big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1266 Everyone is offended!

Chapter 1266 Everyone is offended!

Li Fei was also very happy.

Although this pen was not a heavy gift, it was sent to Li Shilong's heart.

Liu Ruyu also came up to give gifts. What she gave were clothes sewn by herself. Li Shilong, Empress Gongsun, and Concubine Li each had a set.

Li Shilong was very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, and praised her repeatedly: "Okay, I am very satisfied with this gift, I am very considerate of it!"

"Thank you, Father!" Liu Ruyu also breathed a sigh of relief. What she was most worried about was that Li Shilong didn't like him.

Now it seems that Li Shilong doesn't care what the gift is, but cares about whether it is thoughtful.

She glanced at Concubine Li gratefully.

Li Fei responded with a smile.

Soon, other princes and princesses also came up to give gifts in turn.

"Why didn't I see Shiliu?" Li Shilong frowned slightly, "Is he still in the research room and has forgotten my birthday?"

"Your Majesty, the Sixteenth Prince and the Commander-in-Chief Prince Consort of Qin have left!" Gao Shilian reminded in a low voice: "After everyone presents their auspicious gifts, there will be a street parade ceremony. The people of the capital, the elders over seventy years old, and the whole country Reputable and wise people from all over the country have arrived.

The Prince Consort said that this was the best time to show the majesty of the Great Qian and unite the soul of the country! "

Li Shilong nodded, he still believed in Qin Mo in this regard.

Whether it was Empress Gongsun's birthday a few years ago or the military parade, Qin Mo did a great job.

He was already looking forward to it now.

After the members of the royal family presented their auspicious gifts, the ministers, those below the fifth rank, had no chance to come forward.

I can only admire the sky from a distance.

The gifts he gave were all unique, and the smile on Li Shilong's face never stopped.

Soon, it was Xu Jingzong's turn, but he brought Ji He and Prince Shi Dan forward together. "The humble minister Xu Jingzong congratulates His Majesty on his longevity and wishes the country of Daqian Jiangshan thousands of years of prosperity. I specially brought Prince Ji He with me." Aguda and Prince Mo Rigen of Shidan are here to present a letter of surrender!"

After the words fell, Aguda and Mo Rigen stepped forward and knelt down on one knee, "The foreign minister Aguda (Mo Rigen) implores to surrender to Daqian. From now on, the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon will share the same fate, and the blood of all peoples will be compatible!"

Li Shilong was stunned. He never expected that at this juncture, Shi Dan and Ji He would join Da Qian.

He took a deep look at Xu Jingzong, then at Li Yue who was beaming with joy, and said calmly: "Send the letter of surrender!"

Gao Shilian quickly took out the two people's letters of surrender, which were stamped with the seals of the two countries. In addition, they were princes of the two countries, so this letter of surrender was naturally valid.

After Li Shilong read it, Long Yan was delighted and said: "Gao Shilian, read it to everyone!"

Gao Shilian quickly read the letter of surrender.

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were extremely surprised.

But among them, only Tang Jian, the minister of Honglu Temple, looked livid!

"Xu Jingzong deserves to die!"

This is a matter of his Honglu Temple, and the young minister of Honglu Temple who is in charge of Jihe Shidan has said that the results will be available within half a month at most.

Now he was actually cut off by Xu Jingzong.

He is neither from Honglu Temple nor does he care about this, so why should he do this?

This feeling is like pursuing a girl, everything has been negotiated, a lot of money and energy have been spent, and then the wedding is waiting.

It turns out that the groom is Lao Wang next door!

Who can stand this.

Many people glanced at Xu Jingzong, with strange expressions on their faces for a moment.

"Father, is Xu Jingzong following the orders of His Highness the King of Yue?" Gongsun Min asked in a low voice.

"Be careful what you say!" Gongsun Wuji lowered his voice and said, "Stop talking and just watch the show!"

After Gao Shilian finished reading the two people's letters of surrender, Li Shilong said: "Xu Jingzong, are you a county boy now?"


"I remember that it was Lao Ba who transferred you back. You participated in the compilation of "Records of Martial Arts" and "Records of Longjing" and wrote them well. Now you have persuaded Ji Taoshi Dan to join you. Tell me what reward you want!" Li Shilong asked.

Xu Jingzong's heartbeat quickened and he said quickly: "As a minister, it is your duty to share the worries of your king and father. Having no faults is the greatest reward!"

This sentence was said into Li Shilong's heart. He used to think that Xu Jingzong was good, but his character had some flaws.

On the anniversary of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, General Yu Wenhuaji of Youtun Guard launched a coup and killed Xu Shanren.

Xu Jingzong knelt down and cried bitterly, begging for mercy, and finally escaped. Then he defected to other anti-kings and took charge of the documents together with Liang Zheng.

Later he returned to the Daqian cadre and made some mistakes, so he was demoted to the Hongzhou Governor's Mansion as a Sima.

It seems that all these years of experience down there are still effective.

He is a practical person and can be left to Lao Ba.

"Lao Ba, how do you think I should reward you?"

When Li Yue came out, he couldn't help but feel overjoyed. He didn't expect Xu Jingzong to give him such a big surprise. He thought about it and said, "I can't be sure about such a great achievement. Please ask my father to make the decision!"

The phrase 'such a great achievement' sets the tone for this achievement.

Great achievements must be rewarded heavily.

"Then I'll make you a county uncle!" Li Shilong said: "It's hereditary, and I'll reward you with a county uncle's mansion and millions of gold."

Xu Jingzong was very happy. From the fifth rank to the fourth rank, the reward was definitely generous enough.

Moreover, there is an additional word 'hereditary' in front of the title.

Li Shilong is now very cautious about titles. In the past two years, he has almost never given hereditary and non-replaceable titles.

"Wei Chen, thank you for your holy grace!" Xu Jingzong suppressed the joy in his heart and did not show it on the surface. He even said with some shame: "It was also led by His Majesty and His Highness. Da Gan is what it is today. Otherwise, even if Wei Chen has eight mouths , and it is impossible for the two countries to surrender easily.

Wei Chen really picked up a coincidence! "

These words made Li Shilong and Li Yue feel happy when they were photographed.

Tang Jian almost died of anger.

This bitch, with his words, has negated the efforts of so many people in Honglu Temple, as well as the troops stationed in the two countries. Without them, how can you easily persuade them?

This makes them look particularly incompetent!
Xu Jingzong not only offended Tang Jian and Honglu Temple to death, but also offended the Bohai Navy to death!

Offending two major forces in one go is also a talent.

Liu Chenghu squinted his eyes and was full of anger, but Xu Jingzong was from Li Yue, so it was not easy for him to break up with him.

But this person must pay attention.

He is not a fool. If he does this in front of everyone, he is destined to offend many people.

But he was not afraid, which meant that he was determined to hug Li Yue's thigh.

If you go against him, you will lose Li Yue's face.

If you still want to hang out in court again, you have to think carefully.

"Okay, what's yours is yours!" Li Shilong knew it in his heart, but if Li Yue wanted to push others, he could only go along with the flow.

He labeled Xu Jingzong as an 'independent minister'. If he could be like Liang Zheng in the future, it would be of great use!

Xu Jingzong thanked him profusely and retreated.

Li Yue was very satisfied with this reward. He could feel that his opinion was becoming more and more important to his father!
(End of this chapter)

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