big dry son-in-law

Chapter 1269 Listen, the dragon roars!

Chapter 1269 Listen, the dragon roars!
Yuan Tiangang said: "Don't cause trouble for me. If you want to say something, you can say it yourself. I won't say it anyway. When your wife gives birth, I still have to take care of the child. How can I have time to care about such a trivial matter!"

Qin Mo smiled, he understood what Yuan Tiangang meant.

"If you don't tell me, then I won't tell you either. It has nothing to do with me anyway."

"Well, it has nothing to do with either of us." Yuan Tiangang couldn't help but nod. Anyway, Qin Mo is the leader he chose. He can do whatever he wants. What will happen in the future is in his hands.

"Captain, the show is over!" At this time, Xu Que quickly came up to report.

"Let Shiliu and Qin go over there, and I won't get involved!" Qin Mo said.

"Yes." Although Xu Que has already arrived at the county level, he still respects Qin Mo. Without Qin Mo, where would he be today?
"What gift have you prepared for His Majesty?"

Qin Mo pointed to the specially made floor-standing telescope and said, "You'll know if you take a look."

Yuan Tiangang leaned over and took a look.

At this time, when the program ended, Yu Boshi was still delivering a generous speech, which aroused everyone's emotions.

Li Shilong asked Li Yue, "Will there be any programs later?"

"I don't know about this!" Li Yue said with a bitter smile.

"Didn't Jing Yun tell you?" Li Shilong said, "This piece of shit is pretty good at hiding."

"This show was secretly planned by Jing Yun. It was said to be a surprise and outsiders were not allowed to pry." Li Yue also asked about it, but Qin Mo didn't say anything.

At this moment, Li Xuan quickly ran onto the stage, "Father, come with me, the gift I prepared together with my brother-in-law, the teacher, has arrived!"

"Where to go?" Li Shilong frowned.

"Oh, you'll know it when you come!" Li Xuan said: "Everything is ready, Dean Qin is waiting over there!"

Everyone looked at Li Xuan curiously and wanted to know what gift Qin Mo had prepared for Li Shilong.

Li Shilong stood up and said, "Let's go over and have a look!"

He was actually quite curious and wanted to see what gift Qin Mo had prepared for him this time.

It was actually placed at the end.

Everyone followed Li Shilong.

After walking for almost half a quarter of an hour, Li Shilong said: "Not here yet?"

"We'll be there in about a hundred meters!" Li Xuan urged: "Hurry, hurry!"

Soon, the group came to the place where the gifts were placed.

That's a big guy with four wheels.

"Is this a steam locomotive?"

"To be precise, this is a steam car." Li Xuan introduced: "This car is two feet long and one foot wide. It has a built-in carriage and can carry six to ten people at the same time.

The fastest speed can reach 240 miles per hour!
This is also the first steam car in the world. My brother-in-law provided guidance and external drawings. Dean Qin Liao and I participated in the design and research and development! "

Li Xuan held his head high, indescribably proud.

Although the internal combustion engine had not yet been developed, the advent of steam vehicles provided him with a completely new idea.

My brother-in-law teacher also said that if the internal combustion engine is developed, the speed of the car can be two or three times faster.

However, with the current industrial base, it is still impossible to create such wear-resistant materials.

However, everyone present was not surprised when they heard Li Xuan's introduction.

The Victory steam locomotive only travels fifty or sixty miles per hour. This little steam locomotive is actually four times faster than the steam locomotive?
What is this concept?
It is two to three thousand miles from the capital to Lingnan, and it can be reached in two or three days at most.

"Are you sure it's so fast?" Li Shilong's breathing became rapid.

"Of course, we have verified it." Li Xuan said: "Father, get in the car quickly, this is a gift prepared by the three of us for you!"

Li Shilong was overjoyed. This gift was even more surprising than Xu Jingzong's convincing Aguda and Mo Rigen.

There is no one present who is not envious.

Damn it, who wouldn’t want this kind of treasure?

If you go out in such a flashy car, it won't be a shame to mention it.But the only one in the world who can make such a car is Qin Zhuang.

Qin Liao got out of the car and opened the door, "Your Majesty, please!"

Li Shilong thought for a while and asked Queen Gongsun and Concubine Li to ride together, "Lao Ba, Shiliu, you two come up too!"

"Father, I won't get in. I'm tired of sitting in this car!" Li Xuan waved his hand.

"Stinky boy!"

Li Shilong touched Li Xuan's head. The 16-year-old Li Xuan was already as tall as him, and even his voice became more adult-like.

"Then old man, come up with Ruyu!" After saying that, he took Queen Gongsun and Concubine Li and sat in.

Li Yue sighed secretly in his heart. It had to be Qin Mo. He would not have thought of this gift even if he were killed.

He took Liu Ruyu's hand and said, "Let's get in the car!"

Liu Ruyu was a little shy when being pulled in public, but after following Empress Gongsun for so long, she had already practiced it, and she followed him into the car generously.

"Your Majesty, this car doesn't have a name yet. Please give it a name, Your Majesty!" Qin Liao said with a smile and cupped his hands.

"Let's call it Dragon's Roar!" Li Shilong got on the car and turned to everyone: "Gentlemen, listen to this Dragon's Roar!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the name!" Qin Liao closed the carriage door and immediately drove the steam car to the main road.

On both sides of the road, there were Daqian imperial guards and people from six gates wearing new uniforms.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty, may you live forever!" everyone shouted in unison.

Li Shilong leaned out of the window and kept signaling for recruitment!
At this time, Qin Liao reminded Li Shilong that he could open the skylight above and stand on the table, which would make it easier to greet them!

Gao Shilian hurriedly opened the skylight, and Li Shilong stood up, and the view was indeed wide.

Although the steam train was slightly louder, it could not cover the voices of the people at all.

Li Shilong stood on the car and glanced at everyone.

At that moment, he felt contented as never before.

This life is worth it!

The gift Qin Mo gave him was one of the best gifts he had ever received in his life.

Empress Gongsun, Li Yue, also waved to everyone.

At this time, there were suddenly more people in the open space on the side.

He is from the Beijing Opera House.

They started playing impassioned music.

The place is noisy, but not chaotic.

Yuan Tiangang put down the telescope and couldn't help but said to Qin Mo: "This gift of yours is the only one in this world, and it has been sent to His Majesty's heart."

"It's a joke, don't show off!" Qin Mo waved his hand.

The emergence of steam vehicles meant that the barriers to internal combustion engines were getting thinner.

It means further improvement of industry.

If an internal combustion engine can be manufactured, then the development of an aircraft can begin.

Of course, this is all outlook.

Qin Mo stretched. Maybe in the next ten or twenty years, Daqian fighter planes would pass by in the sky.

The steam car came to Chengtianmen and stopped there.

Li Shilong took Queen Gongsun and others and got out of the car with satisfaction.

Just as Yu Boshi was preparing to end the ceremony, Li Shilong walked to the stage and said, "Today is my fiftieth birthday. I have something to say to everyone!"

(End of this chapter)

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