big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1267: You bastard, you tricked me into tears again!

Chapter 1267: You bastard, you tricked me into tears again!

"Your Majesty, Qin's Prince Consort has sent someone to urge us. Everything is ready over there." Gao Shilian said in a low voice.

"You bitch, instead of coming to give me a gift, you're here to urge me!"

Li Shilong curled his lips, stood up and said, "My lords, follow me out of the palace to enjoy the performance!"

Li Shilong joined hands with Empress Li Fei Gongsun and walked out of the palace, and everyone quickly followed.

After walking out of Chengtian Gate, a high platform has been erected not far away, which is where Li Shilong and the royal family members watch.

As soon as he appeared, the square was filled with excitement, and hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison: "May your Majesty be blessed!"

That sound almost shook the clouds in the sky away.

Li Shilong waved to them and immediately sat on the dragon chair. In front of him, there were several loudspeakers. He walked over in a familiar manner, "I also wish you good health and good luck!"

The loudspeaker was connected to other loudspeakers, and for a while, Li Shilong's voice resounded throughout the square.

Bang bang bang!
As the salute sounded, Yu Boshi, who was standing on the high platform on the other side, said: "Next, please enjoy the national fusion performance!

The first ones to come were the old and young men from Guanzhong! "


The old and young men in Guanzhong wore traditional costumes. At the head were land boats, bamboo horses, stilts, and lion dances leading the way.

The melodious Guanzhong folk songs rang out, praising Li Shilong's great achievements.

Social fire!

It’s Shehuo!
When the young and old men in Guanzhong saw this scene, their blood boiled with excitement!

"This kid is quite interesting!" Li Shilong stroked his beard, "He actually put on all these folklore programs!"

After the Guanzhong team left, the royal phalanx on the Longyou side of Longxi followed.

Traditional programs of one nation after another appeared.

Dozens of ethnic groups wore their own costumes and sang loudly: "The ethnic groups in the Central Plains are one family!"

Even a fool knows the meaning of this show.

At first, some people felt that these programs could not be put on the stage.

Now look at it, it’s simply a superb method!
"Jashu Yamato Square Formation!"

"Khitan Phalanx!"

"New North Slave Square!"

"High-power phalanx!"

"The Astronomical Formation!"

Next on the stage was the Nanfan phalanx led by Dalu Dongzan!
Everyone was stunned.

Nan Fan didn't return to work, why did he join the phalanx?

Li Shilong's eyes flashed with joy.

Others were also confused, but they already had vague guesses in their minds!

That is, Nan Fan will probably return to work soon!

The troubadours of Nanfan sang the greatness of Li Shilong in Nanfan language.

Another person translated and sang in Dagan dialect.

The most important line in the song is: We are all Dagan people, and all ethnic groups are one family!
"it is good!"

In the crowd, Xu Shichang shouted "Hello" and immediately applauded.

At that moment, everyone applauded as if it was an agreement.

The applause was deafening.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "We are all Dagan people, and all ethnic groups are one family. Welcome to join Dagan, and we will be one family from now on!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "We are all Dagan people, and all races are one family!"

At this moment, everyone put aside their past hatred and became closer to each other.

The military minister stood in the car, looking at the person in sight, and felt an inexplicable touch in his heart. "Father, you call me a traitor, but what I do may not be considered treason to the people under my command.

Hunger, poverty, cold, and illness have gradually moved away from us.

Dagan people believe in their promises, treat us very well, and give us good treatment!

In the future, the New Taipei slave country will be gone, and there will only be Daqian New Taipei slave people!

We are both from Dagan, and we are one family from now on! "There were tears in the eyes of the military officials. What a prosperous time this is.

How lucky are his military officials!

The people of Daqian were even more excited and shed tears. Those elderly people knew very well how Daqian went from being weak to being prosperous and strong step by step!
They took off their hats and looked at their former enemies.

Now, they are their own!

Li Shilong was also excited.

He thought the military parade a few years ago was shocking enough.

But now, there was no force to deter him, just some simple singing and dancing performances, but it was only Qin Mo who moved him so much, right?
"This piece of shit touches my heart every time." Li Shilong took a deep breath and suppressed the emotion in his heart.

He couldn't help but stretched his neck, thinking, he was almost gone, this bitch should appear, right?
Just as everyone was looking around, a float slowly came over.

The float is erected on a high platform of nearly three feet, and there are many speakers around the high platform.

On top of it, there is a woman dressed in red peony, who could it be if it were not Zhao Manyun.

In the past, he was in Tianxiangyuan and the Opera House, but now, he is facing almost the entire capital, and even nobles from all over the country.

Hundreds of thousands of eyes were looking at her.

This made her a little nervous.

She looked back, and there was a person standing there looking at her in the attic, which gave her enough courage!

Dou Yiai, Chai Rong and others were pushing the cart below, "It's time to sing!"

Zhao Manyun took a deep breath and said: "You and I are heart to heart and live together in Daqian Country."

A voice like the sound of nature sounded, and at that moment, goosebumps stood up on the skin of everyone around him.

Someone recognized her, "It's Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao from the Opera House!"

However, at this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at her were not greedy, but only admiration.

Behind the float, there were many cars, which were very big and had many young children on them.

These children are all dressed in costumes of various ethnic groups, representing their identities.

They stood together and sang in harmony with their childish voices, "For dreams, we travel thousands of miles and meet in the capital!"

At that moment, everyone's souls seemed to have been baptized.

There was not a trace of noise in the whole place.

Everyone was fascinated by the big floats, and with these small floats, weren't they just like Da Gan's mother, bringing children of all ethnic groups?
"Come on, friend!"

Zhao Manyun opened his hands, and his distant and clear voice made people couldn't help but raise the corners of their mouths.

"Extend your hand!"

The children on the float held hands, and everyone in the audience couldn't help but hold hands.

At that moment, no matter where you are from, no matter whether you are an enemy or a friend, at this moment, they are holding hands and heart to heart, they are all a family!

"Hand in hand, heart to heart, forever a family"

Hearing these words, countless people burst into tears, and countless people raised their hands.

"We are a family!"

"A loving family!"

Someone in the crowd shouted something, and at that moment, everyone cheered.

They hug each other.

Seeing this scene, even Li Shilong's eyes turned red, "You bitch, you tricked my tears again!"

(End of this chapter)

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