big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1268 I have to listen to you too!

Chapter 1268 I have to listen to you too!

"Your Majesty, I feel like my tears are uncontrollable!" Empress Gongsun wiped her tears and said, "This show is so good, and this song is so good!

When those phalanxes passed in front of us, I felt extremely proud and proud in my heart! "

Li Fei also nodded, "Yes, Jingyun is really thoughtful. This is more meaningful than any program!"

Everyone in the civil and military court nodded, even Yuchi Nobuo, who had to give a thumbs up at this time.

"Dad, I want to cry!" Yuchi Nobuxiong's sons said.

"Don't cry, hold it back!" Yuchi Nobuo glared at them with red eyes, "You idiot, I made you cry just after watching a show?
Disgrace our Yuchi family! "

"Dad, why do you have red eyes?"

"You know what the heck, I'm just thinking of the prosperous years in the past!" Yuchi Nobuxiong quibbled: "Your father and I have always been very emotional, don't you know?"

Qin Xiangru on the side was about to vomit, "The toad is singing, pretending to be a cultured person!"

"Old dog Qin, I think you are like a dog and can't spit out ivory from your mouth!"

Seeing the two of them having sex again, the people around them shook their heads.

Gongsun Wuji whispered to Gongsun Min: "The most powerful thing about Qin Mo is his control over people's hearts. No one will be able to surpass this show in the future."

"I understand, kid!" Gongsun Min said.

Xu Jingzong touched his chin, his eyes filled with envy. No wonder Qin Mo was so favored.

This guy is better at digging into camps than he is, so he must learn from it.

On top of the Chengtian Gate, Li Yuan was wearing sunglasses and sitting on a rocking chair. There was a teapot next to him, which was smoking.

April is the most comfortable day when the sun is neither hot nor dry. He said: "Daqian's silly son-in-law has 7 eyes. It's Christmas for Emperor Longjing. The silly son-in-law presents auspicious gifts!"

"Your Majesty, please slow down, my servants can hardly keep up with your speaking speed!" Wei Zhong took the pen and recorded quickly. Sometimes Li Yuan felt that it was not good and had to revise it again.

Li Yuan couldn't help but slow down.

He likes this program very much. Whether it is the ethnic phalanx or the song "You and Me", they all vividly show the vastness of the country.

That kind of tolerance and magnanimity can only be perfectly embodied by Qin Mo.

It is easy to conquer the world, but difficult to defend it. National integration is even more difficult!
But Qin Mo made a good start.

"Don't worry, just write a rough outline. I'll polish my pen later!" Li Yuan said and started humming, "You and I are connected, heart to heart, and we live together."

On the attic, Qin Mo was drinking tea and Xiao Gao was tapping his leg.

Yuan Tiangang also came to wrap things up. Xiao Xuanji didn't come, but it was said that he did!
Lao Yuan is in his forties and fifties and has been a bachelor all his life. Although Xiao Xuanji is old, he has taken good care of himself, so Qin Mo is not surprised.

"Master, you have to be careful. My aunt is old and it will not be easy to give birth. You have to be careful of rheumatism and diabetes in pregnancy.

Especially when you are older, it is more difficult to give birth naturally, so you need to arrange for a midwife in advance. If not, you need to perform a cesarean section in time! "Qin Mo told all the relevant knowledge about elderly pregnant women in his mind.

Yuan Tiangang was very serious when he heard it. He didn't dare to say anything else. Qin Mo still had a say in this matter.

Zan Ying would call Qin Mo "teacher" outside.

Qin Mo has no actual practice in surgery, but surgeons regard him as their ancestor.

"I remember!" Yuan Tiangang was still a little embarrassed. After all, he always had children, but he felt it was a pity to have them.

If I don’t do it, I’m afraid that Xiao Xuanji won’t be able to bear it.

But fortunately, Xiao Xuanji has never had children in his life, and he is pampered and has always been in good health. With his protection, he should be fine!
He looked at the crowd of people below and said, "Did you see two dragons entangled in the darkness?"

"What?" Qin Mo narrowed his eyes and looked over, "Where did the two dragons come from?" "One is a golden dragon with a golden body, and the other one is small, but its body is flaming red, like a ball of fire.

The little dragon has separated from the golden dragon and turned around and flew to the west! "Yuan Tiangang said: "It's strange, this is actually a big dragon, and I can't see clearly.

Do you think it's strange? "Yuan Tiangang seemed to have something in mind.

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Mo said: "But I have no talent for metaphysics. Master is afraid that he asked the wrong person when he asked me!"

"Really?" Yuan Tiangang smiled, "This fire dragon is really amazing. A few years ago, it was just a little loach. In the blink of an eye, it flew into the clouds and controlled the wind and rain.

I don’t know what the future will be like, but the golden dragon and the red dragon echo each other and are honored together! "

"It doesn't matter what dragon it is." Qin Mo poured him a cup of tea, "As long as it is a good dragon, since master is so interested, why not go find that dragon? Maybe there will be unexpected results!"

Yuan Tiangang stroked his beard and frowned slightly, as if he was really thinking about Qin Mo's words, "It's wrong, it's wrong, it can't be!"

"Okay, think about it yourself." Qin Mo took a sip of tea, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Gangzi actually figured it out.

Damn it, even in a parallel world, the person named Yuan Tiangang is still very fierce!
However, when Gangzi suddenly said this to himself, did he mean something, or was he just asking?

"I have been doing a divination in the past two days. The first hexagram is the Qian hexagram. Qian is the sky, which symbolizes the great Qian. It is prosperous, strong and upright, and it is the source of Henry's purity!
I divined the second hexagram, which is Kun. Kun is the earth. This hexagram is also a superior hexagram.

Xiang said: The fat sheep lost their flock and entered the hills. A hungry tiger opened its mouth when it saw it. The mouthful fills the intestines and the heart with joy. The hexagram indicates great auspiciousness and prosperity.

Water and fire work together and follow the direction of the sky. "

Yuan Tiangang dipped his hand in tea and drew the hexagram, "I divined this hexagram more than 20 years ago.

In the past 20 years, there has never been a Shang Shang Gua.

Now, two hexagrams in a row are Shang Shang hexagrams.

Incredible. "

As he spoke, Yuan Tiangang drew another circle and a sickle on the side of the circle.

Qin Mo's eyelids twitched, "What is this?"

"This is the Qian hexagram, this is the Kun hexagram; Qian is the sky, and it is called the sun.

Kun is the earth, and it is the moon.

The sun and moon are bright, water and fire are in harmony, and they conform to the weather!
So I finally came up with a clear word! "

Yuan Tiangang added: "It belongs to the fire virtue, which corresponds to the little red dragon.

If this little red dragon never leaves, then there will be a fight between the two dragons.

Waiting until the day of dormancy, when the fire is refining the real gold, it will have the potential to swallow up the mountains and rivers.

But the little dragon escaped.

But it also took away the luck! "

Yuan Tiangang leaned on his chair and moved his hands in the air, "So the original battle between the two dragons has now become a distant echo.

When the wind blows, the flying dragon rises in the sky! "

"Why didn't you tell Your Majesty about such a big thing?" Qin Mo asked.

"Your master, I have retired now. The divination is just for fun. You are the head of the Ziwei Star Sect. You have the final say, and I have to listen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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