reason why he didn't say anything was because he had already guessed Li Yue's thoughts, so he tried to attract others.

If he plays his trump card in one go, although Li Yue will be surprised, he won't find it difficult.

There are only two days until His Majesty's Christmas. Not only is time tight, but just listening to it makes me feel very stressed.

Looking at Li Yue's expression, he saw that although he just said it casually, he didn't have any expectations.

But this is what he expected.

"Yes, the humble minister will definitely die after exhausting himself!" Xu Jingzong looked really loyal, which completely penetrated Li Yue's psychology.

"Go down, I'm waiting for good news for you!"

"Wei Chen retire!"

After Xu Jingzong retreated, the corners of his mouth raised slightly. With Daqian's successive conquests, there were no opponents around him.

As Da Gan's confidant, Ji Fu Shi Dan has troops stationed in their country, so he is tired of Da Gan both physically and mentally.

Just waiting for a price.

After those people from Honglu Temple worked hard, they just missed the mark.

This kick was kicked away by Xu Jingzong.

The reason to convince them is also very simple.

In the future, the new emperor will come. If they can help at this time, the benefits will be extraordinary in the future.

It was this sentence that directly moved the princes of the two countries.

They were studying in Daqian and already admired Daqian. Considering the future, Yan had no reason to disagree?

"This time, I, Xu Jingzong, will definitely rise to the top!"

After dormant for many years, I, Xu Jingzong, will definitely have a place in this court in the future!
Soon, it was Li Shilong's birthday.

Today is a sunny day.

Envoys from various countries came in costumes and came early to wait.

Today's Daqian is the center of the world in every sense of the word, and the Kingdom of Heaven is on the throne!

There was no other way for them to go except licking.Li Shilong also dressed very coquettishly today.

Queen Gongsun followed him. Originally, Queen Gongsun wanted to take Concubine Li with her, but Concubine Li refused.

Although she is an imperial concubine, Li Yue is not a prince after all. If she is too arrogant, people will think that she is unreasonable.

Hello Queen, as a younger sister, she cannot be ignorant.

As expected, Li Fei refused, and Li Shilong couldn't help but nod. He was also very happy for the two sisters' humility, "Come with me."

Hearing this, Concubine Li's face was full of surprise, "Your Majesty, this."

"That's it." Li Shilong said with a smile: "Today, I have something big to announce!"

Li Fei's heartbeat suddenly increased.

Your Majesty said there is something big to announce. What big thing is it?
Is it not.
Thinking of this, she suppressed her excitement and followed Empress Gongsun with a low eyebrow.

Empress Gongsun smiled, thinking that she was lying if she said she was not disappointed.

It's also her fault that she didn't teach her children well, otherwise, why would this happen?
"Your Majesty, everyone is here!" Gao Shilian was also dressed very festively today, wearing red, which Qin Mo designed for him.

"You bitch, you look like an old groom today wearing a red ribbon and flowers!" Li Shilong scolded with a smile.

"These are all specially designed by Qin's Prince Consort, and the servants are also honored by His Majesty. However, no matter how fancy the servants are, they are nothing more than green leaves to support Your Majesty, the Empress!" Gao Shilian said with a smile: "Qin The new clothes designed by the Prince Consort are both novel and without losing the majesty of Daqian. They are not only upright, but also quite convenient to see through.

Wearing it makes you feel more than ten years younger! "

When people get older, they are afraid of being called old.

You are right to say that he is young.

Although Li Shilong didn't say it, he was very pleased with it in his heart. This new style of dragon robe is indeed good.

This is also a gift prepared by Qin Mo. The fabric is made of yellow background and the nine-clawed golden dragon embroidered with gold thread is vivid.

The nine-clawed golden dragon seemed to come alive and clung to his body.

The cuffs are made of auspicious unicorns, and the buttons are made of fine mutton-fat white jade.

He also wears white gloves on his hands, which is called handsome.

"Hmph, that bitch is a bit filial!"

Li Shilong snorted and led the two of them out of the hall. At that moment, everyone was watching.

Everyone knelt down and said, "Blessed be your Majesty!"

Gao Shilian said loudly from the side: "Stay flat and offer auspicious gifts!"

Li Shilong sat on the dragon chair, and Queen Gongsun and Concubine Li sat on both sides.

Li Yue brought a group of princes and princesses to celebrate his birthday.

Li Yue stepped forward and knelt in front of Li Shilong, "My son, Chen Yue, congratulate your father on Christmas and wish your father a long life!"

After saying that, he took out the gift he had prepared.

Taking the small box made of rosewood, Li Shilong asked curiously: "What is this?"

"The pen was polished by Erchen himself." Li Yue said with a smile.

Li Shilong opened the box and found a gold pen inside. He held it lightly and asked, "How do you use this?"

After Li Yue demonstrated it, he said: "After this pen is filled with ink, it can write three to four thousand words at a time.

When my father was reviewing the memorial, he didn’t have to dip it in ink repeatedly, which saved time and effort, and he didn’t have to worry about the ink falling on his clothes! "

Li Shilong wrote a few words, which were smooth and smooth, and the pen tip was hard, which was very suitable for writing in regular script and not bad in cursive writing.

And the ink dries quickly.

He glanced at Li Yue's hands and found that his hands were covered with scars and calluses.

I was even more satisfied and pleased, "You are thoughtful. I like this gift very much!"

(End of this chapter)

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